Hi, I checked the plugin and I saw these problems :
1) When you click on the order number, it doesn’t go to the order detail
2) When you click a second time on an order, it displays in the last reminder date cell : “undefined NaN NaN:aN”
3) Email heading and Additional content are not taken into account when we try to change the content of the reminder email.
4) We can’t customize the email with Kadence email designer
I want to send Emails using your Email Template programmatically but I got an error.
When I try to call $wc_emails['WC_Customer_Pending_Payment']->trigger( $order->get_id() );
I got an error saying Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method WC_Customer_Pending_Payment::trigger()
While analyzing further I got 2 issues.
1. In ‘/emails/class-wc-customer-pending-payment.php’, function trigger()
is not a method of Class WC_Customer_Pending_Payment
and its not “public”.
2. I see echo $this->recipient; exit;
in the above function.
Can you able to fix this immediately?
I noticed various issues and I want to report to you.
1. After sending the second manual reminder I see this error message https://prnt.sc/xh1935w6FoIO
2. This sentence is not possible to translate
3. After sending the reminder https://prnt.sc/9LCMd0pOVyDA
My php version is 8
Hello, first thanks for the wonderful plugin, I have a problem with sending mail I get this message from the WP mail SMTP plugin:
Attention! The last email your site tried to send was not sent successfully.
Email Source: WooCommerce
Mailer: Other SMTP
You must provide at least one recipient email address.
For more details please try running an Email Test or reading the latest error event.
Thank you very much for the help
]]>Hello, I am writing to you from Peru, thank you very much for the magnificent complement, consult: where you can modify the template, the footer, the header, all in Spanish and the store logo as well.
I await your kind response.
I’m unable to send anything using the plugin?
I get this error “Unable to send email”
Pic: https://snipboard.io/6Hru1Q.jpg
How to solve?
]]>Hello, thank you for the amazing plugin
I need change the “Pay Now” button text but couldn’t find how
There’s some file to modified that?
Best Regards
]]>Hi, I installed the plugin and it works all right but I noticed that it does not display all orders pending payment. Only 21 items appear but in the list of woocommerce orders there are more pending orders. How can I view them all?
thanks in advance
I have an issue ‘Unable to send email’ when I click ‘Send reminder email’ in plugin page (WooCommerce->PandingPayments). It may be related with another issue that I see empty columns: Customer and Email in orders table on the plugin page. Customers data (containing email address) is filled up in order.
I have just started using this plugin, so it never works on my site.
I do not see any plugin settings, so I assume that should works by default.
I use 1.0.1 version of plugin, 5.7.1 WooCommerce and 5.8.1 WordPress.
I have just tested your plugin, unfortunately I encountered some problems directly.
First the errors that exist in my opinion:
1. the mail texts are not retrieved from the configuration, except for the subject of the mail, but here the placeholder {order_number} is not converted (as in the order confirmation), but remains as a placeholder in the subject, also “Additional Content” is not displayed in the mail (see screenshots 1 & 2)
2. the “Pay Now” button cannot be translated with Loco.
3. in the overview of “Pending Payments” an error is displayed in the “Last Reminder” if the mail is sent more than once.
Furthermore, I would have the following feature requests:
1. do not use the order ID (WordPress ID) in the overview of the “Pending Payments”, but the order number, which is set by plugins like “Custom Order Numbers”.
2. before sending the mail, a dialogue “do you really want to?” as with the cancellation.
3. Round the line “Totals” to two decimal places.
(see screenshot 3)
I would be very happy if at least the errors were fixed soon, even more if the requests were also implemented.
Best regards.
Is there a translation file? Loco Tranlsate coulnd find anything