When an online form is submitted, and it attaches a copy of the linked PDF form (with the information from the online form automatically entered into the relevant fields on the PDF form), the PDF can still be changed by the recipient i.e. the data entered in the PDF form’s fields can be modified after receipt.?
This is a concern when personal data that may relate to GDPR etc. is being collected.
Any help on how to make the PDF attachments read only will be gratefully received.
Regards, Nick
]]>I have a PDF from 3rd party and when I upload and attempt to map the fields some show up but a few are missing. How do I find the ones that are missing and map them?
sto avendo problemi nel compilare un modulo pdf importato. L’ho sempre fatto ma da qualche giorno mi sono accorto di avere problemi quando provo a compilare e mappare le check box.
Succede che selezionando il campo dalla colonna “Campo WPForms / smart tag” e il campo della colonna “Campo PDF” e cliccando su Aggiungi Mappatura, mi aggiunge tutti i campi. Per far si che funzioni devo cancellare quelli in eccesso e lasciare quello esatto. Prima invece mi mappava correttamente uno per volta. Il problema è che ho un modulo con 17 campi di selezione ed molto macchinoso cancellare ogni volta le voci che non servono. (allego video e immagini)
Ho tutti i plugin aggiornati.
Video: https://streamable.com/hw6f6h
I need to create a form for quotations. In this form, in addition to the description of the good to buy, there should also be an image of this good. Is it possible to insert it by choosing this image from the WordPress Media library?
Kind regards,
On homapage PDF ninja API shows cost USD 49 but when we add it to cart it shows cost of USD 104 per year.
Image: https://pasteboard.co/rs7S9ADckTdP.png USD 49
Image: https://pasteboard.co/TchJBQz7ct7R.jpg (Cart) USD 104
Please help.
We are getting this error: The currently installed version of ‘WPForms’ plugin ( may not be supported by the current version of ‘PDF Forms Filler for WPForms’ plugin (1.1.8), please switch to ‘WPForms’ plugin version 1.8.99 or below to ensure that ‘PDF Forms Filler for WPForms’ plugin would work correctly.
Please advice.
Trying to upload an existing pdf that has a large number of fields to be mapped. On my 8Gb RAM laptop it eventually errors out on a memory issue, on a larger 32 Gb PC I get a large number of “Unexpected result from WPFormsBuilder.fieldAdd()” and I can’t save the fields that have already been mapped.
Can’t see anything in the logs to help.
The website does not explain how to get rid of the watermark.
]]>Hi, been testing the plugin and it’s working great! One question, though: I’ve left the “Path for saving filled PDF file:” field blank to disable that functionality, as the instructions mention.
I see the filled PDFs are still being saved to our wp-content/uploads folder, which makes sense given that they need to be stored somewhere to be sent or downloaded. But does disabling this functionality mean the files will eventually automatically be cleared from our server after a period of time?
If not, do you have any recommendation for how we might avoid using up storage unnecessarily, without needing to manually delete files periodically?
Not sure how this works on the back end in general, nor am I sure that we’ll have enough files generated for it actually become a storage problem, but just trying to cover my bases before we go all-in.
ho un modulo in cui ho inserito oltre ai campi, delle checkboxes. Quando vado a mappare il pdf riesco correttamente a farlo con tutti i campi di testo ma per le checkboxes non riesco a trovare le singole voci del campo.
sembra un bug.
come posso risolvere?
]]>I uploaded the pdf. The fields do not appear in the section matching form fields with pdf fields.
How should I do this?
Hello, congratulations on your plugin.
When a user fills out the form they have the option of downloading it and also having it arrive by email.
From the administration area you access the forms that have arrived and the field information appears.
You would need to be able to see the url of the PDF that you have filled in that information. It’s possible?
]]>I’m trying to embed the user’s IP address and the user’s geolocation (WPForms Geolocation addon) using available smart tags.
Unfortunately, the tags aren’t being replaced with the actual data. The tags themselves are embedded instead.
]]>This is an idea to add to the plugin.
Is it possible to add a checkbox with parameter Add PDF to email? When this is marked, the created pdf should be added to the email that is mentioned in de notification field Sent to Email Address. This way I don’t need to go to a folders where the pdf is created. I have it in my email.
The parameter should be in the PDF Form \ Options.
Looking forward to your answer.
In a form I map several fields and I have several checkboxes and map them to the PDF field and change them in to Yes.
But now the strange thing is there, that I still need some fields to map.
But they will not be saved in the field mapper tool. Can anyone help me?
I use version 1.1.3.
Thanks for this plugin but I’ve got an issue.
All the mapping disapears when I save the form. The PDF is not generated and linked to the email. I tried whith different PDFs but still the same issue.
It’s like a reset.
Do you know how to solve it?
]]>Hi. Not super clear on how to get started using this plugin. I have WPForms and have this plugin installed. I have a PDF I need to have customers fill in. Currently, it’s a bunch of underscores (_______) to create blank line where they would fill this in by hand or in a third-party document signing app like DocuSign.
How do I go from there to a form that can be filled out online on my website using WPForms? Do I need to create actual form fields within the PDF itself using a PDF editor?
]]>I am using a “Rich Text” field within WPForms to allow users to add basic HTML/markup such as bold/italic etc.
However, when this gets embedded into the PDF field I’ve mapped it gets placed as HTML. Is there a process in place to handle this so it displays correctly on the PDF with bold/UL List items, etc.
Hello, after manually mapping a 5-page PDF and pressing save several times to be sure. It turns out that the plugin settings are not saved for me and the PDF file is not attached to the email. Anyone else has happened? Where can I start to look to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,
All the best
I have a pdf that usually i print out and new recruits print name, date and sign each page. Looking to go paperless so i built a wordpress site, got the wpforms plugin, and the signature addon for wpforms, and then got pdf forms filler plugin to transfer the data to the pdf that i need filling out.
Everything works like a dream and transfers…….apart from the signature.
I’ve tried setting the field on the pdf as a text field, an image field and a signature field, and it just will not transfer the signature.
Any ideas?
]]>“PDF Forms Filler for WPForms Warning: The currently installed version of ‘WPForms’ plugin (1.8.0) may not be supported by the current version of ‘PDF Forms Filler for WPForms’ plugin (1.1.0), please switch to ‘WPForms’ plugin version 1.7.99 to ensure that ‘PDF Forms Filler for WPForms’ plugin would work correctly.”
Please advice how to use pdf filter. It doesn’t even show in the add-on list
When I try to add a Dates field on the WPform, the PDF is not filled and then when I refresh the setup page, all mapped fields disappear, even if I have saved the form.
I tried to change the date format, but same problem.
I see “skip when empty” and “flatten” as options but nothing about attaching to an email message. Do I need to be a wp-forms pro user to utilize this plugin?
]]>I am attempting to set up a reporting system for a non-profit organization. One of the fields on. The form has a couple of paragraph form entries. Is there currently a way to split that to span multiple lines on the pdf? I can always make it have multiple text lines, but that might be more confusing than helpful.
]]>Hi, how do I create a form field in a pdf?
possibly a strange request, but I trying to fill in 5 fields in a pdf file however the filename changes as it is for a medical alert card in different languages the card will have all the same fields call the same just the other text will be in one of several languages. What would be ideal is if I could change the filename on the fly eg: Alert-Card-UK.pdf to Alert-Card-DK.pdf
We are a small charity I was hoping for some help.
Best Regards