The plug has stopped working for a month now.
“There was a fatal error on your site.” I have a paid version that I cannot use
How can I get the submission date and time for entries? I need to display that in the PDF.
]]>How can I set the permissions (in functions.php) so editors have full control of this Addon?
]]>When i enable this plugin the submission process in Ninja forms breaks. It get’s stuck on “processing”. The submission get’s stored in WordPress but the success message and e-mail won’t show/send. Any idéa what could be the cause?
I want to try this “PDF Builder for Ninja Forms” on a localhost test website but I can’t install it.
I get the follow error: Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
And then the following extra error info follows:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rednaoformpdfbuilder() (previously declared in …\wp-content\plugins\pdf-builder-for-wpforms\autoload.php:5) in …\wp-content\plugins\pdf-builder-for-ninja-forms\autoload.php on line 5
What could be the raison for this fatal error?
Thanks for any help or suggestions.