Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to set up a hook to force a WooCommerce order status, currently, it puts orders in the “finish” status, it would rather be better to have the “in progress” status for orders with the payplug payment method. Thanks in advance
]]>Hi, I’m encountering an incompatibility problem between the payplug plugin and the official satispay woocommerce plugin.
specifically, once I pay with satispay the words of the “Satispay” payment method are replaced by those of the “Credit Card” payplug plugin.
This shouldn’t happen as I’m not using satispay via payplug.
I solve this problem by commenting out line 142 of PayplugWoocommerce.php
“$methods[] = NAMESPACE . ‘\Gateway\PPRO\Satispay’;”
but we all know that at the first plugin update this problem will return.
Can you tell me more? or possibly you can tell me how to deregister that payment method via my function.php.
recent update seems to kill performance of our website.
Disabling the plugin solve this issue. When the plugin is enabled, it adds 10-20 seconds to load any page on the website.
No errors in log, nothing special with Query monitor except load time increasing.
I have this error on my website :
Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 360 du fichier /plugins/payplug/src/Controller/PayplugGenericGateway.php. Message d’erreur?: Uncaught Error: Class “Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\OrderUtil” not found in /plugins/payplug/src/Controller/PayplugGenericGateway.php:360
Stack trace:
hi, we have problem when the payment is not complet or going error the system always redirect user to thankyoupage how is possible and how fix it?
]]>Hi, PayPlug for WooCommerce is not yet HPOS compatible. Do you plan to make the changes for the next updates?
Le plugin Playplug est-il compatible avec les multisites ?
Is the Playplug plugin compatible with multisites?
Best regards,
]]>Depuis quelques jours, le paiement avec Oney a disparu de mon site web. Si je le désactive et le réactive, il réappara?t mais finit irrémédiablement par dispara?tre. J’ai essayé en désactivant tous les autres plugins (à l’exception de WooCommerce) et en changeant de thème, mais le résultat est le même : il réappara?t lors que l’on désactive / réactive le paiement Oney puis dispara?t au bout de quelques temps sans que je puisse relier cette disparition à un thème, un plugin, une action ou une tache cron quelconque.
J’ai contacté le support de Payplug la semaine dernière mais je n’ai pas eu de retour à ce jour.
Est-ce que quelqu’un rencontre le même problème ?
Merci d’avance de vos retours d’expérience !
]]>Payplug ne fonctionne pas avec PHP8. J’ai une erreur critique, mais fonctionne avec PHP7.4
Pouvez-vous faire une mise à jour ?
]]>Hi, we had performances issues on a bunch of websites (delays on loading pages). Today we are moving a website in another server, and disabled all plugins to avoid a transfert issue.
When we reactivate them one by one, we found that your plugin creates performances issues (+2s average on page load).
Here a site (with payplug and woocommerce plugins activated) :
And here the same site with Payplug disabled :
]]>Hi Team,
We occured 2 differents kind of issues with the Payplug plugin.
Our environment: WordPress 6.2.2, Woocommerce 7.7.0 and 7.8.0, Payplug 2.5.3
The first issue is slowing down the WordPress loading (5 seconds).
The error trace, occured on each WP page is:
The second issue is about the WooCommerce shop order detail pages:
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: The parameter paymentId is not set.
in /htdocs/clickandbuilds/site/wp-content/plugins/payplug/vendor/payplug/payplug-php/lib/Payplug/Resource/Payment.php on line 169
Call stack:
Is it possible to download the older version of this plugin to make tests?
Thank for your help,
]]>Hi guys,
A little bit of context, I was doing a massive update to plugins and wp core and during the tests I found an issue with the Payplug 5.3.3. Additionally, I have WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.8.0.
The issue is that Payplug’s transaction details were not coming anymore, that’s why WordPress set the order status to “Pending”.
So still in the same config, I decided to investigate and tests several versions of Payplug. found that up to 2.4.1 I have no issue and beginning to 2.5.0 I have the issue.
Many thanks for your help
]]>Fatal error: Uncaught Payplug\Exception\PayplugServerException: [503]: Unexpected server error during the request.; HTTP Response: {“msg”: “temporarily unavailable (manual)”} thrown in /wp-content/plugins/payplug/vendor/payplug/payplug-php/lib/Payplug/Core/HttpClient.php on line 326
Version 2.5.0 payplug, PHP 8.1.16, wordpress 6.2.2
The issue is today maybe after update of payplug plugin in my two sites.
Depuis la mise à jour du plugin Payplug en version 2.3.0, le site génère une erreur PHP lorsqu’on édite une commande avec un paiement en 3x.
WordPress version 6.1.1
Thème actif : Hello Elementor Child (version 1.0.0)
Extension actuelle : PayPlug pour WooCommerce (Officiel) (version 2.3.0)
PHP version 8.1.13
Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 374 du fichier /home/xxx/web/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/Gateway/PayplugGatewayOney3x.php.
Message d’erreur : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /home/xxx/web/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/Gateway/PayplugGatewayOney3x.php:374
Stack trace:
0 /home/xxx/web/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): Payplug\PayplugWoocommerce\Gateway\PayplugGatewayOney3x->oney_refund_text()
1 /home/xxx/web/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
2 /home/xxx/web/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action()
3 /home/xxx/web/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php(301): do_action()
4 /home/xxx/web/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/class-wc-meta-box-order-items.php(40): include(‘…’)
5 /home/xxx/web/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1409): WC_Meta_Box_Order_Items::output()
6 /home/xxx/web/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(688): do_meta_boxes()
7 /home/xxx/web/wp-admin/post.php(206): require(‘…’)
8 {main} thrown
Hello, the plugin created a fatal error on the order validation page :
Fatal error: Uncaught Payplug\Exception\ConnectionException: [0]: Connection to the API failed with the following message: thrown in /xxxx/xxxxx/www/wp-content/plugins/payplug/vendor/payplug/payplug-php/lib/Payplug/Core/HttpClient.php on line 307
Everythings was working before. In the plugin settings, the verification test is working.
I will test the case of payment refused on my test environment. But as only the car number 4242 4242 4242 4242 is accepted how is it possible to test payment refused?
I am in the process of setting up payment in 3 or 4x.
If the popin of the basket is very good, I find it a pity that in the checkout we can’t have the cost of the credit and the rate.
Looking at the code of the file PayplugGatewayOney3x.php I do not see a filter to modify the content of the variable description. Is there a solution to modify this variable from the data contained in oney_response?
Thanks in advance
]]>Le plugin enclenche la création d’une session woocommerce (wp_woocommerce_session_)
dès que le visiteur navigue sur une page produit.
Ce cookie est normalement créé à l’ajout d’un produit au panier.
Sans le plugin Payplug, le cookie n’est pas créé lors d’une simple vue de page produit.
Le naviguateur re?oit alors des instructions x-cache BYPASS, qui lui disent de ne plus utiliser le cache browser.
Ce problème à pour effet de désactiver complètement le cache navigateur du client (pour la requete principle) dès lors qu’il visite une page produit.
I just looked at the information contained in the response following the payment in test environment using the hook payplug_gateway_payment_created.
In it I have a refundable_until variable that is empty. Can you tell me if this is normal, and how to make it filled?
For an order pending payment, it is not possible to restart the payment from the customer area.
Plugin was working well but I think my wordpress or my server had an update and now I have this error on website :
“Warning: The magic method Payplug\PayplugWoocommerce\PayplugWoocommerce::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/PayplugWoocommerce.php on line 78
When I try to access back office, it’s unavailable due to those messages :
“`Warning: The magic method Payplug\PayplugWoocommerce\PayplugWoocommerce::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/PayplugWoocommerce.php on line 78
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/PayplugWoocommerce.php:78) in /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1355
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/payplug/src/PayplugWoocommerce.php:78) in /homepages/34/d854897228/htdocs/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1358`”
From what I understood it’s due to PHP8 (I was on PHP7) but maybe my host updated the server recently.
When do you think you will provide an update and a fix?
It’s been 8 motnhs since you announced working on this issue and as a customer of your service I’m asking myself if I should keep working with you…
Thank you in advance
]]>Is Payplug compatible with Woocommerce subscriptions? For recurring payments.
Thank you
we use WooCommerce – PDF Vouchers and Payplug together but we have an incompatibility issue.
When WooCommerce – PDF Vouchers is enable, the order can’t go the thank you page and generate infinite note order (thounsands, waiting for timeout). The payment can’t be validated.
When disabling this plugin, it’s all right.
Can you do something?
Impossible to acces to cart page. i’ve got this error :
Fatal error: Uncaught Payplug\Exception\ForbiddenException: [403]: Forbidden error. You are not allowed to access this resource.; HTTP Response: {“message”: “Access to this resource is forbidden.”, “id”: “6e2bde2881ea11ecb92f83fdd069a75f”, “object”: “error”} thrown in /wp-content/plugins/payplug/vendor/payplug/payplug-php/lib/Payplug/Core/HttpClient.php on line 340
I update to WordPress 5.9
Can you help me ?
]]>I have this error:
The magic method Payplug\PayplugWoocommerce\PayplugWoocommerce::__wakeup() must have public visibility
The plugin works well except on the thank you page which takes more than 30seconds to load.
If I disable Payplug every thing goes back to normal, do you have a solution ?
Thank you
Payplug plugin Version 1.2.11
WooCommerce Version 5.8.0
Hi, I get this error message on my site :
2021-10-06T15:02:09+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Payplug\Exception\ForbiddenException: [403]: Forbidden error. You are not allowed to access this resource.; HTTP Response: {“message”: “Access to this resource is forbidden.”, “id”: “5fb03a5f26b611ecac084fd825642d89”, “object”: “error”}
thrown dans /prod/sfil_asso/wp-content/plugins/payplug/vendor/payplug/payplug-php/lib/Payplug/Core/HttpClient.php à la ligne 340
How to solve this ?
On my current version : 1.2.3
A customer ordered and paid via Payplug.
He correctly inputed his Credit card info. The order went from PENDING to PROCESSING. The user was asked for a 3D Secure code which he didn’t complete. The order went from PROCESSING to FAILED.
The issue is that an invoice was created for a failed order thus creating a gap in the connected CRM invoice numbering (failed orders not being transfered).
It would be better to pass the order as PROCESSING when the 3D secure process is finished.
Please let me know if that’s corrected in version 1.2.10 as we already updated the plugin.
I would like to know how to make the 3X payment without fee for the customer ?
There is nothing on the wordpress backoffice, or payplug backoffice to do this .
Thank you,
On a local development environment, with WP_DEBUG set to “true”, I see the following PHP Notices when I visit some pages:
Notice: Undefined index: oney in \path\to\plugins\payplug\src\PayplugWoocommerceHelper.php on line 475
Notice: Undefined index: oneycgv in \path\to\plugins\payplug\src\PayplugWoocommerceHelper.php on line 476
This notices appear on:
– /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings
– /cart/ -> totally broken
– etc…
My settings:
– PHP 7.3.5
– WordPress 5.7.2 and v5.8
– WooCommerce 5.5.1
– Payplug plugin 1.2.2 and next (1.2.1 is OK)
You can find some websites with the same issue in production environments by searching in google:
Notice: Undefined index: oneycgv “PayplugWoocommerceHelper.php”