When express checkout is used and Enable Smart Buttons is checked, if the user clicks on one of the Credit Card buttons BELOW the shopping cart details, the credit card form appears but then hangs and never actually displays in-page.
]]>I’m using a custom theme, and i installed paypal payments for woocommerce, but the paypal buttons won’t show up on the checkout page ,they show up on the cart and single product page but not on the checkout. Also when i click on the Place Order button from woocommerce it gives me the error “No PayPal order found in the current WooCommerce session.”
Can you please assist !
Thank you in advance.
Is it possible to get an alert when the paypal email has changed in the settings? Or 2FA to change it? Thanks.
]]>Hii teams,
During Payment with PayPal on Checkout Page i have get error message
[UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY] The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation. https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/orders/v2/#error-CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED
and i have change currency according to india.
function woocommerce_paypal_args_for_inr($paypal_args){
if ( $paypal_args['currency_code'] == 'INR'){
$convert_rate = getFromYahoo();
$count = 1;
while( isset($paypal_args['amount_' . $count]) ){
$paypal_args['amount_' . $count] = round( $paypal_args['amount_' . $count] / $convert_rate, 2);
$paypal_args['tax_cart'] = round( $paypal_args['tax_cart'] / $convert_rate, 2);
return $paypal_args;
add_filter('woocommerce_paypal_args', 'woocommerce_paypal_args_for_inr');
function getFromYahoo()
$from = 'INR';
$to = 'USD';
$url = 'https://finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?e=.csv&f=sl1d1t1&s='. $from . $to .'=X';
$handle = @fopen($url, 'r');
if ($handle) {
$result = fgets($handle, 4096);
$allData = explode(',',$result);
return $allData[1];
Again i am unable to set payments through PayPal Live as well as sendBox credentials.
When a customer places an order and pays using Paypal the payment indicates it hasn’t gone through and the order changes from Pending Payment to Cancelled. This is the message we receive ‘Unpaid order cancelled �C time limit reached. Order status changed from Pending payment to Cancelled.’
The payment did go through to Paypal but the website didn’t indicate that and cancelled the order.
This has only been happening for the last week.
I want to create a checkout flow, User should be able to set up his order like before going to the check-out page there should be a “Set-up your Products” page where the user should be able to add different notes against every product. Users should also be allowed to upload files for that specific product.
Flow Should be like this,
“Cart” –> “Set-up Order” –> “Checkout Page”
Our company is based in Ireland. However, when using the express “debit or credit card” button on the product page the country defaults to U.S (see screenshot) and this is causing errors with Irish billing addresses. Is there a way to change this to Ireland by default.
Hi I’m getting this error after activating Payments Pro in my client’s Paypal account:
DoDirectPayment API call failed.
Error Code: 10626
Detailed Error Message: Transaction refused due to risk model
Is this an issue with the settings within Paypal? My client has tried multiple different credit cards but getting same error
Thank you
]]>Hi I have installed your plugin for Paypal.
In the beginning it worked correctly I had Pay Pal inside the checkout page and the product page.
For aa test I temporarily disabled the buttons on the product page, now when I go to reactivate them they are not shown anymore.
I have Flatsome Theme installed.
]]>PayPal DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call failed
Error Code: 10486
Error Severity Code: Error
Short Error Message: This transaction couldn��t be completed.
Long Error Message: This transaction couldn��t be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
A transaction completed today for 80.24 and checking my and the customers paypal transaction it incorrectly charged 8.24. How can this happen? What can I do to make sure this does not occur again?
I’m getting a lot of orders failing through paypal currently. I’ve asked paypal and they said to check with the plugin developer.
I’m getting the following:
PayPal Express Checkout Error Notification
PayPal SetExpressCheckout API call failed
Error Code: 11452
Error Severity Code: Warning
Short Error Message: Merchant not enabled for reference transactions
Long Error Message: Merchant not enabled for reference transactions
None of my products are subscriptions so don’t need recurring payments.
I’ve had to disable paypal temporarily now and use another payment gateway until I can figure this out.
Do you know what could be the cause?
]]>I get an error “Things dont appear to be working at the moment.Please try again later”.
I have already checked below things.
1. Block non-encrypted website payment as ‘ON and ‘OFF’ both – not working
2. Block accidental payments as ‘no’.
I have a general question. Reading the description of the PayPal advanced payment method the documentation page says that partial refunds are not possible.
Is this a limitation of the woo-commerce plugin/system?
I currently use PayPal advanced on a magento website and I issue partial refunds all the time without issue.
For example, I may refund partial shipping costs, or modify an order if contacted by a customer prior to shipping. Is this not possible with woo-commerce when using PayPal advanced?
Thanks for any clarification that can be provided.
I have a problem with IPN issue, I hope any developer can help me here
I have configured the IPN in Paypal, but it is not sending messages to my website.
the developer in Paypal gave me this code https://github.com/paypal/ipn-code-samples
I really do not know how to use it to fix the payment problem on my site.
from my dashboard, in the payment log, there is no PayPal message!
could you help me pls?
]]>please can you help as paypal express bottom slowing my page big time , thanks
I have this error processing payments:
07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Requesting for the Secured Token for the order 5988
07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Requesting for the Secured Token for the order 5988 with following URL and Paramaters: https://payflowpro.paypal.com?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
07-19-2020 @ 19:10:51 – Request: Array
[USER] => xxxxxxxx
[VENDOR] => xxxxxxxxx
[PARTNER] => PayPal
[PWD[16]] => XXXX
[SECURETOKENID] => xxxxxxxxxx
[CUSTREF] => 5988
[USER1] => 5988
[AMT] => 553.79
[FREIGHTAMT] => 0.00
[COMPANYNAME[27]] => Acton Academy at Fall Creek
[BUTTONSOURCE] => AngellEYE_SP_WooCommerce
[RETURNURL[82]] => https://www.sssssss.com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
[MERCHDESCR] => sssssssss
[CANCELURL[103]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?cancel_ec_trans=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
[ERRORURL[93]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?error=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
[SILENTPOSTURL[94]] => https://www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/?silent=true&wc-api=WC_Gateway_PayPal_Advanced_AngellEYE
[ITEMAMT] => 553.79
[L_NUMBER0] => sonrisas-level-1
[L_NAME0] => Sonrisas Level I
[L_COST0] => 489.00
[L_QTY0] => 1
[L_SKU0] => sonrisas-level-1
[L_NUMBER1] => book-margarita-y-margaret
[L_NAME1] => Margarita y Margaret
[L_COST1] => 7.99
[L_QTY1] => 1
[L_SKU1] => book-margarita-y-margaret
[L_NUMBER2] => book-tengo-sentimientos
[L_NAME2] => Tengo sentimientos
[L_COST2] => 5.95
[L_QTY2] => 1
[L_SKU2] => book-tengo-sentimientos
[L_NUMBER3] => book-sali-de-paseo
[L_NAME3] => Sal�� de paseo
[L_COST3] => 7.99
[L_QTY3] => 1
[L_SKU3] => book-sali-de-paseo
[L_NUMBER4] => book-escribir-los-numeros
[L_NAME4] => Escribir los n��meros
[L_COST4] => 5.95
[L_QTY4] => 1
[L_SKU4] => book-escribir-los-numeros
[L_NUMBER5] => book-las-figuras-geometricas
[L_NAME5] => Las figuras geom��tricas
[L_COST5] => 5.95
[L_QTY5] => 1
[L_SKU5] => book-las-figuras-geometricas
[L_NUMBER6] => book-un-recorrido-por-las-estaciones
[L_NAME6] => Un recorrido por las estaciones
[L_COST6] => 8.99
[L_QTY6] => 1
[L_SKU6] => book-un-recorrido-por-las-estaciones
[L_NUMBER7] => book-las-estaciones
[L_NAME7] => Las estaciones
[L_COST7] => 6.99
[L_QTY7] => 1
[L_SKU7] => book-las-estaciones
[L_NUMBER8] => book-oso-bajo-el-sol
[L_NAME8] => Oso bajo el sol
[L_COST8] => 7.99
[L_QTY8] => 1
[L_SKU8] => book-oso-bajo-el-sol
[L_NUMBER9] => book-de-la-cabeza-a-los-pies
[L_NAME9] => De la cabeza a los pies
[L_COST9] => 6.99
[L_QTY9] => 1
[L_SKU9] => book-de-la-cabeza-a-los-pies
[TAXAMT] => 0.00
07-19-2020 @ 19:10:54 – Secured Token generation failed for the order 5988 with error: There was an error processing your order – Field format error: Request is too large to process
07-19-2020 @ 19:10:54 – Secured Token generation failed for the order 5988 with error: There was an error processing your order – Field format error: Request is too large to process
Do you know which canbe the problem?
]]>I’m getting NUMEROUS reports from users where when they try and buy product, the Paypal disappears!
We’ve been experiencing double orders entering on our site but they have the same paypal transaction ID… so we received only one payment. These orders are only 1 minute apart. Is this a paypal issue or woocommerce issue? Is there a fix for this?
Also, what we are thinking is if there are two orders with the same paypal transaction id, then the order should not be created OR should be placed on On Hold status.
When checking out using PayPal Website Payments Pro (DoDirectPayment), the user gets an empty message notice on top with just a hyphen as the info.
It seems like there was an error page and the order says failed in the backend, however, the charge does go through to my paypal.
Any idea what might be causing this?
We have experienced a strange-looking error during checkout. We are using latest WooCommerce and latest version of your plugin. Seems like I can’t include a screenshot, but on a checkout page, when order has been made, ont after “Thank you. Your order has been received”, right after “Payment method: PayPal Exporess” there is a visible code that starts with “function EncodeQueryData(data){ver ret = []”… etc. It’s right there on the page in plain text. Any idea what it is?
]]>I’m struggling to see where I can enable things like PayPal credit and potentially Venmo on my site. We are using the plugin and currently have the payment options of “PayPal Payments Pro 2.0” and “PayPal” enabled and functioning.
]]>Hello everybody
I would like to implement the express checkout in one of my site.
On our standard checkout the customer needs to register also the VAT number, we place it as a custom field in the checkout form. In The express checkout this field is not considered and the customer could not insert at the end.
How we could proceed?
The “Pay by Debit or Credit Button” is shown on a desktop screen but is replaced by an “Open an Account” button on mobile devices. This has been tried on both Android with Chrome and iPhones with Safari. Clearing cookies has no effect. Viewing the PayPal window on a desktop using the developer tools to emulate mobile devices produces the same results full screen gives “Pay by Debit or Credit Card” option and small screen “Open an Account”. As over 50% of visitors are likely to be using mobile devices this is a major failing.
Since 12 February 2020 at 12:55:46 GMT, most incoming orders has “Pending Payment” order status at the backend of our site instead of “Processing”.
These orders are paid via PayPal. The payment received successfully and payment status on Paypal is COMPLETED.
The plugin has been working great on an old aged paypal account, However recently I switched to a new PayPal account and some payments I get the following email from paypal:
“We’ve placed the funds on hold because we believe this transaction may involve a higher than usual risk. There’s no need for you to do anything and as long as no claims are raised by the buyer, the funds will be automatically released in 14 days.”
PayPal still insists that it is “OK” to send the product to the buyer. However we are issuing digital products and our items are not sending because the WooCommerce order status is set to ON HOLD, our items are only sent once payment is verified which means “Processing” order status.
Is there anyway we can fix this, since the payment isnt on hold… its just on hold internally by paypal. the customers payment is still perfectly acceptable so we need to still issue the digital items in this case.
I have exhausted my knowledge on troubleshooting this.
I have a donation website working with your plugin and the same settings on another website.
The paypal does not show on the checkout for $.
I have disabled plugins. I have checked geo locations. Disabled shipping etc.
I have renewed the api keys, tested on another domain (the one where its working)
and still nothing.
Please help, i dont know what else to do with regards to this.
]]>I use PP checkout,
I tried https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#update-a-payment-gateway with id ��ppec_paypal�� but with my input. I got 200 response but it doesn��t work.
This is my body request
{"settings": {
"title": {
"id": "title",
"label": "Title",
"description": "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.",
"type": "text",
"value": "",
"default": "PayPal",
"tip": "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout.",
"placeholder": ""
"api_username": {
"id": "api_username",
"label": "Live API Username",
"description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"type": "text",
"value": "***********",
"default": "",
"tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"placeholder": ""
"api_password": {
"id": "api_password",
"label": "Live API Password",
"description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"type": "password",
"value": "************",
"default": "",
"tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"placeholder": ""
"api_signature": {
"id": "api_signature",
"label": "Live API Signature",
"description": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"type": "text",
"value": "****************",
"default": "",
"tip": "Get your API credentials from PayPal.",
"placeholder": "Optional if you provide a certificate below"
"api_certificate": {
"id": "api_certificate",
"label": "Live API Certificate",
"description": "No API certificate on file.",
"type": "file",
"value": "",
"default": "",
"tip": "No API certificate on file.",
"placeholder": ""
"api_subject": {
"id": "api_subject",
"label": "Live API Subject",
"description": "If you're processing transactions on behalf of someone else's PayPal account, enter their email address or Secure Merchant Account ID (also known as a Payer ID) here. Generally, you must have API permissions in place with the other account in order to process anything other than \"sale\" transactions for them.",
"type": "text",
"value": "",
"default": "",
"tip": "If you're processing transactions on behalf of someone else's PayPal account, enter their email address or Secure Merchant Account ID (also known as a Payer ID) here. Generally, you must have API permissions in place with the other account in order to process anything other than \"sale\" transactions for them.",
"placeholder": "Optional"
Any help with body request?
I��m using the plugin since one year ago and works great. In the beginning I had it configured to show the Express Checkout button in the Cart Page. It was working perfect but I decided to change the location of the button to the Checkout page and I selected to show them in the enabled list of general gateways. The buttons are not shown and just a selector for paypal and a button to go to Paypal leaving the site is shown? It��s reallly interesting for us avoiding users leaving the page for paying.
Using WordPress, and woocommerce in the last version, and theme Shopkeeper also up to date.
Is it normal?
Thanks in advance
]]>In my cart page the word “or” is between the price total and the “check out with paypal” button.
(how do I add an image of the problem to this thread?)
How do I get rid of the word “or”
Also – in woocommerce/setting /payments – I must check “paypal express checkout” as well as “paypal checkout” I have three sites all with the same version of woocommerce (5.2.4). One site has both options I must check and has the problem I mentioned above and the other 2 sites only have the “paypal checkout” option and have no problems.