After the latest plugin update the cash on delivery option is not showing for the included user roles. What can I do?
]]>Hi, I have submitted on the form and emailed with no feedback yet?
Is there an estimate of when this plugin will be compatible with the new WooCommerce databases?
]]>2021-01-29T20:40:51+00:00 CRITICAL require_once(): Failed opening required 'includes/settings/class-alg-wc-payment-gateways-by-user-roles-settings-section.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/share/pear:/home/***/public_html/staging2/wp-content/plugins/myworks-woo-sync-for-quickbooks-online/includes/lib/quickbooks-lib') in /home/***/public_html/staging2/wp-content/plugins/payment-gateways-by-user-roles-for-woocommerce/payment-gateways-by-user-roles-for-woocommerce.php on line 135
Something during the activation/installation process is blocking the includes/settings folder from being created. Problem can be solved by manually installing the plugin.
]]>It would be awesome for the community if you add more description about the plugin and what is available in this free version.