PHP 8.2+ is issuing deprecation warnings for the dynamic properties declared in WC_Gateway_Borgun. This is easily remedied by declaring the relevant properties in the class:
class WC_Gateway_Borgun extends WC_Payment_Gateway {
// [...]
// declare properties to avoid deprecations error
private $testmode;
private $merchantid;
private $paymentgatewayid;
private $secretkey;
private $receipttext;
private $redirecttext;
private $successurl;
private $cancelurl;
private $errorurl;
private $langpaymentpage;
private $notification_email;
private $TotalLineItem;
public function __construct() {
// [...]
Alternatively one could use #[\AllowDynamicProperties], but I think in a payment plugin the better approach is to explicitly declare properties.
Also, Borgun / SaltPay is now of course Teya. Might be nice to update the plugin name / description accordingly to make it easier to find.
This Plugin is working great. We use that from 1 month ago. Just a one missing thing is Payment ID appaerance on customer order page. Unfortunately with other payment gateway you have option see the payment ID, if you have lot of orders it is helping you to pairing refund orders. If it is possible we would like to see this in the next developments. Thank you guys!
]]>Dear Sir or Madam,
Please, make sure to add the feature/possibility to select the shipping method to which your payment method is shown.
Currently, I have “local bickup” for shipping method, and your payment method shows up which has no sense at all.
If your plugin works for “online payments”, and in example where the customer selects the “local pickup”, it doesn’t make sense to show him “pay online via borgun”.
Would be nice to have this as soon as possible.
I try to use your plugin to implement Borgun payment gateway, but it doesn’t seem to work. I try to use it in test mode, but when it redirects me to Borgun ( I see an Unexpected error message. There is no additional info on it, so I cannot debug it. The payload (data sent to Borgun) seems OK based on the Borgun documentation, but the payment window doesn’t appear for some reason. I checked all docs I could find online, and used the default test merchant IDs the plugin recommended, but still no luck.
I use Woocommerce 5.8 (but also tried on 5.9 and 6.0), and tried on different websites (fresh WP install, localhost, http, https, online domain).
I see another ticket with same problem, without answer since 10 months… If this plugin is still maintained, please help to get Borgun payment work.
Hi there,
I’m getting an unexpected error on checkout since the latest WooCommerce update. There’s no error number and I can’t locate any log, so it’s difficult to debug to find where it’s failing.
Could you provide any ideas as to how I can fix this please?
Many thanks in anticipation.
Many strings are not translatable in the plugin version 1.3.5.
There are hard coded ones, both in English and Icelandic.
Some examples:
echo '<p>Thank you - your order is now pending payment. We are now redirecting you to Borgun to make payment.</p>';
$this->method_description = 'Borgun Secure Payment Page enables merchants to sell products securely on the web with minimal integration effort';
<p>Pay with your credit card via Borgun.</p>
Current Store currency is not valid for borgun gateway. Must be in ISK, USD, EUR, GBP, DKK, NOK, SEK, CHF, JPY, CAD, HUF
message: "Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to Borgun to make payment.",
$borgun_args[ 'itemdescription_' . $item_loop ] = 'Sendingarkostnaeur (' . $order->get_shipping_method() . ')';
$borgun_args[ 'itemdescription_' . $item_loop ] = 'Vireisaukaskattur';
]]>I’m got this error message with woo 3.1.1.
“billing_email was called incorrectly. Order properties should not be accessed directly”
How can I fix this?
I am using a multilingual site with WPML. Unfortunately I can select only one language from the Language of Payment page dropdown. It would be nice that your plugin supports different language settings on this field.
I’m using the latest version of WooCommerce (3.0.6, just updated from 3.0.5 -> same in both version).
My problem is, that I have a product, priced 2800 HUF, but there is a TAX next to it, which is 27%, so the net is around 2800/1,27=2204.72440945 HUF. As I could see, maybe the WooCommerce, or maybe the Borgun plugin sends 2205 HUF, and this way the borgun redirects me to an error page (or simply back to the order page).
With product without tax, it’s working well. Same applies for shiping costs, as if there is no tax, it’s working, with taxes it’s not. Maybe there is some issue with rounding.
How can I solve this issue?