I have using payfort plugin for my woo-commerce website. After filling card the card details i am getting Error processing checkout. Please try again. Error message. Can you please help me out on this.
New to wordpress but figured things out and launched my website know-sa.com today. Unfortunately I downloaded payfort plug in and when activating it, the whole website and dashboard disappeared and the following apperd
Fatal error: Class ‘WC_Payment_Gateway’ not found in /home/gbntckn/public_html/know-sa.com/wp-content/plugins/payfort/inc/main.php on line 4 ”
Please help … How do i get my dashboard and website back up and running
]]>Payfort payment gate will support with WC Vendor plugin or not for vendor commission rate.
]]>I have in error (on screenshot) https://prntscr.com/fusglx
My site is on subdomain and plugin didn’t know own root directory/
]]>Hello Support Team,
We are working on a Woo-Commerce website using Payfort payment gateway and other payment gateways. On checkout page when user changes the address based on that currency is changed which i can see in stripe payment gateway but when i try the same with payfort payment gateway the amount is updated but the currency is not getting updated.
I had been through the code and found that amount is being passed using a input field as and when updated but the currency is set in the beautifuljs-config only once on first time loading of page.
Please help as this is hampering my customers business.
You can test on the below link:
this is dev site and live site is
Hi i am getting errors with installment payment
checkout.js:138 Uncaught ReferenceError: getPaymentPage is not defined
at Object.<anonymous> (checkout.js:138)
at i (jquery.js:2)
at Object.add [as complete] (jquery.js:2)
at initPayfortFortPayment (checkout.js:101)
at fortFormHandler (checkout.js:57)
at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (checkout.js:18)
at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.js:3)
at HTMLFormElement.r.handle (jquery.js:3)
this errors showing in console
Please give a solution how i can fix this.
Jahid Hasan
could u help me to integrate payfort without using woocommerce in my
wordpress website.my website name is fortytravels.com & here i wanna integrate
payfort in packages.pls help how to work with the API
I have encountered an order where by with our checkbox on terms and condition in woocommerce transaction getting process by pressing “PLACE ORDER” button and accepting credit card notifying buyer and seller it receipts, once redirecting back to shop page, woocommerce notifying the user that he has not accepted or not provided the details, which is completely wrong for the process.
We urge the developer to look for checkout page mandate filed been filled and accepted before redirecting to payment link.
hope to hear your solution at the earliest.
]]>If my customer add something to cart and press pay so he redirected to payfort
But if he get disconnected or anything and open my account in woo and press pay so he redirected to blank page
So i need solution please
I know you are only in Beta mode, but we are very interested in using the plugin. We’ll contact PayFort seperately, but just wanted to send you the result of my testing.
On install of plugin receive the unexpected 4 character output during activation.
When trying to load a product into woocommerce, received the headers already sent warning.
I’m in Dubai, please contact me if you need any more information/testing.
]]>Test Open Key & Test Secret Key not finding
Please help me