“This plugin has been closed as of November 5, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.”
Is there any progress on this closure? Is it save to use this plugin?
]]>When this plugin is active, regardless if you have password protected products, will disable page cache with WP Rocket (and most likely other plugins as well) for all pages.
The plugin uses the WooCommerce woocommerce_product_is_visible filter and calls ppws_nocache_headers() regardless if any products should be not visible or … Well. Regardless. ??
It calls ppws_nocache_headers() which sets the defined DONOTCACHEPAGE to true which causes WP Rocket to skip page cache. On all products.
I have not looked deeper right now but it might be on other types of pages as well.
I think I understand why but it causes problems. ?? So wanted to see if you have a solution?
]]>Here’s a bug for you to fix. When the shop page is Password protected the Products and Categories can still be accessed by direkt links. So it can happen that users gain access even if they have no password entered.
Hope that helps.
We’ve password protected the shop page which has pagination. Every time a users moves to the previous or next page of results, the password is requested again and again.
]]>I submitted a couple of forms on the plugin website and also sent emails, but no response. I am hoping this works better.
PLUGIN: Password Protected Store for WooCommerce?
WooCommerce Store: Working with Printful fulfillment services
Hosting by GoDaddy: Launch – Web Hosting Plus (AutoSSL)
Theme: Elegant Themes DIVI
PROBLEM: I have not changed any thing to the website but this problem started. The website opens fine and so do pages that are not part of the password protected store. But the password protected store does not open.
Main page opens:?https://store.HBMM-National.org
Page that will not open: https://store.hbmm-national.org/shop/
Unprotected page opens: https://store.hbmm-national.org/product-category/hbmmsupport/
I can open everything when I am logged in to the admin portion of the site,
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
]]>Hi there, for some reasons the plugin is blocking access to some Jetpack plugin pages. If I try to go to Jetpack > Settings or Jetpack > Dashboard, I get Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page
. If I deactivate Password Protected Store, then the access is ok again.
Could you advise on a fix for that? Thanks.
]]>Hi there,
I made the settings in the plugin as I need, but sometimes it does not work? Like right now. And since I set everything up as it is supposed to, I can not really change or add anything since there’s nothing to change or add. Can you help please?
It should not be possible to access our product categories without typing a password. But when I am logged out now, I can access everything.
]]>Hi there, I have selected the option “Hide products from shop/product loop listing.” on the Product Categories tab but the products in the protected category still show on the product page. Shouldn’t this option have hidden the products from the default shop product listing? The product I’m referring to is Image 1 and the protected gallery is Test Cat
]]>Hi there,
We use your plugin to hide some product categories for guests that do not have the password needed to see the products. Everything works perfectly but our customers say they have to type in the password every time they switch category or add to the basked and then press “Continue shopping”. Is there any way to keep them logged in for let’s say 30-60 minutes?
]]>Hello team, first thanks for the plugin!
Unfortunately the plugins works everywhere on the website but does not work on my home page. I enabled the password for every section.
Is anyone here encountering the same issue?
]]>Since the latest update we cant access woo analytics with Password protected store enabled
]]>Hi, I have tried to disable the password protection plugin, but it won’t remove it from the site. I have tried re-installing, deleting, clearing the cache from the browser and inside WordPress but still won’t go. The version it shows is with the form from before deleting the plugin. Please help. Thank you.
]]>I installed the latest update today and it caused a fatal error within my woocommerce store. Upon deactivating this plugin, my store is fine. Anyone else experiencing this too?
]]>Bom dia,
Primeiro obrigado pelo plugin!
O problema que esta acontecendo em meu site é:
Usei o plugin para colocar senha em uma categoria de produto que esta no menu, e funcionou a prote??o, pede a senha para acessar a categoria.
Mas após inserir a senha, é direcionado para uma página em branco, o usuário tem que clicar novamente para pode ter acesso ao conteudo da categoria.
N?o sei se ajuda, que observei:
o endere?o da página após inserir a senha: https://XXXXX.com/categoria-produto/XXXXXXX
o endere?o da página após clicar na categoria: https://XXXXXX.com/index.php/categoria-produto/XXXXXXXXX/
o index.php, n?o aparece após inserir a senha
Desde já agrade?o
]]>When we contacted our server about problems our print on demand store was having communicating with our store and PayPal not receiving tracking information, we were told that this plug in was blocking those communications. Is there a setting that I am not seeing that would allow these to communicate with my WooCommerce store?
My operating WordPress theme is Elegant Themes Divi and I am using the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress on my site.
]]>Hi, thanks for the great plugin.
I am getting this error in the plugin list.
This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)’, it shouldn’t be activated.
Please advise, thank you
the current version of your nice plugin does not support HPOS (see https://woocommerce.com/de-de/document/high-performance-order-storage/) which is enable as default in new installlations of woocommerce starting from october 2023.
In the backend, I get the following warning:
This plugin is not compatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature “High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)” and should not be enabled.
Any plans to be compatible in the next updates?
Appreciate your feedback. Thanks.
]]>Is it possible to only protect the product category page, but still allow visitors accessing the single product pages? Now, the products related to the categories are protected by default.
I host a website on Cloudways and I’m using it with Varnish Cache. I use the plugin to protect a product category with a password.
When Varnish is enabled, it repeatedly asks for the password when a category-related link is clicked.
How can I fix this?
]]>I created a protected woocommerce category and everything works perfectly but when I enter my password, the page refreshes and then I have to re-enter it again in order to access the page. How can I fix this?
]]>Hi there is there a way to allow the password to be upper and lowercase, so it allows for both? I realised I have something set up as uppercase (printed onto a brochure), but it’s a bit fiddly to enter, so ideally I’d like people to be able to enter the same password in lowercase. Is this possible?
Great plugin BTW
]]>I selected subscriber and guest user to open The password PAGE. But it is asking for every user including the ADMinistrator. I selected roles from the backend. And I think its not working
Screenshot https://prnt.sc/YK-p7y46rB9o
]]>Hi, I want to enable different passwords for different categories and not just one password for all categories. Is this something that is going to be added soon?
]]>Hi there,
I’ve added the plugin and setup on the main language. I noticed 2 issues:
1) Categories/pages are selected on main language and when I change to other language I have to select them again. This is like a good/bad option. I’m just telling you
2) Main issue is that when I change language or when I ask WPML to fetch strings, form strings are never found so I can’t translate.