I installed the plugin on an install of WP 3.1 with multisite enabled. I am not able to add feeds. I type the feed url and click the add button, but it just refreshes the page, and the feed does not show up in the feed list.
Also, when I click on the feed error link I get 404 error.
Any advice?
]]>Came accross horrible problem recently when an incomming rss feed broke my page html completely. The problem was caused by the following truncated/broken htmlencoded snippet within the feed::
...<description>...blah blah blah... has said. <TABLE style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN: 0px 5</description>...
note: no end quote and no end tag. when bdprss parses this in, it unfortunately conflicts with it’s own use of htmlencoding, converts it back to proper <TABLE ...
tries it’s best to rebuild proper html syntax. Does pretty well at terminating the table tag it’s self, but unfortunately doesn’t even attempt to close the missing quote on the inline style attribute. Which makes matters a whole lot worse – ie. completely breaks the page.
Here’s my fix::
file: bdp-rssaggregator.php, function packageItemText (around line 616).
// delete unrequired tags
$string = mb_eregi_replace("<[a-zA-Z]+[^>]*>", '', $string);
$string = mb_eregi_replace("</[a-zA-Z]+[^>]*>", '', $string);
$string = mb_eregi_replace("<[a-zA-Z]+[^>]*$", '', $string);
then, at bottom of that same function, around line 737 ish (// tighten up the HTML)::
$ret = mb_eregi_replace("(<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>) (<[a-zA-Z]+[^\>]*>)", "\\1\\2", $ret);
return ($ret);
insert the following two lines to the // tighten up the HTML block:
$ret = mb_eregi_replace("(<[a-zA-Z]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+=)\"([^\>\"]*)>", "\\1\"\\2\">", $ret);
$ret = mb_eregi_replace("(<[a-zA-Z]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+=)'([^\>']*)>", "\\1'\\2'>", $ret);
It will now be a lot more forgiving of broken html(-like) constructs in incomming feeds.
]]>Anyone suffering strange characters and spurious/double &
encoding of UTF-8 HTML entities such as '
, etc, etc bespeckling their output, heres the fix that worked for me::
file: bdp-rssaggregator-db.php, function updateItem, around line 1055:
after: global $wpdb, $bdprss_search;
add something like the line:
(function_exists('get_option') && ($scl_charset = get_option( 'blog_charset' ))) || ($scl_charset = 'UTF-8');
then, around line 1093 in the sql update statement, change:
"$this->iitemname='".mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($title))."', ".
"$this->iitemname='".mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($title,ENT_COMPAT,$scl_charset,FALSE))."', ".
and later in the same func, in the sql insert statement around line 122 ish, change:
that’s it, no more garbling.
]]>We’ve been using this plugin and its predecessor for various customer projects over the years. It’s functionality is pretty much unrivalled, despite representing some of the worst coding spaghetti i have ever seen and despite katzenfreund’s efforts to re-factor it.
It always had a few bugs, fairly trivial to fix, however, it stopped working altogether under WP V3.04. Reason: variable/parameter naming conflict with wp 3.x $action
For those interested, here’s how to fix it:
files affected::
bdp-rssadmin-general.php – around lines 114, 129, 131, 133, 155, 157,247, 282, 283, 285, 309, 335, 336, 337, 352, 353, – ie. wherever action=
occurs in a link url replace it with eg: bdp_action=
bdp-rssadmin.php – around line 389 change $argumentSet = array('action', 'rss', 'list', 'pboutput');
to say $argumentSet = array('bdp_action', 'rss', 'list', 'pboutput');
. then again, around line 413 change switch($action)
to eg: switch($bdp_action)
pba-admin-output.php – around line 32 change echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="status" />';
to eg: echo '<input type="hidden" name="bdp_action" value="status" />';
pba-admin-status.php – around line 81, change url param from ...&action=editpbaoutput&...
to eg: `…&bdp_action=editpbaoutput&…’
pba-widgets.php – around line 132 – ditto, change url parameter name from action
to eg: bdp_action
to be on safe side, also rename the function parameter $action
to say $bdp_db_action
bdp-rssaggregator-db.php – around line 200 – function jobaction($injobname="", $action="insert"){
.. and elsewhere it occurs in that same function.
to get rid of warning messages on some systems, particularly shared hosting environments, in:
bdp-rss-aggregator.php – around line 260 comment out if(!ini_get('safe_mode')) set_time_limit(0);
that’s about it. good luck.
]]>I get this “cheatin’ uh?” error when I click Rss aggregator under tools. It also appears on the configuration page. I have wp 3.0 .1 with multisite enabled and buddypress. This was to be my main widget. Any fix? Or a reference to another rss plugin that display as much feeds as I want and has a search? ( why is it that most rss widgets anywhere don’t have searches?)