Our site used your plugin to create a subscription plan. For several months, everything worked correctly. We recently found that the pages are not displayed, only the title is displayed, without text and images. If you pick up the link to the subscription plan on the page, everything works fine. We have already reinstalled the plugin and updated, nothing helped. This may be due to an automatic update of the WordPress version. we do not want to replace your plugin, so we will be happy to help thank you for your attention
Thank you for this plugin, we’re testing it to try lock content behind paid pages, which is exactly what we need, but we’re finding the [no. of days]=[price] model to be quite limiting. We want people to simply be able to buy access, once off, to the specified pages – rather than have a time-based subscription. Is that an option?
Our developer helper person also has a query on an apparent bug:
“When updating the price on a product, it doesn’t remove the previous prices, but adds additional options to pricing.” Any idea if this can be resolved?