After updating wordpress to version 6.0, the numbers of page views stopped being displayed. How to fix the problem? Will your plugin be supported further?
]]>My website use plug in Pageviews v0.10 but not display pageviews .
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]]>I can’t find any settings for this plugin. How can I reset the counter for specific pages? I’ve searched this support forum, your website, and Github for the answer.
Your website says there’s a premium version but I can’t find it.
]]>I’m trying to sync my page to the pageviews that I installed and activiated. However, when I click to sync, an error comes up:
Pageviews must be installed and active on this site before running sync.
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]]>I installed and activated your plugin again, which does not work correctly in my theme (does not output numbers). You can browse. I ask for help in solving the problem.
Chrome DevTools shows error: Failed to load resource: net :: ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED
]]>On my theme, the plugin does not display the numbers of views in posts, there is only an icon, on other WordPress themes the numbers appear and are present. What could be the problem, what is missing in the topic?
]]>Problem with Pageviews plugin. I connected the plugin according to the instructions, installed the plugin support code in the functions.php file and the code for displaying the counter on the main page in the index.php file. But the counter does not work, it shows the number 0 all the time. It does not react to visiting pages. WordPress version 5.5.1. What could be the problem? Help me to understand.
]]>Hello comrade!
I have recently integrated the infinite scroll plugin into my website.
When you scroll down at the end of a post, it will automatically load the new post under it. When the new post is loaded, the page view number disappears.
The good news is that the infinite scroll plugin lets you use the Ajax call to call that page view script upon loading the new post. The bad news is I don’t know about the ajax call.
Could you help me with the ajax call script for the page view count and load?
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I want to display a page view using function file. I used a do_action( ‘pageviews’ ); in one add_action but i can not able to print a page views.
]]>On amp pages, the counter icon has a size equal to its width, i.e. very large.
I had to make changes to the line of code in the file “pageview.php”:
$content .= '<div class="pageviews-wrapper"><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" style="width: 16px;"><path d="M588.277,896v692.375H280.555V896H588.277z M1049.86,630.363v958.012h-307.72V630.363H1049.86z M1511.446,203.625v1384.75h-307.725V203.625H1511.446z"/></svg>' . self::get_placeholder( $key ) . '</div>';
Added code: style="width: 16px;
Hello, I do not expected to find some plugin to work with Varnish but here it is!!! The Plugin works 100% without any problem! Thanks a lot.
Is there any way to add a secondary counter to count the dayli visits?
It’s just perfect, I managed to show visits and on user dashboard on ClassiPress theme.
The only thing left is to make and dayli views, or if it possible to integrade it on theme except the counter that the theme have.
pageview number is not displaying on the website, it was ok till yesterday but its not display now, please help. view count must display on my page and post
]]> 502 bad gateway
I can’t get the view counter
I read this topic:
But didn’t understand how to make Pageviews work with infinite scroll ? It doesn’t work on my blog when the user scrolls down.
I’m using a manuel insert of the counter, it’s just below the featured image of the post on the loop (homepage).
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Hello! Can you please tell me how to hide counter from main page?
I was trying
.post-id-111 #pageviews-wrapper {
display: none;
but it seems not working, and counter still showing
Thank you!
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]]>Hi Team,
I want to start the number of post views from some thousands in all posts. How can I do it.?
Thanks for this nice plugin that I’m using on several blogs.
The post counter is showing on top and bottom of the posts. The problem is that it’s showing on wrong place on the top place. You can see that here.
Is there a way to parameter places where the counter is showing?
I use the Jannah theme and it has it��s own post views count but allows me use a previously installed counter so I don��t lose counts
BUT I have tried every thing and can��t figure the meta key to use the top 10 views. Can you tell me views meta key
Here is what they say
Post Views Source
If you have a fresh site copy and want to use the default Jannah views, don��t change the default values of these fields.
If you migrating from another theme to Jannah and want to continue counting on the previous views number, get the views meta key from the previous theme and put it instead of tie_views meta key.
If you were using a plugin that handles your views system before installing Jannah and wants to continue using it, choose ��Third party post views plugin�� from Post views settings, and get the views meta key from your plugin and put it instead of tie_views meta key.
Thank you.
how can i use the page views to order posts
it doesn’t have a post meta field conatining the views
how can I do that..
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Hello! Very helpful plugin!
Help me please.Can you tell me how to disable showing of views for selected pages? For example main page, or contacts page
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Please consider expanding your add-on so that it can keep track of views over time. I’d pay to be able to have a widget that would show me the most popular posts over the last week. Not just the most popular posts posted in the last week.
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]]>how to migrate existing views from wp post views plugin?
When I first installed pageviews, I found a forum thread which helped me round the numbers to thousands and millions, by changing a function in the pageviews.js. This worked up to version 0.10.
On the left is the original, on the right the changed version.
After upgrading to the latest version 0.11.0, I made the same changes to the pageviews.js file, but it isn’t working anymore.
My guess is that I have to somehow change the new minified version as well, but I am not sure how.
Can you please help?
Thank you