I maintain a repository for systemic design and the download counter has been a critical tool. It is working well and tracking visits in the meta at the bottom of the page. However, the older posts don’t show updated counts when I try to add them with an estimate from the dashboard. I’ve followed all the steps such as clearing caches. Is there something I can do to make the update work? I’ve provided a post as an example.
Is it possible to display a number of visits for each page / post individually?
I can se how the visits are breaking down to each page / post at admin dashboard and I would like to use it to have own number of visits for each page / post at front-end. Is that doable?
]]>Tried to update the page count of a page in the dashboard today. First time that I got this error.
I logged in with a completely different browser to try, but still the same error, and the number never changed. Any thoughts?
I installed and added the code, but the counter is not aligning with other elements in the same line.
The page is built using WPBakery Page Builder.
I added the code using WPBakery’s Raw HTML element, and I got the error. It seems to be pushing down other elements.
How can I get it to not push down other things, but to align
]]>I had the same problem. Listed here:
It was directly related to the apostrophe in the title. I tested this, by removing the apostrophe in the title, saving and visiting the page. Where, after the apostrophe was removed, the counter started to work.
I fixed this in a different way then was suggested in the closed post, so I thought I’d let people know, in case this works for them.
I replaced the ‘apostrophe’ with the HTML ascii character for a ‘right quotation mark’ which is:
(ok, I don’t know how to post the ascii code without it just looking like an apostrophe.)
To get the code, go to this page
…and search the term:
right single quotation mark
This worked perfectly fine! My title still has the needed apostrophe, but I typed it as:
Children’s Education.
I love the easy plugin. Is there a simple way to reset the counter to zero to start the counting over?
Is it possible to display e.g.
instead of
]]>Hi, and thanks for this great counter. I’m using it on two sites; however, one of the sites has older posts (over 1000), and I wondered if there’s a way for the counter to work from the date the post was originally published. It looks like it starts from the date of installation.
]]>Apologies for previously posting under another thread by mistake.
Fabulous – Simple and Effective plugin. Thank you for taking the time & effort to provide this powerful tool.
I have 2 questions about listing sort order.
1 – When in Admin dashboard in its fresh state, what is the default listing order?
2 -When A-Z is clicked, the order changes to A-Z and conversely when Z-A is clicked it reverses that. Great.
So how can the list be displayed highest number of visits rather than A-Z listing?
Thank you
I have 3 errors in the console for a single post while for the other posts or pages no problem:
I thought there was an accent problem in the title but no, because other post titles have an accent and no problem.
I don’t have a cache plugin. If it was a server cache problem, the problem would be site-wide, right?
]]>Hi there. First of all may i thank you in creating a lightweight and well documented plugin. I was able to understand most things but i noticed the counter only had space for up to 99,999 visits. Does it reset after it reaches that max? Is it possible to increase the max number? Thankyou
I have setup the plugin: Page Visits Counter – Lite,
I would like to know when I click on my site with my home PC,
the counter will it count on one click ? because I always open my site.
Thank you very much !
Feature request:
I would like to request being able to choose/add custom roles to be counted and have in the backend counts (columns) by guests and for each of the roles chosen/added.
Ex: Backend shows a column for guest counts and a separate column for each chosen roll and custom role counts added such as members. The frontend counter would still display the sum of all counted visits.
I am very new to this so please be kind!
I have taken over our clubs website due to the passing of our webmaster and nobody else wanted to do it.
I have installed the plug in and all seems okay as far as I can see. My BIG problem is where it states to:
“After the plugin is installed and activated, you need to flush the cache memory for all pages and delete minified javascript (JS) and styling (CSS) files.”
I have also installed WP Optimize 3.2.9 Which states:
“Minify cache size:
Current cache: No minified files are present View the files
Total cache: No minified files are present”
Using this plugin I have a ‘Purge Cache’ on the top bar of the dashboard.
Is this right as so far I have not managed to add the code as shown in F12?
My apologies for my lack of knowledge but I am starting from a very low point.
Would be great if you would be able to exclude your own IP address.
Is there any way to export the simple visitor data?