The widget is working great in the sidebar. However I only want to show it on a certain page and its children.
I have a plugin “Display widgets” that allows you to control this behavior but it only works for widgets written in the after-2.8 format ??
So I’d like to so something custom like somewhere in the widget code put something like “if(is_page(10)) show widget”. But I can’t seem to get the page id from within the widget.
Any idea how to accomplish this?
Thanks so much!
]]>Same problem as “Issue with shortcode and naked code”. When I put the shortcode on a page, the page-tree drifts to the top of the content area, and content above the tree appears after the page-tree. I’ve tried placing the upper content in a div and then placing the page-tree shortcode in a clear-both div, but the page-tree somehow migrates out of its div. Are there any workarounds? I really need some content above the page-tree.
Otherwise, it’s great. Thank you. Really helpful on my site.
I’m using WordPress Page Tree: have to say, very useful and simple to use plugin.
Could you please give me any hint / advice to use it at its best in conjunction with the multi-language plugin “polylang”?
For example, I created two static pages both named”HOME”, one in english, the other in italian. When I hover the mouse on the pages, they both show both the english and italian flags, with no indication about the actual language.
To fix this at the moment I have changed the name of the pages in HOME (en) and HOME (it): it works, but it’s not “clean” for sure.
Ciao and congratulations again.
]]>Is it possible to dynamically display a hierarchical list of pages starting from a specified parent (root)?
For example, on the index.php page of my WP site, I have links to multiple “developer guides”. If a visitor clicks on one of these links, I’d like to have the Page Tree plugin only display the selected guide’s parent (root) and its associated children.
I can see the “Page tree root” option in the Page Tree Widget settings in WP, but it’s not dynamic. It only displays a static parent and keeps resetting the page “root” as the user drills down through the hierarchy. I want to have a dynamic parent that lists all children, and stays that way even if the user navigates between individual child links.
So…from my index.php page:
Developer Guide link #1 > display Developer Guide #1 as root + all child pages
Developer Guide link #2 > display Developer Guide #2 as root + all child pages
Developer Guide link #3 > display Developer Guide #3 as root + all child pages
The example shown in the WordPress Page Tree FAQ fails to toggle display of the page tree controls.
from the FAQ
. . .
The complete options are
[pagetree expand=0 show_controls=0 only_subpages=0 child_of=0]
. . .
However, with show_controls=1, the controls are are not displayed because of a typo for the show_controls option.
In the code in plugin template ~/page-tree/wppagetree.php the page tree short code option show_controls is incorrectly spelled show_control.
Until this is fixed, using the following example will display page tree controls when using a shortcode in a page
[pagetree expand=0 show_control=1 only_subpages=0 child_of=0]
Version 2.8.1 is including a file page-tree.css
which doesn’t exist.
I have a page that contains some static content followed by a mail chimp subscribe form.
I want to place an <hr> under the form, a header and then an expandable page tree under the header.
What happens when I use the shortcode is that the expandable tree floats to the top of the page. It appear below the pages title and above the static content.
When I use the naked code it seems that the option values do not take. Meaning when I set expand to “false” it still expands. when I set Show Control to “true” the controls do not show.
Anyone else experience this problem?
]]>I have a page that contains some static content followed by a mail chimp subscribe form.
I want to place an <hr> under the form, a header and then an expandable page tree under the header.
What happens when I use the shortcode is that the expandable tree floats to the top of the page. It appear below the pages title and above the static content.
When I use the naked code it seems that the option values do not take. Meaning when I set expand to “false” it still expands. when I set Show Control to “true” the controls do not show.
Anyone else experience this problem?
]]>I like this plugin alot. I am using it on several sites.
I am also using Custom sidebars and I need to place the PageTree widget on several different custom sidebars with different settings.
I have drug and dropped the widget into my first sidebar and it is working fine. Problem is, the Pagetree widget now no longer appears under my Available Widgets. As if I am only allowed to use it once in one place.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
]]>I had this plugin installed on an old blog and recently updated both WordPress and the plugin.
After that the admin page under Pages disappeared. I looked into the code and here is what you have to change in order to make it work again:
On line 108 from wppagetree.php replace
add_submenu_page('edit-pages.php', __("WordPress Page Tree", "page-tree"), __("Page tree", "page-tree"), 7, __FILE__, 'pagetree_options');
add_submenu_page('edit.php?post_type=page', __("WordPress Page Tree", "page-tree"), __("Page tree", "page-tree"), 'edit_others_posts', __FILE__, 'pagetree_options');
First is the “edit-pages.php” – now it is “edit.php?post_type=page”. Then the plugin is using user_level when these have been deprecated a LONG time ago… – substitute with “edit_others_posts” capability which corresponds to the “Editor” role and higher.
Additionally you can comment/remove line 47:
wp_enqueue_style( 'page-tree-css', plugins_url('page-tree.css', __FILE__), false, false, 'all' );
Since this file actually doesn’t exists(not sure if the dev missed it or it’s supposed to be like that) – you’ll save yourself a 404 error from the admin section ??
]]>I am using Page Tree:
To navigate the pages on my site in the backend of WordPress, and I have this code in my functions.php file:
<?php add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes','themename_exclude');
function themename_exclude($output = '') {
/* returns posts with a custom exclude tag so they don't display in the menus */
$pages = get_all_page_ids();
foreach ($pages as $pageid) {
$is_excluded = get_post_custom_values("page_nav_exclude",$pageid);
if ($is_excluded[0] == '1') {
array_push($output, $pageid);
return $output;
The code in functions.php is there to allow one to exclude a page from menus and such via a custom field. I found the code here:
However, the code also affects Page Tree when it shouldn’t. If I exclude a page with a custom field, it also removes the page from Page Tree’s list, when it shouldn’t actually do that.
I don’t know if this is a bug in the plugin or something that I should be doing differently, but the current situation is obviously not all that helpful. Any insight into what is going on?
]]>After adding the Page Tree widget, it only showed as empty. I set the parameter to my front/home page, but no pages (not even that one) showed up in the widget, nor did the buttons to “expand,” “collapse,” et al.
Looks like it needs updated. Doesn’t work with 3.2.1, hasn’t been updated in quite some time, so. I just wanted to vote it “broken,” and don’t expect to see a resolution posted here.
]]>Hey everyone. I like this plugin. It broke around version 3 and I’ve been fixing it on each site that I use. It’s a really easy fix, so I did a write up and made a tweaked version of the plugin here:
If the original author wants to use this to fix the plugin, that would be great. If someone wants to put this in the repo that would be swell as well.
]]>Page links to any page in a subsite don’t work.
]]>If you’ve upgraded to 3.0 and this plugin has stopped working, go to wppagetree.php in the plugin directory and find the following line (approximately 404):
else {
$out .= "<a class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/page.php?action=edit&post=$pageID\">" . $pageTitle . "</a> <a style=\"font-size: 10px;\" class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"$pageURL\">#</a>";
Replace with:
else {
$out .= "<a class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"" . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-admin/post.php?post=$pageID&action=edit\">" . $pageTitle . "</a> <a style=\"font-size: 10px;\" class=\"$pageStatus\" href=\"$pageURL\">#</a>";