I’m interested in implementing this solution. I’m having trouble finding the title element class or id and the content element class or id.
I’m using the divi theme.
I also can’t find .entry-title or .entry-content on the test page, so there’s something I’m missing about the elements for which the shortcode requires the id or class:
]]>Hi, this is a cool plugin.
Is this still being updated?
There is an issue with browser’s back/forward page content not being updated.
]]>In WordPress Settings > Reading, if I choose to display a static page as the homepage and set a different page as the Posts page, Ajax loading doesn’t load the posts on the Posts page.
On the other hand, if I don’t select the static page option and choose to show the latest posts on the homepage, then Ajax loading doesn’t work on the home page i.e. it doesn’t load the posts query on the home page.
Thank you for building this excellent plugin. Can you please enable updating of the address bar URL with the new page’s slug? From what I’ve read, it’ll need the window.history.pushstate(“object or string”, “Title”, “/new-url”) function in JavaScript.
I am attempting to dynamically load a page into a div, using your plugin. The page has an accordion that uses Javascript to close/open. I bring in the content for the accordion dynamically using AJAX after a button click. However it seems that Javascript doesn’t trigger properly? The javascript works fine if the page is not loaded by Ajax.
Is there any way to make the script run each time I’ve clicked a PLA link? Or do you know what else might be wrong here?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, I’m getting the error “Non existing page in shortcode (Page Load Ajax)”. I’ve tried the page ID number and the page title.
]]>Goedenavond Jacob,
Wat een ontzettend gave plug-in!
Ik heb twee vraagjes:
1. Hoe kunnen mijn menu hover links blijven werken? Ik bedoel dus de sub menu in de header. Deze werkt niet meer na het activeren van de plug-in.
2. Op de mobiele telefoon werkt de plug-in niet en wel bijvoorbeeld WordPress Turbolink plug-in welke via de zelfde pjax werkt geloof ik.
Vriendelijke groet,
You can create a menu in a widget.
Use the standard Custom HTML widget to create a menu that loads page title and content with PLA.
Example widget content:
<li>[pla page="Masonry"]</li>
<li>[pla page="Members"]</li>
<li>[pla page="Test Pagina"]</li>
<li>[pla page="Panorama's"]</li>