just checking if this is still supported on newer versions of wordpress..
Been seeing the ads alot on FB and this interests me a lot..
Hi Oxygene as we currently are looking for alternatives for UPfront (WPMUDEV) we think that Oxygene is the closest to UpFront, but as all our other sites run on DIVI we would need to know if there are any conflicts between DIVI and Oxygene or if Oxygene could be used even with DIVI to improve DIVI.
On your prosite and in the c\videas you mention only other builders like vsiual builder, Elementor and beaver Builder but not DIVI, is there any reason for that and if yes, then please let us know before. Is Oxygene able to run with DIVI (Theme), EXTRA (Theme) and DIVI BUILDER (Plugin) in its current versions 3.*
Thanks a lot.
Kind regards
]]>Hi as we like to move from UpFront (WPMUDEV) to another plugin (other thread) which does things perhaps even better.
Another very important point for us would be if Oxygene in its basic and its pro version is capable to run on Multisites without any problems, like UpFront does it before and also like DIVI does it.
Kind regards
]]>As mentioned already Oxygene is great and we think about moving all our existing UpFront Sites to Oxygene if possible (other thread) but another VERY important thing for us as we work mainly with customers in EU is 100% GDPR compliance.
1. Is it possible to run the complete application without linking to external scripts?
2. Is it possible to disable the connectivity to your cloud services after the site has been designed and then handed out to the customer (at that point it should no more be able to connect to your services without asking the customer himself (the customer for whom we have to build the site) via doubled opt in if he – the customer (than your customer) opts in himself. The reliability and accountability concerning GDPR would go over to the customer and you that moment to ensure that all third party services are also GDPR compliant. And we are out of all accountability concerning GDPR as an agency! If that would be possible that would be great. We have already a note from DIVI that they will make exactly that possible until 25. May 2018.
]]>Oxygene looks great and we are currently using UpFront (WPMMUDEV) and DIVI but WPMUDEV retired UpFront and for us it looks like as Oxygene is nothing else than a future version of UpFront but much faster, better usability and much better supported. The ideas behind it at least seem to be the same.
1. Can somebody verify that Oxygene is working just fine in PHP 7.2 – we would like to see if their Pro version will work there too. Thanks!
2. Can somebody verify or tell us an easy way how to move our existing UpFront Sites to Oxygene as UpFront gets abandoned by WPMUDEV long time ago as it looks like. Thanks!
Kind regards
]]>Is there a way I can remove the Oxygen menu item in the admin area for non-admin users? When a non-admin user clicks it, it shows a “sorry, you are not allowed to access this page” message, so it’s pointless to have the menu item at all.
]]>Can any other users direct me to a location with a tutorial or something to build easy dropdown menus? The Oxygenapp site is extremely weak in describing how to work in dropdowns. I tried a menu plugin and still no luck figuring it out.