The owl carousel has thumbnails below the picture. Its by default in one row which shows 3 thumbnails and shows more thumbnails when you swipe on the thumbnails. I want the thumbnails to be displayed as a list, i.e. if there are 10 pictures in a carousel, all 10 of their thumbnails should be visible below the carousel (without swipe/scroll).
when I create a new carousel, I don’t see any interface element to add images. Here’s what I see:
I would appreciate some help. This ist the latest WordPress version.
How to open link in another tab when clicking the image
]]>We are using Owl Carousel WP for slider view at top of this page
Issues: Slider Images Splits/Break while loading the web page.
Here is the screenshot:
How can we fix this Slider Images Splits/Break issue while loading the web page?
]]>I’m using the wp image carousel (owl carousel), which is working as expected, however, I am trying to add custom links to each image in the carousel. When I load a page that contains the carousel the links (hrefs) on the images show as a plethora of numbers, letters and special characters – example below;
<div class="owl-carousel-item-inner">
<a href="#E-8_aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cucm9vb3N0LmNvLnVrJTJGZ2FyZGVucy1zYWxlJTJG">
<img width="150" height="150" src="img_src" class="attachment-thumbnail rooost-lazy-load rooost-lazy-fade rooost-loaded" alt="Rattan Furniture" srcset="img_src" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px" data-rooost-src="img_src">
I’ve been banging my head against a wall now for about 5 hours, but can’t work out what’s going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, the images fail to show with Understrap base theme.
]]>Want to know if Owl Carousel can be use to setting the feature image on the home page to a slide show. If yes, how?
I have some problems with your plugin.
When i search in the New Plugin Page at the backend of my website it said that the Owl Carousel WP is Compatibal with my version of WP.
But almost nothing works.
-The Auto Play
-The Hoover effect
-Dots Yes/No
Can you update the plugin to WP 4.8?