What I need to do to make “module Link” working?
Do I need pro version for the links only?
Hey, I’m using your plugin and it works fine except it adds some padding below the picture which I don’t seem to be able to style away.
I’m styling the module with border around it, but on the plugin module the border sits about 5 pixels below the image instead of being flush with it. Can you tell me how to fix it?
]]>When editing the page with the visual editor all the effects I’ve added in the module settings work and appear, but as soon as I exit the visual editor the overlay effect no longer appears and the text styling is gone.
Any help as to how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Jak u?ywa? tej wtyczki? Kupi?am wersj? pro ale w ogóle jej nie widz?. Mam tylko nieklikalny samouczek.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve purchased your plugin but will also need an image Zoom IN on hover. Any idea how I can acheive that ?
]]>Hi, when I upload an image using this plugin, a thin white line appears on the left edge of the image.
I have tried with other images and in different dimensions and it always happens.
Please help.
]]>Added the module (which I like) but after activation when I create a new post the post title field disappears from the block editor. Also, if a paragraph or verse block is added it appears but then disappears when you try to type. Very odd. Removed plugin (deactivation didn’t do it) and then had to restore my site from backup in order for the block editor to work normally. This is on a new BlueHost WordPress site with minimal plugins and BlueHost’s latest versions of PHP and WordPress.
The module works perfectly on computer and Android but, the overlay module doesn’t show up when the website is loaded on Iphone as you can see on pages named “Nos Produits” or “Boutique”.
The subtility is when you load the page on Iphone, so the overlay module and images don’t appear, then if you lock the Iphone and unlock it directly on the website, then the module and images appear and works perfectly.
I did an other website and this module works perfectly so I’m a bit confused.
Thank you very much for your help !
]]>Hello !
Is there a way to open the viewer on click ?
Thx !
]]>Hello my friend,
I’m user of overlay image divi module. This is great plugin, very thank You for this.
When my side is using by mobile users they can’t see overlay effect before they touch the screen. If it possible to turn on the overlay image effect when he scroll? Thank You in advance!
When i use divi overlay i get this message on the top of the page where the overlay is used:
Warning: getimagesize(): data:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /var/www/clients/client4522/web13999/web/wp-content/plugins/overlay-image-divi-module/includes/modules/OverlayImages/OverlayImages.php on line 261
Warning: getimagesize(): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /var/www/clients/client4522/web13999/web/wp-content/plugins/overlay-image-divi-module/includes/modules/OverlayImages/OverlayImages.php on line 261
What does it mean?
]]>I am getting a php error on my site related to line 261 of the OverlayImages.php file which is this:
$image_info = getimagesize( $img_src );
A specific error example:
Warning: getimagesize(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /home/customer/www/sitename/public_html/wp-content/plugins/overlay-image-divi-module/includes/modules/OverlayImages/OverlayImages.php on line 261
Our site is using a valid Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate.
How do I either HIDE these alerts from the front-end of our website, or better, resolve them?
]]>No address associated with hostname in /home/customer/www/mywebsite.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/overlay-image-divi-module/includes/modules/OverlayImages/OverlayImages.php on line 261
Your asset was exactly what I needed. It worked at first but as I was working about an hour later I noticed this error. I have tried resetting everything totally back to base and even when I add the overlay image with no other changes but setting an image, I get this error.
Hello, the plugin is working great when we create a new page, but when we want to change something on the Hover Divi Module from the admin side, we can’t open the pop up anymore once the page is published.
]]>I’d like to put a sentence or two and a button in the overlay of the image, but the text area is rather narrow. I noticed that it seems to have positioning for that and not padding. Is there a way to that?