I’ve looked through all the tutorials on customizing the output on the single and archive pages associated with Our Team, but can’t seem to find any info on making adjustments to the widget output.
I have a page that I am calling all the Our Team entries to via the shortcode, and would like to make changes to how the HTML that is used to call the entries on that page.
Any help would be appreciated!
Even though I put a limit of 20, it won’t display more than only 10. How do I get this to work so that it displays all 14?
]]>The shortcode for this plugin does not permit the user to hide the biography content. Therefore, I wrote a shortcode function that retrieves the team member content from the database, which I hope is helpful to anybody seeking to display team members without the biography content in the source code. As written, this shortcode only supports the “limit” parameter, but you can customize it as you would any shortcode and query to add different features. With Our Team by WooThemes installed, you can add the code below to functions.php; it enables the shortcode: [woothemes_team_summary]
//* [woothemes_team_summary]
function woothemes_team_summary( $atts ){
// Specify shortcode parameters
$atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'limit' => -1 ), $atts );
// Set arguments for WordPress Query using the shortcode parameters above.
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'team-member',
'posts_per_page' => $atts[ 'limit' ],
'order' => 'ASC'
// The Query
$team_query = new WP_Query( $args );
// The Loop
if( $team_query->have_posts() ){
$output = '
<div class="widget widget_woothemes_our_team">
<div class="team-members component effect-fade">
while( $team_query->have_posts() ) : $team_query->the_post();
$post_ID = $team_query->post->ID;
$team_name = $team_query->post->post_title;
$team_content = $team_query->post->post_content;
$team_url = get_the_permalink();
$team_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post_ID, 'team-member-category', '' );
$team_category = $team_terms[0]->name;
$team_thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_ID );
$team_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $team_thumbnail_id, 'thumbnail' );
$team_image_url = $team_image[0];
$team_image_alt = get_post_meta( $team_thumbnail_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
$team_role = get_post_meta( $post_ID, '_byline', true );
// The Team Member Result
$output .= '
<div itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/Person" class="team-member first">
<figure itemprop="image"><img width="100" height="100" src="'. $team_image_url .'" class="avatar wp-post-image" alt="'. $team_image_alt .'"></figure>
<h3 itemprop="name" class="member"><a href="'. $team_url .'">'. $team_name .'</a></h3>
<p class="role" itemprop="jobTitle">'. $team_role .'</p>
$output .= '
} else{
return $output;
add_shortcode( 'woothemes_team_summary', 'woothemes_team_summary' );
I’m using <?php do_action( ‘woothemes_our_team’, array(‘limit’ => -1, ‘per_row’ => 1, ‘category’ => single_cat_title(”, false)) ); ?> and I was wondering if there is any way to make the title link open in a new tab. For example, is there an argument I can use or something I can add to functions.php or if I want this will I have to re-code the page by hand?
]]>Hi thank you a great and beautiful plugin.
My problem is i want to add another field and to enter the url and to be linked to the button instead of that default twitter link.
I will be so thankful if you help me.
I want to change the display of the team template to render the team-member avatar images as teh wordpress medium, large or full size instead of the thumbnail.
Can anyone help?
I’ve changed the team members archive and single slug from “team members” to “staff”. Is there a way to change the browser tab to match?
]]>Is there a way to hide the author archive link by default rather than needing to remember to add that parameter to the shortcode each time I use it?
]]>I’m trying to remove the Gravatar Email Address and WordPress Username fields from info metabox.
I found that WordPress Username can be removed via filter, but causes a JS error that prohibits the help info from displaying.
add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_member_user_search', '__return_false' );
Produces the following error in the console.
TypeError: jQuery(...).val(...) is undefined
// Unser #user_id if #user_search is empty on page load
if ( jQuery( '#user_search' ).val().length == 0 ) {
jQuery( "#user_id" ).val( 0 );
And $fields['gravatar_email']
doesn’t have a hook to remove it.
Both of these fields (in particular the gravatar one) are not needed and are sure to cause confusion to the content editors.
Please let me know if there is a solution.
Note: I’m adding this because a previous thread relating has been closed.
]]>I used the code on this question to change the single and archive slugs:
However, the text in the breadcrumb still shows “Team Members.” Can I also change the breadcrumb to match my custom slug?
]]>Hi, the distance between name , role , description is very big. How do I reduce the gap? It looks weird on my site because of the gap. please refer to https://www.wyccplace.com/about . Click on Team
]]>Is it possible to put 2 team members next to each other? Now they are below each other? Please advice.
]]>Hi this is the second site I have installed the plugin on.
On the first site the tool has a Reorder feature.
On the second site it doesn’t
Both sites are WordPress version 4.4.2 and both sites use plugin version 1.4.1
Any idea what is going on here or how I can activate the reorder feature?
]]>I am not able to get the URL to render while using display_url="true"
in the shortcode. Any idea’s about what I am doing wrong?
How can I have this array_random the team members?
]]>Hello, i would like to change the text in the team contact info
For example instead of “Email username” i’d like to have “Contact via mail”
]]>When looking at the team members on an iPad in portrait mode, it doesn’t show them in rows anymore, which makes for very big and distorted images. Any way to get this fixed?
See more here: https://posdk.com/holdet/
]]>After the recent WordPress update there appears to be an error when trying to add or edit team members. You can’t switch between Visual & Text(HTML) and the following error is in the console:
post.php:1426 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
This appears to be the line with issue
if ( jQuery( ‘#user_search’ ).val().length == 0 ) {
Thank you
]]>Hi WooThemes. I tried to use OurTeam plugin, but I couldn`t because of tag<strong> that appears at front end.
I watched some videos about the plugin but it doesn`t work.
What`s happening?
]]>Can registered users post their own listing on the frontend? Is there a means to do this?
]]>I was looking to link the feature image to the URL like the title is and noticed others asked also. Following is the solution I implemented:
Open woothemes-our-team-template.php
Find the following code between lines 201 and 205:
if ( isset( $post->image ) && ( '' != $post->image ) && true == $args['display_avatar'] ) {
$template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '<figure itemprop="image">' . $post->image . '</figure>', $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '', $template );
Replace with the following code:
if ( isset( $post->image ) && ( '' != $post->image ) && true == $args['display_avatar'] ) {
if ( true == $args['display_url'] && '' != $post->url && apply_filters( 'woothemes_our_team_member_url', true ) ) {
$template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '<figure itemprop="image">' . '<a href="' . esc_url( $post->url ) . '">' . $post->image . '</a>' . '</figure>', $template );
$template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '<figure itemprop="image">' . $post->image . '</figure>', $template );
} else {
$template = str_replace( '%%AVATAR%%', '', $template );
Save the file and replace in the plugin directory.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This plugin does not allow child theme template overrides at the moment so updating the plugin will result in losing your modification.
I’ve installed Our Team in our new website, set 4 team sorted by categories and it’s really perfect.
To make it easier to read, I would like to organize it with a dropdown menu, each category name being a line in this menu.
Is it possible ?
How to make it ?
[woothemes_our_team per_row=”2″ category=”name” title=”Company Name”]
[woothemes_our_team per_row=”2″ size=”40″ category=”informatique” title=”Service Informatique”]
[woothemes_our_team per_row=”2″ category=”bu1″ title=”Business Unit 1″]
[woothemes_our_team per_row=”2″ category=”account” title=”Account”]
Thanks a lot for your help.
E Devaux
Hi all,
I’ve spent a fair amount of time troubleshooting this issue. I’ve pinpointed it that ‘Our Team’ plugin is the culprit.
I’ve got a few sites that run on the X Theme. With that, I use their extensions and Revolution Slider.
A probably occurs on the sites that have ‘Our Team’ installed whereby it stops me from being able to press ‘Save/Update’ on the revolution slider slide page. I press the button, but it does nothing.
It seems like some kind of javascript conflict? Because some options also don’t load on the page, and I can’t toggle certain options on the page.
As soon as I disable ‘Our Team’ plugin, it starts working again.
Can anyone help?
Hi guys, I have started to use this brilliant little plugin for my sports site. Two things, I would like to change the order in which our team appears. At the moment it is in date of post order. I would like to change that. Secondly, if you take a look at our layout https://www.totk.co.uk/our-team/ you will find the text sits under the featured image, just like a post would do. Is there a way to have the text beside the image? So basically to the right of the image, making the content more compact and professional.
]]>It seems there’s a true/false option in HTML shortcode for everything except the bio. I want bios in the main page, but want to exclude them in the widget. What’s the shortcode?
]]>Wanted to disable the gravatar but couldn’t do it so change the class-woothemes-our-team.php
Instead of:
$fields['gravatar_email'] = array(
'name' => __( 'Gravatar E-mail Address', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ),
'description' => sprintf( __( 'Enter an e-mail address, to use a %sGravatar%s, instead of using the "Featured Image".', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ), '<a href="' . esc_url( 'https://gravatar.com/' ) . '" target="_blank">', '</a>' ),
'type' => 'text',
'default' => '',
'section' => 'info'
I applied a filter:
if ( apply_filters( 'gravatar_email', true ) ) {
//code above here
Just thought this would be good to add and also here there is the full customisation options:
– gravatar_email (only works with code above)
– woothemes_our_team_member_role
– woothemes_our_team_member_url
– woothemes_our_team_member_contact_email
– woothemes_our_team_member_tel
– woothemes_our_team_member_twitter
– woothemes_our_team_member_user_search
– woothemes_our_team_member_user_id
Great plugin, congratulations, also the code is very clean and readable (hi5)
]]>Hi Guys,
I’ve added the custom code to the functions file and now have a new option for Mobile Phone Number, and it works well on the list page.
but on the single page it’s just not there.
I have gone through the tutorial on integrating with my theme but it changed nothing, it’s a yoo theme so the structure is completely different from normal themes.
Any ideas?
]]>Hi Guys,
I’d like to fix the missing category in the meta details and also hide the written by.
So that…
Written by David on 14th February 2015. Posted in
becomes this…
Posted in Category Title Here
]]>HI Guys,
I’d like to change the slug for Our Team single pages to something else, specifically:
should be
Do you know if this is possible?
I run a blog for a choir (blog.korendecibel.com). I have installed WooThemes Our Team, created four categories called Active, Men, Women and Board Member. Now, sometimes it is necessary to send group emails only to the men OR the women OR the board members. Can I do that in Our Team, and if so, what are the appropriate shortcodes to use?
Peter M?ller