blank page happens after enabling CDN.
plugin setting is enabled: https://puu.sh/IGqsY/2faeefac3c.png
how to fix it?
thank you
]]>I use CDN linker with amazon cloudfront origin pull and works perfect. All urls are redirected and served from cloudfront domain except buddypress urls.
Is there any way we can rewrite those urls and make the plugin compatible with buddypress?
See Example of site url
Buddypress url
thanks in advance
For some reason, when installing the plugin, WordPress (with a BuddyPress install) throws this error “The plugin does not have a valid header”. Any idea how to resolve this?
BTW, it works fine on a clean WordPress install. Should I be asking the question in BuddyPress support forums?
]]>I’m using this plugin via WPSuperCache on multisite installation (with subdirectories). I noticed on another forum post that in order to properly cache the non-main sites’ files, you should add “files” to the “include directories” setting. However, even when I do this, the CDN (cirrux cache) produces errors when getting these files.
For instance, one log message shows this request:
“GET /files/2011/07/CantorsAtticlLogo.png HTTP/1.1” 404 227 “https://boolesrings.org/victoriagitman/”
It seems like it is trying to look for it in “/files” instead of in “/victoriagitman/files”. I’d appreciate any advice!
]]>I’m using this plugin via WP Super Cache on a multisite installation with subdirectories.
When I look into the data stored in my CDN, I see many static files but only one actual page: the main page “/”. For instance, I don’t see “/about” nor any of the sub-blogs main pages “/username/”.
Is this intentional? Perhaps I just don’t know what a CDN is.
]]>How could I get this to work with CDN cloud files?
]]>It works flawlessly. Even if someone doesn’t have a CDN, one can use this to server static files from a sub-domain and set up cookie domain to avoid cookies being sent with static files.
]]>Hi WordPress users,
I have moved my plugin “CDN Linker”, formerly known as “OSSDL CDN off-linker”, to Github. You can find it here:
The version and WP.org will remain and is fully functional, but tagged with “lite” in its title. I have removed some features in order to keep that “lite” version as simple as possible in order to have users install the “regular” version from the new location.
Why? Because the listings at WP.org have to be GPL compliant (which the “lite” version now is) and I publish under the RPL for non-commercial. In addition to that, WP.org has no comfortable bug tracker and users have to post in some forum, which neither I do read regularly nor notifies me about new topics concerning my works. So people wait for an answer to their support request and are disappointed, because there is none in timely fashion at WP.org.
I hope by moving the plugin to provide a better user and support experience. See you on the other side!
]]>When activated, it redirects my posts to CDN.
So when you click a post, instead of mysite.com/post, it takes you to cdn.mysite.com/post.
]]>nice plugin…works perfectly in 3.1.2
Thanks you for such a wonderful plugin…
]]>OSSDL CDN off-linker seems perfect for my needs but I do have one issue. Image uploads windows in Simple Press Forum plugin is just blank when OSSDL CDN off-linker is enabled. Can I some how prevent OSSDL CDN off-linker working on the forum? (subdir /forum urls)
]]>Is there a way I can disable this plugin for 1 page template. I have been using it for the past 3 months and absolutely love it.
However, it causes a conflict with a cooliris wall script I have.
I am using a custom php template to feed the cooliris script.
Is there something I can add to this template the prevents OSSDL script from being used in this 1 template?
]]>Here is a patch to support multiple off-site CDN URLs. This can speed up page loading by tricking the browser to make more requests in parallel. Separate multiple CDN URLs with a comma.
--- ossdl-cdn.php.orig 2011-02-10 23:05:39.000000000 -0500
+++ ossdl-cdn.php 2011-02-10 23:19:02.000000000 -0500
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
$ossdl_off_exclude = trim(get_option('ossdl_off_exclude'));
$arr_of_excludes = array_map('trim', explode(',', $ossdl_off_exclude));
+$ossdl_off_cdn_url_arr = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $ossdl_off_cdn_url);
* Determines whether to exclude a match.
@@ -40,11 +41,16 @@
* Called by #ossdl_off_filter.
function ossdl_off_rewriter($match) {
- global $ossdl_off_blog_url, $ossdl_off_cdn_url, $arr_of_excludes;
+ global $ossdl_off_blog_url, $ossdl_off_cdn_url_arr, $arr_of_excludes;
if (ossdl_off_exclude_match($match[0], $arr_of_excludes)) {
return $match[0];
} else {
- return str_replace($ossdl_off_blog_url, $ossdl_off_cdn_url, $match[0]);
+ list($key, $cdn_url) = each($ossdl_off_cdn_url_arr);
+ if( $cdn_url == FALSE ) {
+ reset($ossdl_off_cdn_url_arr);
+ list($key, $cdn_url) = each($ossdl_off_cdn_url_arr);
+ }
+ return str_replace($ossdl_off_blog_url, $cdn_url, $match[0]);
@@ -109,14 +115,14 @@
<p>Many WordPress plugins misbehave when linking to their JS or CSS files, and yet there is no filter to let your old posts point to a statics' site or CDN for images.
Therefore this plugin replaces at any links into <code>wp-content</code> and <code>wp-includes</code> directories (except for PHP files) the <code>blog_url</code> by the URL you provide below.
That way you can either copy all the static content to a dedicated host or mirror the files at a CDN by <a href="https://knowledgelayer.softlayer.com/questions/365/How+does+Origin+Pull+work%3F" target="_blank">origin pull</a>.</p>
- <p><strong style="color: red">WARNING:</strong> Test some static urls e.g., <code><?php echo(get_option('ossdl_off_cdn_url') == get_option('siteurl') ? $example_cdn_uri : get_option('ossdl_off_cdn_url')); ?>/wp-includes/js/prototype.js</code> to ensure your CDN service is fully working before saving changes.</p>
+ <p><strong style="color: red">WARNING:</strong> Test some static urls e.g., <code><?php echo(current(preg_split("/[\s,]+/", get_option('ossdl_off_cdn_url')))); ?>/wp-includes/js/prototype.js</code> to ensure your CDN service is fully working before saving changes.</p>
<p><form method="post" action="">
<table class="form-table"><tbod>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><label for="ossdl_off_cdn_url">off-site URL</label></th>
<input type="text" name="ossdl_off_cdn_url" value="<?php echo(get_option('ossdl_off_cdn_url')); ?>" size="64" class="regular-text code" />
- <span class="description">The new URL to be used in place of <?php echo(get_option('siteurl')); ?> for rewriting. No trailing <code>/</code> please. E.g. <code><?php echo($example_cdn_uri); ?></code>.</span>
+ <span class="description">The new URL to be used in place of <?php echo(get_option('siteurl')); ?> for rewriting. No trailing <code>/</code> please. E.g. <code><?php echo($example_cdn_uri); ?></code>. Use a comma as a delimiter to round-robin through multiple CDN URLs.</span>
<tr valign="top">
I run my blog on nginx and use your plugin as provided functionality by WP Super Cache plugin. I have defined CDN and it works for the most part, but what I’m noticing is that javascropts from plugins located in wp-content/* and theme files are not using CDN:
I attempted to define the direct directory to my theme files under options: wp-content/themes/Curious in addition to main directories – but it didn’t help.
Any feedback or assistance would be greatly appreciated. I’m using CDN with origin pull: MaxCDN and it worked well previously with W3-TotalCache plugin before.
]]>WP 3.0.3
My multisite installation dropped from speedrank 87/100 to 70/100 with this plugin. As recommended, I had wp-content and wp-includes redirected to a completely different domain (not subdomain) on the same server.
Well, Google Page Speed’s wish to have static resources loaded from a cookieless domain worked. But the unparallelized request completely killed my rather good speedrank.
Until further illumination I rather get back to define my CDN with functions.php
I’m wondering how this plugin can be used with WPMU/multisite? In multisite, different files are pulled from different locations (of course), for example theme files are common to all the sites.
I’ve tried the plugin in multisite, but I can’t get it to pull uploaded images in properly.
Any ideas?
First off, love your plugin – what an easy CDN solution!
I am however having an issue – I have items in my template that are in the root directory of the site, and your plugin is rewriting those URLs as well. Also, the browser is not recognizing the favico.ico file after installing the plugin.
If you go here for example:
Scroll down to the comment box, there should be a gravatar image there, but with the plugin activated it rewrites this:
to this: