I am getting a fatal error using organic widget area block. It wasn’t there before. I believe it started happening after a wordpress update. How can I fix this?
]]>I have a lot of widgets I created for an intranet site. I wanted to try converting the current child theme to FSE. I loaded this plugin but it doesn’t seem to work on fse themes. When entering the new editor it gets an error message header already sent. If you add the block to the template and save. You start getting errors editor failed attempt recover. There is also a button to access the customizer which has been hidden in FSE. It will bring the hidden customizer up but doesn’t show any widgets to add. Doesn’t work on FSE causes too many errors.
]]>With the switch to PHP 8.x (8.0 or 8.1) or WordPress version 5.9, the plugin is no longer executable. On my website it produces a fatal error, which has only disappeared by switching to PHP 7.8. Does anyone know why? Can this be fixed?
]]>When I use xampp my path for example is https://localhost/test/. When I click customizer view in Gutenberg it will cut off “test” and give me this path
Why advanced -> classes in the gutenberg widget is disabled?
The advanced-> classes shall be added
But this is not added in the code ??
Fyi, I get the following warning message when debug is enabled:
Deprecated: Non-static method OWA_Block::register_widget_sidebar() should not be called statically in E:\XAMPP\htdocs\ferm_v2\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php on line 292
Am I the only one, or is it an actual issue?
Thanks a lot for the great plugin! ??
]]>This is a useful plugin, however having it add a advertisment on all admin pages which cannot be dismissed without editing the plugin file is not cool.
Please see section eleven of the Detailed Plugin Guidelines:
The admin message on all admin pages which cannot be dismissed does not comply with with the published guidelines. Please update the plugin so it is in compliance.
]]>I’ve used a “Media and text article title” blockpattern in the Twenty-TwentyOne theme.
The text formatted at Verse block.
When “Organic Widget Area Block” plugin is activated it ruins the format of the verses, which then shows as one line…
I have to disable the plugin for not ruin the layout.
]]>I am not able to dismiss the upsell notice that says “Upgrade The Widget Area Block and receive 8 Additional Premium Blocks for the Gutenberg editor!”. It comes back every time you reload the page.
I see a suspicious 404 request that seems to go to a subfolder in my theme:
Perhaps you are enqueueing the JS in your plugin with the same library and handle as my theme uses or there is some other issue in your enqueue.
]]>I’m using the Organic Widget Area Block with the Organic Profile Widget (from the Organic Builder Widgets Plugin) to display three profiles in a row, but the third widget is for some reason misaligned. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks.
]]>Hi, Very cool plugin.
I was wondering if you have planned to add functionality to select from already created sidebars. For our clients it’s not ideal to have to write the specific sidebar id of the sidebars shipping with the theme, but it would be very useful to be able to select them.
Best regards,
works great but can’t use it in columns block or any nested block.
I updated classes/widget-area.php
to search the blocks recursively:
* Save newly added widgets in options on post save.
* @param int $post_id post id.
* @param object $post
* @param string $update
public function update_widgets_log( $post_id, $post, $update ) {
// Check if user has permissions to save data.
if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) ) {
// Check if not an autosave.
if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id ) ) {
// Check if not a revision.
if ( wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ) {
$saved_widgets = get_option( self::$option_name, [] );
$blocks = parse_blocks( $post->post_content );
if ( isset( $saved_widgets[ $post_id ] ) ) {
unset( $saved_widgets[ $post_id ] );
$saved_widgets = self::find_saved_widgets_recursive( $saved_widgets, $post_id, $blocks );
update_option( self::$option_name, $saved_widgets, true );
* Walk the post content blocks recursively and find widget area blocks.
* @param array $saved_widgets
* @param int $post_id post id.
* @param array $blocks
* @return array $saved_widgets
protected static function find_saved_widgets_recursive( &$saved_widgets, $post_id, $blocks ) {
if ( ! empty( $blocks ) ) {
foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
if ( isset( $block['blockName'] ) && self::$block_name === $block['blockName'] ) {
if ( '' !== trim( $block['attrs']['widget_area_title'] ) ) {
$saved_widgets[ $post_id ][] = $block['attrs']['widget_area_title'];
} elseif ( isset( $block['innerBlocks'] ) && ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) {
self::find_saved_widgets_recursive( $saved_widgets, $post_id, $block['innerBlocks'] );
return $saved_widgets;
This solves the issue.
Can’t find the git repository to fork it.
]]>Hiya, I was very interested in this block but it appears to not work on my WP 5.2.2 install. It installs and activates with no problems, but no widget area block appears in the blocks list. (No errors are reported.) This happens even if I disable other plugins and revert to the Twenty Nineteen theme.
Is the plugin incompatible with the current WordPress version, or do I need to investigate my instance further?
]]>I got this error when I tried to use this plugin on a homepage.
What do I need to do to make the theme support this block?
>>Your site doesn��t include support for the “organic/widget-area” block. You can leave this block intact or remove it entirely.