Hi – your plugin is perfect. Thank you.
We would like to report on the date when a product’s order has been marked as Processed, not the date the order was placed. Is this possible?
i want to change the name of the new status to my language but this is not possible because it has the same name as the slug.
Maybe you should add a new field for this reason with the title “Name”
Is it possible to use PHP in mails?
The completion button in the orders list appears to be missing when the status is on one that I have created?
It is amazing the number of your plugins I came across and found them to be useful ??
I am in the process of testing this plugin and I noticed that there isn’t a setting for Stock Allocation. Would you considered adding a setting for Stock Allocation?
For example, if an Order Status is set to allocate stock, then once an Order is set with that Status, then the stock quantity of the order items would be automatically allocated (and vise versa).
In another word, when an Order Status is set to Allocate Stock, then that status should behave similarly as the native On Hold status. And when an Order Status is set to Not Allocate Stock, then that status should behave similarly as the native Payment Pending status.
I hope you can get my point ??
Thanks for your considerations.