Is it possible to add a cut-off time for orders? For example, orders placed before 1pm can be delivered same day, after 1pm only next day can be chosen?
This would be super-useful
Thank you
“Processing Time(min)”. I assume this is a time shop needs to process an order, but what is it measured in? Hours? Days?
]]>I have specified specific dates for delivery to be available, but on the checkout page any date can be selected. Do I need to set anything else or is something wrong?
]]>Can the plugin please follow the theme design?
Currently, it’s looking a bit out of place.
The delivery and pickup date is not shown in the order email from the client and the website owner? I have read it should be standard but it is not working here.
How to solve this?
Thank you
]]>When you did not fill in a pickup date the plugin is showing the error message “Please select pickup date” but it is not translated in my language (dutch). Is there a way to fix this?
]]>I’d like to stop the plugin from automatically adding the selected date into the emails as I’d like to add these manually into a more prominent position which I can format in the email template.
I’ve found the found in the plugin files which when commented out stop posting the date in the emails, but I’d prefer to use a code snippet to prevent plugin updates removing what I’ve done.
Does anyone know how to stop this coding using a code snippet?
]]>I’m using Woolentor and using their email customiser for my email templates. The delivery or pickup date is not pulling through to the emails when they are sent.
Is your plugin compatible with Woolentor? If so, how can I get it to show in the emails? Created a snippet which allows me to use shortcode to display the data on a web page, so I know the shortcode is working but I cannot get this working in the email templates.
]]>we tick unbale pick up date but still didnt show it when check out, how?
]]>Hi I was wondering if this plugin works with the new block based checkout template from Woocommerce =< 8.9.
This would be great, as no plugin was released yet compatible with the new block based checkout…
It’s already stable (non experimental) since a few weeks ago:
I have a shop and i need to set: Orders placed before 13:00 can be delivered the next day, orders placed after 13:00 can be delivered the day after tomorrow.
Is this posible?
]]>Do You offer REST API for this Plugin
After updating the plugin to the version 1.0.6 I’m facing issues. First my website was down. After deleting the plugin directory and reinstalling it there are error messages:
Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/assets/dist/style-delivery-fields.css) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/:/var/www/chb753d9a9/bin-tmp/) in /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-content/plugins/order-delivery-date-and-time/block/class-fields-block-integration.php on line 260
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-content/plugins/order-delivery-date-and-time/block/class-fields-block-integration.php:260) in /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1431
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-content/plugins/order-delivery-date-and-time/block/class-fields-block-integration.php:260) in /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-includes/functions.php on line 7049
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-content/plugins/order-delivery-date-and-time/block/class-fields-block-integration.php:260) in /var/www/chb753d9a9/www/evsepizza.com.ua/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9
]]>delivery infos not showing in admin email or order info. in the checkou page the client is forced to choose a pickup date and time but i cant see this information. I already opened a ticket but no one answered me. can you help me? is there anche option in the configuration?
]]>I need help with adding the delivery date and the delivery time in the emails that Woocommerce sends automatically to the buyer and the store. Right now when someone buys on the web and chooses the delivery date and time, it shows on the check-out page, where they have to choose both, and on the thank-you page. But after that in the email they receive it doesn’t show and the owner of the shop has to enter to the orders page so she can know what the buyer has set for these fields, since it also doesn’t show in the email’s owner.
]]>The documentation on the website is outdated in comparison to the new UI… which the documentation is much more straight forward to understand. I added a time slot from 07:00 AM – 12:00 AM with all day Sun-Sat. The days load but my time field show “No Results Found”.
]]>By default the field appears at the bottom of the checkout, I would like to move it up in the shipping section
]]>Good morning,
How to add delivery or collection to emails information ?
Best Regards
]]>How can I convert the existing calendar to Shamsi (Persian calendar) for users?
I’m exploring the feasibility of setting individual wait times for products based on their category. Given that certain products can be picked or delivered within a few hours, while others may require processing time, is it possible to implement this functionality with the plugin?
]]>Hi I was wondering if this plugin works with the new block based checkout template from Woocommerce. In my local testversion it doesn’t seem to work; the fields don’t show up, but perhaps I’m overlooking something?
is it possible to display or hide the pickup date for a specific category in the cart or payment page? In case it was difficult I can try to arrange that with a function but I don’t know which hook I should use.
]]>Hello support,
Great plugin you have there, but i have small issue with the email invoices and the problem is that the invoice is not showing the time the client picked but once i resend the email again then it shows the time.
could this be solved ?
thank you
]]>Hello, great plugin but I can��t get the time slots working on my checkout, even though I created the time slots it always shows “No results found” Thanks in advance
I have just received a complaint and after analysis can confirm that for an order I see in admin the date 23.07, and in client confirmation screen I see 17.07; how is this possible?
Thank you in advance
]]>Hi ,
I noticed that the ” Delivery Date Label ” are same on both Cart & Order page ..
How can i make them different , as i want to add different label in each of them
]]>Awesome plugin by the way. Does everything I need, except when customer chooses Delivery date, then the date is not shown at the order view in Woocommerce. Nor it is brought out in customer (processing email) nor Admin (new order) email.
would really appreciate, if you could tell me where the selected date is stored in database. I couldn’t find it :/
Hi, there is an issue in the plugin. When customer picks local pickup date and time, after clicking payment, payment gets canceled and error message shows that Delivery date and time hasnt been picked. But the shipping method that was picked was local pickup and not delivery. And this error message prevents order from being completed.
Also – when going into settings and disabling mandatory date and time for delivery and clicking “save settings”, there is an error message displayed saying “nothing was changed” so setting werent saved. There is something wrong here.
Je tiens �� vous exprimer mon soutien et mon appr��ciation pour votre extension qui est tr��s pratique pour g��rer les commandes et les livraisons. Cependant, j’ai rencontr�� deux petits probl��mes que je souhaiterais partager avec vous.
Le premier souci concerne l’��dition en masse des horaires pour le click and collect. Cette fonctionnalit�� ne semble pas fonctionner correctement, alors qu’elle fonctionne tr��s bien pour la gestion des livraisons.
Le deuxi��me probl��me, plus impactant, est li�� �� la validation des commandes. Lorsqu’un client valide une commande, le cr��neau horaire s��lectionn�� ne dispara?t pas du syst��me. Serait-il possible d’ajouter une option dans le back-office pour choisir si les cr��neaux horaires doivent ��tre supprim��s ou non apr��s validation d’une commande?
Je vous remercie d’avance pour votre attention �� ces probl��mes et pour l’am��lioration continue de votre extension.
I would like to express my support and appreciation for your plugin, which is very helpful in managing orders and deliveries. However, I have encountered two minor issues that I would like to share with you.
The first issue concerns the bulk editing of time slots for click and collect. This feature does not seem to work properly, while it works perfectly for managing deliveries.
The second, more impactful issue is related to order validation. When a customer validates an order, the selected time slot does not disappear from the system. Is it possible to add an option in the back-office to choose whether time slots should be removed or not after an order has been validated?
Thank you in advance for your attention to these issues and for the ongoing improvement of your plugin.
I would like to display the first day when delivery / pickup is available in the product page, ideally would be to be a js hook so caching issues do not create expired information.
Thank you!