Rating: 4 stars
In my company environment we’ve experimented with SAMLv2 and direct LDAP authentication, but really wanted a simpler way to log our users in against the enterprise SSO environment, which runs OpenAM. We’d already implemented an app in php that used OpenAM’s “Legacy” RESTful API, but couldn’t find anything that came close among existing WordPress plugins. This plugin answered the need on a couple of levels: (1) it seamlessly integrated the OpenAM REST calls through a WordPress plugin; and (2) both “Legacy” (OpenAM v11 and previous) and “new” APIs are supported. The only issue we’ve had is with the “redirect login to OpenAM” option, which results in user’s getting challenged twice even if they already have a valid OpenAM authentication cookie — and I’m pretty sure that’s the result of something *we* are doing on OpenAM.