It’s good to know the IP as that is the only bit of knowledge about the user who sent the message that can’t be faked.
It’s good to know which web browser they are using – if they are reporting a problem with your site, this may help you.
Patch is at
Basically, you shouldn’t set the users email as the From header in the email you send. This is very vulnerable to being marked as Spam because of SPF. I’m going to do a blog post describing this problem in detail later because I’ve seen people fall foul of this a lot …
Found a bug. When you submit a form with one of the variables in some way wrong, all the users input vanishes. This is really annoying. I found code that tried to fix this, but the code has bugs.
Worse, if the code was working there is an HTML-injection attack possible, because the input was not filtered before being passed back to the user.
The patch is
Note I used htmlspecialchars – I would prefer to use htmlentities with an UTF-8 charset, but I’m not certain what WordPress’s position on UTF-8 is.
Anyway, there you go.