We have added custom JavaScripts which you can edit and execute with our plugin.
Run your own JavaScripts and/or OnClick events in your WordPress posts/pages.
You can find more info and a sample HERE.
Feel free to ask more possibility’s with our plugin.
Samples: https://wud-plugins.com/onclick-wud-samples/
More FREE Premium plugins? https://wud-plugins.com/
Regards, Danny
OnClick WUD haves the same Free Premium Support options then our Grid WUD plugin, so feel free to build together the most powerful plugin ever!
Please let us know or you missing some part or if you have a idea to improve our plugin.
Start always a new topic, if you have a question, suggestion … …
Regards, Danny
]]>Finally we have transferred our website to wud-plugins.com!
Discover all our FREE premium plugins:
Grids, tiles, galleries, widgets and more -> Grid WUD
Javascript OnClick URL & customizable buttons -> OnClick WUD
Auto post/page refresh in seconds -> Refresh Post Page WUD
Regards, Danny
]]>This seems to be impossible in WordPress pages/post:
<a href="#" onclick="testwud()">Run a JavaScript</a>
But we have a solution for that!
Simply by using our OnClick-WUD plugin and after that use this short code:
[jqwud url="testwud()" text="Run a JavaScript"]
To have the result:
<a href="#" onclick="testwud()">Run a JavaScript</a>
Where the JavaScript value “testwud();”, can be anything!
Beside this our plugin can create even buttons anywhere you want:
[jqwud url="testwud()" text="Run a JavaScript" button="1"]
And you can ad customizable animated icons to these buttons.
Time to know where to find?
Samples: https://wud-plugins.com/onclick-wud-samples/
Manual: https://wud-plugins.com/introduction-onclick-wud/
Short code in PHP: https://wud-plugins.com/onclick-wud-short-code-in-php-pages/
Kind Regards, Danny
]]>= About OnClick WUD =
* Enable Javascript OnClick events in posts and pages.
* Creates URL’s or buttons.
* Enter your own URL or button text.
* Link Target: self or new window/tab.
* Possible Button settings: background/text & on hover colors, Font Family/Size, Round corners size, Shadow color/size!
Regards, Danny