Is it possible to add filter/s to change some of the default metadata in the plugin? For example i would like to have the possibility on specific custom post type to add the author from another source (like a custom taxonomy for example).
A good example is the filters in the Instant Articles plugin
This plugin has a bug about multibyte description string.
It will be fixed by this change.
if ( strlen ( $description ) > 255 ) $description = substr ( $description, 0, 252 ) . '...';
if(extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$current_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($description, get_bloginfo('charset'));
if(mb_strlen($description, $current_encoding) > 255) {
$description = mb_substr($description, 0, 252, $current_encoding) . '...';
} else {
if(strlen($description) > 255) {
$description = substr ( $description, 0, 252 ) . '...';
I think it would be better to set ‘medium’ or ‘large’ for second argument of wp_get_attachment_image_src in line 108, since fb changed og:image to be more than 200x200px.
]]>I tried to put the following on Facebook
and the 3 thumbnail images it is suggesting aren’t of Featured Image. All are from the sidebar. One of them is even a sidebar image that was removed a few days ago.
Please advise.
レスポンスコード: 200
オブジェクトの値が無効です: プロパティ「fb:app_id」に指定された値「」はタイプ「fbid」としてパースできないため、URL「」のオブジェクト(タイプ「website」)は無効です。
]]>This plugin has not been updated in 438 days; but why should it be when it continues to work great.
I just looked at several currently listed open graph plugins before installing this one in a new website, and none of them could pick up my default image or were much too complicated to setup (you don’t need a Facebook App to pull an image to display in Facebook).
I installed Open Graph Pro, filled in one line to replace the header image, ran the Facebook Object Debugger and voilà, there was my default image.
I did get a parsing warning, but I don’t care; Facebook picked up the website name and discription, article names (with website name) and excerpts, the image for my website, and all of the articles featured images… IT JUST WORKS!
(For Martin:
The parser’s result for this metadata did not match the input metadata. Likely, this was caused by the data being ordered in an unexpected way, multiple values being given for a property only expecting a single value, or property values for a given property being mismatched. Here are the input properties that were not seen in the parsed result: ‘og:type, og:title, og:description, og:site_name’)
Using the facebook url debugger brings up some “Open Graph Warnings”.
Here’s what it tells me
The plugin being included in the meta tag is a 150-150 thumbnail.
The description appears to not be read properly. Here’s what outputs:
<meta property=”og:description” content=” Statistics and predictions can lead people to do darn-near anything. Mobile phone statistics are big offenders. Read some of these panic inducing mobile statistics and predictions:. 46% of US Consumers own a smartphone (American and Internet Life Proj…” />
]]>Hi Martin,
When the blog home is in a subdirectory, ogp prints
og:url https://example/blog
and that gives Facebook a “circular redirect error” as it goes back and forth between /blog
(og:url) and /blog/
(WordPress home url).
You should use home_url('/')
instead — it always has the trailing slash.
best, S
I installed OGP on my site:
But it’s not working.
Most third party sites (Facebook, forums, Bookmarking sites) cant pull the meta data from my site. It also does not recognize the images on my page.
I tried going to and then inputting URL to clear cache. Still it does not work.
I am getting the following output
Scrape Information
Response Code: 206
Fetched URL:
Canonical URL:
Open Graph Warnings That Should Be Fixed
Inferred Property: The og:url property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Inferred Property: The og:title property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags.
Object Properties
og:type: website
og:updated_time: 1328661397
Graph API:
Scraped URL: See exactly what our scraper sees for your URL
I have multiple authors on my site. The OGP Doesn’t seem to work on author pages which is a shame, because members would probably like to facebook themselves. The plugin ignores the author page and links to their first post, how do I change this?
]]>Thank you very much for your awesome good plugin. Very useful!
I’d like to use this plugin with the AddThis social widget.
How can I do integrate this plugin with the widget.
Any idea??