Is there a way you can have it not show on every image on your website, but be selective on what images you can share?
I have deleted markerly from my site and deleted the files and the cache but it is still showing up.
I got rid of it because it wouldn’t share the Facebook posts so I need to remove it asap.
I installed Markerly and for some reasons I had to disable it. However, the social sharing icons still appear on the images as if markerly was never disabled. I have deleted the plugin, deleted my cache but it didn’t help.
P.S- the reason I needed to disable plugin is that when an image is shared, it picks the featured image of the page instead of the image which is clicked to share. I’m running a contest where all the contestant images are shown on a page. I wanted to allow the contestant to share their image on their social profiles.
How can the markerly link shortener be disabled?
I want sharing enabled for my site’s text and images, but don’t need/want the shortener applied to the shared text.
]]>oiiii estalei no meu blog nao fucionou plugin oque devo fazer
]]>Hi. Nice job guys! But there are still a few things that do not allow me to use the Markerly.
a) The share buttons apply to all the images on the website (even to the logo!). It is obvious that the plugin would be most useful for sharing the featured image and the internal post images (as it is done on Mashable ).
b) I am unable to set the color of the buttons by entering the web color number. Also it would be nice to use the share buttons set with ‘native’ colors (blue for Facebook, red for Pinterest, etc.).