How would I create an X on the off canvas, so that it closes when I click on it.
]]>Hi there,
I’m using the WP Bottom Menu plugin which has an option to add an onclick event for custom menu items.
I can’t for the life of me work out what the onclick code should be to get the sidebar to toggle.
Sidebar ID:?#ocs-mobile-menu
?? Trigger Classes:?.ocs-toggle-mobile-menu
I managed to get the fly cart I use to trigger using ‘woofc_toggle_cart();’ but using a similar format for the sidebar doesn’t seem to work.
Any help you can offer would be very much appreciated!
]]>Hi Jory,
I am building a products archive page with product filters in the sidebar. This is a standard WP sidebar, as seen in the Widgets area.
What I am trying to accomplish:
The problem: With your plugin I can not use the same sidebar but need to rebuild the another sidebar for the mobile users. Normally this should not be an issue, but now the product filters are loaded double on the page, this way they do not work..
So I need to use the same sidebar twice: visible for desktop, expandable with a trigger for mobile. Is this possible with your plugin? The functionality I mean is like, but they do not have this nice trigger options your plugin has.
Dank ??
]]>Hi guys
Unless i click around the menu I can’t the filter to dissapear. I’ve tried to look in the settings if I can change anything that could help but without any luck.
You can try the filter here:
Can anyone tell me what to do?
]]>I’m not sure how to get it to work?
Please show the steps on how to get it to work?
I assume adding this to the Custom CSS Sidebar component is still incomplete?
/* Style for #ocs-sidebar1 */ ocs-sidebar1 {
width: 250px; /* Set the width of the sidebar / background-color: #f4f4f4; / Background color for the sidebar / padding: 20px; / Padding inside the sidebar / box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); / Add a subtle box shadow */
/* Style for .ocs-toggle-sidebar1 */
.ocs-toggle-sidebar1 {
background-color: #007bff;
color: #fff;
padding: 10px;
border: 2px solid #0056b3;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
/* Style for .ocs-open-sidebar1 */
.ocs-open-sidebar1 {
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #333;
/* Style for .ocs-close-sidebar1 */
.ocs-close-sidebar1 {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: normal;
color: #666;
Hi, would it be possible to use an svg icon instead of dashicons?
Thank you
Hi! We are noticing one more issue. When we use the left slide-in effect for a slidebar on a page with a top slider, it pushes everything over to the right perfectly, but if we minimize the browser or even click on a different tab and go back to our site tab, the underlying top slider has returned to its original position and is now under the menu. Then when we close the slidebar menu, the top slider is repositioned to the left again with the rest of the page content, and shows an empty area to the right. Here is a quick test video showing what’s happening.
Is there a remedy for this?
Thank you!
]]>We LOVE this plugin! We’re wondering if there is a way to have the whole page darken slightly when a slidebar menu is opened, and then lighten back to normal when the slidebar is closed?
Thank you!
]]>Hi Jory,
I’ve attempted setting up a function to disable the OCS on various pages. The code I came up with is:
function disable_off_canvas_sidebar_on_non_shop_pages() {
if ( function_exists( 'is_woocommerce' ) && ! ( is_shop() || is_product_category() || is_product_tag() && ! ( in_array( 'garden-store', explode( '/', get_page_uri() ) ) ) ) ) {
add_filter( 'ocs_is_sidebar_enabled', '__return_false' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'slidebars' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'off-canvas-sidebars' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'ocs-fixed-scrolltop' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'fastclick' );
wp_dequeue_style( 'off-canvas-sidebars' );
wp_dequeue_style( 'slidebars' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'disable_off_canvas_sidebar_on_non_shop_pages' );
This is successfully preventing the sidebar HTML from loading, but the OCS related JS and CSS is still loading. I also tried disabling with with remove_action
in case the action
function is what you used for loading it, but got the same result (no change).
I’ve tried numerous other approaches to the code, but it seems I’m unable to prevent the JS and CSS loading.
I’m obviously overlooking something.
What would you suggest?
Thank you,
]]>Hello, I have been using the off-canvas menu in combination with the Astra theme for a long time. Only since a month does the off canvas menu not open on mobile. My shopping cart won’t open either.
When a product is added to my shopping cart, the off canvas menu and shopping cart will open.
I’ve followed the debugging steps, but unfortunately still can’t figure out the problem.
Could someone help me with this please?
]]>There is an image placeholder in my off-canvas menu for the site logo that goes back to the homepage. I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to put that logo in there and cannot figure this out. Any suggestions? Not a developer here.
]]>Greetings, I’m working on this site. In mobile version sidebar sometimes working sometimes not working sometimes working on only frontpage.
I tried everything. I nearly wasted 1 week. Please help me why this is so hard to fix..
i want it to work like the sidebar that displays newspaper front-page view on this website is that the work?
if yes, kindly let me use with ease and not tooo much complications.
]]>Not sure I understand what to do, my theme is using wp_body_open()
I am failing to get the icon feature working. I would be grateful if someone could help. I couldn’t find en example that may help me with this.
I am using astra theme asnd have the Better Font Awesome plugin installed.. I can use [icon name=”arrow-left” style=”solid” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] to insert an icon on a page.
I don’t know how to enter “arrow-left” and “solid” in the sidebar Shortcode generator Class field. I have tried various combinations. but nothing produces a icon.
How is the Shortcode generator class field used? Could someone provide an example of how they have used this field with their icons?
]]>Hi everyone,
I use off canvas on my website for display filter in product page.
On all other page I don’t need of this sidebar, how can I load it only in shop page?
Thank a lot!
]]>Hi there,
I had a problem with my off-canvas menu when I try to translate it into another language. I can find where can i translate the label icon into another language which default language is English. Can someone help me with this issue?
Just in case anyone else discovers the same problem and is looking for a solution:
When using Off-Canvas-Sidebar and Autoptimize – the Sidebar is not working.
For me the solution was to disable the option:
“?Force JavaScript in <head>?
Load JavaScript early (discouraged as it makes the JS render blocking)”
of Autoptimize.
This also was somehow causing a white gap under the footer of my theme (generatepress). Both problems disappear when disabling that option.
Sidebar works nicels with gutenberg and generatepress btw. Thx for that plugin.
]]>I have confirmed there are styles set by this plugin which can break the background-attachment: fixed
CSS property. This means if you want to assign a parallax background on blocks, it will not work on the front end if you have this plugin activated.
Lines 120-123:
[data-canvas], [data-off-canvas] {
-webkit-transform: translate( 0px, 0px );
-ms-transform: translate( 0px, 0px );
transform: translate( 0px, 0px );
These lines cause the CSS property background-attachment: fixed
to stop working.
When the lines are removed or overridden, everything works as expected:
[data-canvas], [data-off-canvas] {
-webkit-transform: none !important;
-ms-transform: none !important;
transform: none !important;
I am not sure if these are actually required to have the Slidebars menu working — when I apply the overrides, the side menu and everything else still works fine for me.
I hope this is helpful for other users who have run into this problem.
Hopefully a fix for this can be released soon.
]]>Hello! So I dont understand how to change position of the sidebar.
Everything works great, but want to make on right side and not push.
if you press “F? r?dgivning”
is this possible?
I just noticed that when I open or close the sidebar, the transitions are not working on Google Chrome on iOs (iPhone 6S). Sidebar appears and disappears without transitions. I didn’t try it on Android but I suspect the same behavior.
I can see the problem on two completely different sites using ocs sidebar.
On Safari it works just fine.
Could you please look at this?
Thanks a lot.
]]>Hello Jory!
I have tried solving this on my own, but cant find enough on the web.
I have a offcanvas panel that opens in safari with the element
<button class="ocs-trigger ocs-toggle ocs-toggle-posts-toc-mobile">���ŦѦɦŦ�?�̦Ŧͦ�</button>
everywhere it works okay!
Except on safari ios mobile, when the adressbar is hidden.
Then the offcanvas panel goes over the button for some reason…
See the screenshot
The correct layout is this
do you happen to know how i can overcome this?
I have tried
#ocs-posts-toc-mobile {
padding-bottom: calc(1em + env(safe-area-inset-bottom));
margin-bottom: calc(env(safe-area-inset-bottom) - 5em);
but it didnt work…
Under 768px you will see i am using your plugin for opening a offcanvas panel for my filters with the trigger element on the right with these css classes “ocs-trigger ocs-toggle ocs-toggle-filters-offcanvas offcanvas-flyout-open”.
I also have this element,
<button data-nav=”site-navigation” class=”menu-toggle” aria-controls=”primary-menu” aria-expanded=”false”>
as a trigger from my generatepress theme to open my menu as off canvas panel.
When i activate your plugin and my custom offcanvas panel works, the generatepress offcanvas menu trigger wont work correctly…
Actually if you click the generatepress trigger, nothing will happen.
But if you click the generatepress trigger and then the custom trigger i made for your plugin it opens both offcanvas panels.
I want to open each one on its own.
My current plugin settings
Maybe this is somekind of bug?
I am using your plugin on several sites and it is just perfect.
Now I am struggling with following and I could’t find anything in the docs.
After the sidebar opens (it is fully opened), I need to automatically scroll down to active menu element (menu is higher than screen). I have this function already done and using it on other site (without your sidebar, firing when document ready).
Is there a way to trigger a jQuery function after sidebar is fully opened? I tried to use click event on sidebar toggle button, but it doesn’t work properly.
Could you please suggest me anything?
Thank you very much for any hints.
Do you have an ETA for accepting the fix for the issues in OCS 0.5.7
Concatentation breaking class names.
]]>Hello Jory
I just found out, that we have now some problems with the canvas open trigger. When we open the sidebar and close them, we are navigate at the top of the page. This was not the case some time ago. Do you have a idea why this is happening?
Old recording without problems:!AvsbNFzJVmeAirRO4BD4tgCFXF3cLw
New recording with problems:!AvsbNFzJVmeAirRKd21WKPLC8xFc5A
I’ve added the shortcode of the canvas menu above productcategory. While the button apears it doesn’t open the canvas menu while the button in the side bar does show the off canvas menu.
I also can’t find any part in the backend or customizer to add anything to the of canvas manu. How can I add widgets or html to the off canvas menu?
]]>Hi there,
I’m using a rather small theme, so I was prepared for it to maybe not immediately work as expected. But I’m also not that well versed with these things.
I set up the website_before and website_after hooks as described, but when I trigger the sidebar, the page just reloads. I think it collides with some of the transitions from the theme.
I set up an account for you, because my site is currently under construction. Let me know, if you need the login details.
Thank you and have a great day!
Hi Jory,
quick question: I’m using off-canvas sidebars as a fullscreen menu overlay, is it possible to just show the sidebar instead of sliding in from any direction? Like fading in or just appearing – I saw there’s but this isn’t exactly what I need.
Cheers, M
Hello @keraweb,
how can I insert a close icon in an open sidebar?