I understand that it’s unsupported, but I really liked the Flash backup option. Your plugin worked much better than the built-in WordPress support. The Flash player looks and works better than HTML5 audio. Many of my viewers have older computers.
]]>How do I use this plugin to add audio to a sidebar widget?
]]>This plugin not converting url in to player.
]]>Is there a way to disable the ability to download the file behind the player?
]]>Only the URL shows on my home page and not the player. I tried the
[embed]https://www.yourdomain.com/yourfile.mp3[/embed]but that didn’t work at all. Any ideas anyone?
I was using another player, HTML5 MP3 Player with Folder Feedburner Playlist, but that has simply stopped working. I hadn’t edited it or my media content, it just stopped playing my files.
]]>The player appears, but nothing happens using Opera 16. Otherwise excellent. Works with Firefox and Explorer.
]]>Sometimes the player does not look in Firefox (versions 22 and 23), I imagine it must be a browser incompatibility because in Google Chrome works fine … Is there any solution for this problem?
]]>I’m using an API to pull content and I’ve edited single.php so that it will pull the mp3 url and put it as text in the post, but it’s not then displaying the audio player. Suggestions?
]]>This is a great plugin. But I noticed if I right-click the player, it lets me download the mp3 file. Some people may not want people downloading their music like that. It would be good to have options, e.g.:
[oembed downloadable=”false”]https://host.com/file.mp3[/oembed]
The plugin is not displaying on firefox for Mac. We have tried this in 3 different machines and still no audio player is displayed.
Any fixes for this?
]]>Plug-in seems incompatible with IE 7, exceeds set height in the <embed> tags. Used a workaround by adding a style="height:27px; overflow:hidden;"
to the embed tag to prevent it taking up the entire web page. This also seemed to remove the black bar above the player displaying in the flash version in Firefox and IE8. Would be great if fixed in a next version of the plug-in, so I can update it.
Nothing happens. When I put in a link, the audio player never does anything.
Is this Plugin Multi-site compatible
]]>Looks great in a big browser, but when screen size is reduced in responsive theme, tops half of player disappears. Any ideas on how to fix this? I tried 100% height in css with no luck.
]]>Hi there,
I’m trying to run this plugin alongside Types & Views. I know this might be a question for their developers as well, but I think it might have to do with the time at which this plugin works it’s magic in the loop. Here’s the issue. . .
In one of my views, I’m spitting out a custom field audio URL value using a field shortcode that looks like this:
[types field="audio-upload-file"][/types]
On the front-end, however, this just outputs the text version of the URL, instead of the plugin’s rendered player. If I just hand write an audio URL in the view, it works fine, so I’m thinking it must be an issue of the plugin trying to do it’s thing BEFORE the field shortcode has been processed.
Is there a way to force the plugin to run later in the cycle, perhaps on a later hook/action?
– Mickey
Sometimes it’s there sometimes it’s not! When it’s not, you can see a player (not the one that loads when it does work) try to load, but then it disappears and leaves a hole where the player should be. If I login to WP and edit/preview the page, the player is there. Baffling.
]]>I’m using this plugin for my podcasts, and while the player works beautifully on the post for each episode, taking those posts and displaying them on a page for each separate podcast category (there are three) using the Blog in Blog plug in only shows the dead URL to the audio file instead of the player. It would be logical that the same URL that launches the player plugin in a post would work with it on a page, but I’m at a loss to solve this. Any suggestions?
The site is dev.whiskycast.com/wp/episodes
]]>Hi honza,
Thanks for this simple & useful plugin. It works just fine for posts & Buddypress activity but not for posts’ comments. How can I add it to post’s comments?
Thank you
Do you know how to make the plugin also embed mp3’s in commits or custom post types from a front end creator?
like a help section that lets people submit questions.
]]>Wonderful plugin! But when I have multiple instances on one page, they play on top of each other when clicked on Play. Is it possible to automatically pause the previous one when clicking Play on the next song?
Forgive my English, I go through a translator.
How to make the sound is played repeatedly.
I thank you in advance
First: thanks for the plugin ??
Second: is there any possibility to influence the width of the Player? I tried [embed width="123"] but it doesnt work.
]]>Since this plugin doesn’t support autoplay as written, I thought someone else might benefit from knowing how to modify the plugin to support autoplay.
I simply modified line 35 of the plugin to add a reference to $attr{'autoplay'}
in the <audio> tag as such:
'<audio controls preload '.$attr{autoplay}.'><source src="%1$s" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=%1$s" src="'.$flash_player.'" width="400" height="27" quality="best"></embed></audio>',
Then reference the music file using [embed autoplay="autoplay"]URL_to_MP3[/embed]
Pretty simple, hope it helps someone.
]]>I installed this plugin to replace Audio Player, which has not been updated in 2 years, and was not playing all files (file not found message).
oEmbed HTML5 audio works fine for me in Chrome, Safari and IE 9 with W3TC page caching active, but not in Firefox, so I had to disable W3TC page caching for the page with the MP3s.
]]>Shows up in Chrome, but there is no audio or visual element at all on IE8.
]]>not supported within <li>
no short code options support
“Error: You have specified a custom MP3 shortcode, but WordPress doesn’t know how to interpret it. Make sure the shortcode is correct, and that the appropriate plugin is activated.”
I am using sermon browser.
Please assist.
Does this not work with 3.4.1?
I installed the plugin, upload an mp3 to a post, insert the URL, and it just shows up as a link on the page. No player.
Any ideas?
The player will briefly flash upon loading of the page, but then turn to a grey bar with only an arrow to the left. The arrow isn’t clickable.
Any ideas?
]]>If you seek a simply, easy audio plug-in (literally – install it and go!) – this is it!