The message You are just one step away – Complete “Ocean Custom Sidebar” Activation Now does not close
And I don’t see the sidebar, I did everything according to your guide, What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
I setup a custom sidebar for my forums (bbpress) page but the default sidebar shows up instead. Am I missing something ? Thank you
hi, I can’t see a different class for a different (custom) side bar… I want to do a bit of different styling on the different side bars, but I do not see an option to do this because the custom sidebar does not appear to have a different class or id… Am I overlooking something or should I find another custom sidebar plugin?
]]>Hello, I would like to have different sidebars for my Woocommerce category. How can I assign them to each category?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I loaded “Travel” free demo to a clean WP website. Loaded all appropriate Plugins.
On the Dashboard, I’m getting constant ‘activation’ message for this plugin:
You are just one step away – Complete “Ocean Custom Sidebar” Activation Now
It doen’t seem to matter what I do, it will not go away…..WHY?
Am I missing something?
If one clicks the message, there is no visible “activation”. Also in All Plugins View on the Dashboard – it is activated.
Becoming very annoying!
Thanks Dennis
]]>i use OceanWP Theme and install this plugin but below page edit i don’t see menu Ocean Setting like this image https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/348-assign-a-custom-sidebar-to-a-page-post
or this plugin have to work with Ocean extra
i don’t install ocean extra becasue my php version not complatible
]]>How can I add a right widget sidebar to my site?
I am currently building a website with OceanWP and Polylang. Every widget has worked with the multilingual integration until now. I tried to create a custom sidebar with a social share widget (the one from OceanWP), and I inserted a different widget for each language. In my default language (Italian), the social share widget shows up, while in the translated language (English), the social share widget does not. Every other widget works just fine. I also tried to use the same widget in the OceanWP footer, and it works perfectly as it shows up in both languages in the appropriate form. The only place where it does not work is in the custom sidebar, and only in the translated language.
Could we do something about it ? I do not mind getting my hands into code.
Thank you in advance,
Is it possible to add a custom sidebar to my homepage (posts page)?
I can see how to add a custom sidebar to any other page, but I don’t see how to configure the homepage for a custom sidebar.
I want a “Recent Posts” widget at the top of the default sidebar, but I don’t want one at the top of the homepage sidebar, because the homepage already consists of recent posts.
The only workaround I can see is to remove the “Recent Posts” widget from the default sidebar, then use the default sidebar only for the homepage. That means I would have to specify a custom sidebar for every other page and post, which seems like a lot of work.
]]>What is the code to add a custom sidebar to a layout-file?
I get the ID of the custom sidebar, but I do not know of any shortcode, which I could add to my layout-file?
I went to Theme Panel>Sidebars and created a custom sidebar.
However, when I add some widgets to that sidebar, it does not show up on my single blog posts? https://wordpress-online-cursus.nl/maximale-upload-in-wordpress-verhogen/
It does show up when I add those widgets to the default sidebar though.
However, I want that default sidebar just to be used for the Sensei courses:
and a seperate sidebar for the single posts.
I deactivated Ocean Extra, all sensei plugins etc but that custom sidebar just wont show the widgets added to it: https://wordpress-online-cursus.nl/maximale-upload-in-wordpress-verhogen/
Should I do something else or is this a bug please?
Can I associate a sidebar with a category? I want to show each category a different sidebar
This plugin does not work with Ocean Extra.
Will it be fixed?