Salesforce requires another security measure for PKCE or it won’t authorize. Can you please add that into the settings?
]]>I’m trying to sync ALL salesforce Product data with wordpress. What trigger do I need to use for this?
]]>is it possible to set up object sync so that contacts/accounts added to salesforce are automatically added as a user in WP?
]]>When i active Object Sync for Salesforce plugin in wordpress its show “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”
i try with diifrent wordpress but its still show same is there any option to fix.
I am looking to purchase your plugin to allow us to update multiple fields in existing Salesforce contacts. I have the following questions regarding functionality, can you please provide answers to these questions:
I’m unable to share a link – this is more of a ‘pre-sales’ question – can this support Custom Content Types created by JetEngine?
]]>I am having a problem connecting Salesforce with the plugin. When I click “Connect with Salesforce” button, the page showed the OAuth2 screen and then redirected back to Authorize tab.
However I can see code is returned momentarily in the address bar and then it redirects to the Authorize tab.
Here is the Salesforce setting for the Connected app.
Please help if anyone had the same issue.
Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /home/customer/www/ on line 156
issue is with $this->statuses_to_log variable.
private function configure_debugging() {
???// set debug log status based on the plugin's debug mode setting.
???if ( true === $this->debug ) {
??????$this->statuses_to_log[] = 'debug';
??????$this->enabled ? ? ? ? ? = true;
???} else {
??????????/* commented out otherwise plugin may crash the site
??????if ( in_array( 'debug', $this->statuses_to_log, true ) ) {
?????????$delete_value? ? ? ? ? = 'debug';
?????????$this->statuses_to_log = array_filter(
????????????function( $e ) use ( $delete_value ) {
???????????????return ( $e !== $delete_value );
?????????update_option( $this->option_prefix . 'statuses_to_log', $this->statuses_to_log );
????????? commented out to here */
I would highly recommend that users of this plugin considering migrating to the Object Data Sync for Salesforce plugin by MinOrange. Fully supported and actively maintained:
]]>I am currently working on mapping objects. I have read documentation and have been experimenting with the plugin to learn the in’s and out’s which has been great so far. Before I got too much further I wanted to reach out and ensure that I understand this some things correctly. I have had success pushing new records into Salesforce. I can update existing records for mapped WP records in Salesforce with no issues.
At some point over the last 3 months, we have just noticed that Pulling from SF has stopped working on our site.
Within the Scheduling tab, the Pull is set to 1 min and This Queue Has shows 1 item – that cannot be cleared even after clicking the Clear This Queue button and receiving the success msg: You have cleared the salesforce_pull schedule.
I have double checked that the Action Schedular is running every 1 min as expected.
Any ideas why the Pulling in no longer working?
The plugin version is 2.2.7 and our WP version is 6.3.1.
Hello there!
I’ve been working on connecting my Salesforce Environment to my WordPress site using a plugin, and I’ve run into a bit of an issue. When I set the schedule to run every 2 minutes or more, everything works perfectly. However, as soon as I try to set it to run every 1 minute, I encounter an error message:
“There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”
This error message appears both on the website itself and in the admin panel.
I’m currently testing this solution so that I can smoothly install the plugin in my client’s WordPress environment. While my client is going to grant me admin permissions, I won’t have access to their hosting, which means I won’t be able to quickly remove the plugin in case it throws an error.
I was wondering if you might have any insights into why I’m encountering this error every time I try to schedule the call for every 1 minute? Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Otherwise the plugin is awesome, but I want to make sure that I won’t have any errors on my client website. ??
Thank you so much for your help, and I look forward to your response! ??
]]>Need help please guys!!!
I have this error, in the CPT Logs of the plugin, when syncing a User and Order between WP and Salesforce. That is, when I change the status of an order to either In Progress or Completed.
What is the solution to this problem?
My field mapping?
Need help please folks,
Thanks a lot!
Hi due to wordpress(current version 6.2) update object sync for salesforce plugin not working. Authenitcation is done successfully . when we try to install new version of this plugin show error “* int type”. so we had downgrade one version of this plugin which installed and activated succesffully.
But main problem is action trigger not working when i switch to schedulling by checking the asynchronus. It show us debugs logs for success and errors but for action trigger it is not showing any error to us.
can any one know about this? please check and revert us. thanks.
When i trying connect to salesforce its redirect to salesforce page and i allowed the permission and when i redirect back to site its not connecting with salesforce. its showing again connect to salesforce button. No error is showing on screen.
I folllowed this article
Please help
]]>I get the following error when I try to update the plugin from version 2.0.3 to 2.2.7.
I’m not entirely sure in what direction I should search. I have not added custom code.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings
in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/object-sync-for-salesforce/classes/class-object-sync-sf-logging.php on line 146
Call stack:
I’m trying to pass the value of 1 or Yes from a checkbox in WordPress to a Salesforce Boolean checkbox to get it ticked. But it appears it will only accept a command of true/false and not a 1 or 0 integer.
]]>We have the plugin set to not pull contacts on Salesforce Create. But it does pull another object type (events) on Salesforce Create. Events may contain a set of Salesforce contact IDs, which on the WordPress end we’ll use to display performers who have WP user records with corresponding Salesforce IDs.
This works great if the performer is already in WordPress, but if we create new performers in Salesforce, they don’t end up in WordPress (because we don’t pull contacts on Salesforce Create).
What I’d like to do is post-process events, iterate through the Salesforce performer contact IDs, and if we find one that doesn’t exist in WordPress already, pass that contact ID to the plugin to have it explicitly pull that contact into WordPress.
Is there a method we can use to “manually” pull a contact, using the plugin’s smarts to retrieve and map fields just as it would for an automated pull?
We are trying to import all WP users into SF and establish a fieldmap between the WP user ID ?and the SF contact ID. ?
We performed 4 separate tests, importing a csv file of 21 user records via User Import Export. All were existing WP users, with a field change (the Registration Source field was given the Website Registrant value).
Whether or not the imported csv included a Salesforce ID, after import, ther WP user record shows a tmp ID instead of the SF ID in the import file.
The help forum for ObjectSync is saying that this means there was an error of some type, but there is no error message in either the site logs or the plugin mapping errors log. ?The mapping shows as successful.
The only way to override is manually editing the objectmap, i.e. deleting the tmp objectmap. If you delete the tmp objectmap a new objectmap will generally automatically appear correctly. However, we have 40k users to upload and fixing this manually isn’t a real option.
Thanks in advance for some clarity!
]]>We have a custom post type with ACF fields that won’t push to SF when a post is updated programmatically.
I’ve read through the forum here about similar situations and nothing has worked. If I update the post in the WP backend editor, the data gets pushed to SF properly via the Fieldmap that is set up.
When we update the post in the code, we’re using update_post_meta and then save_post. Turning on debugging shows nothing because the action isn’t even triggered. We’ve followed this which is supposed to trigger the sync.
We’re using the same Fieldmap to pull data from SF to create the custom posts and everything works correctly on that side. Updating the post on the WP side to push to SF does not work despite our best efforts at trying different routes to get this working.
The Fieldmap is set up to trigger on WordPress Update, SF Create and Update and does not Process Asynchronously.
Do you have any suggestions on how to get this working?
]]>In staging we are updating the site from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0. Everytime we attempt it we receive the following error and the website crashes:
2023/01/18 19:16:59 [error] 50265#50265: *4 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”. Did you mean to use “continue 2”? in /www/pbpohio_689/public/wp-content/plugins/object-sync-for-salesforce-226/classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php on line 1118PHP message: PHP Warning: “continue” targeting switch is equivalent to “break”. Did you mean to use “continue 2″? in /www/pbpohio_689/public/wp-content/plugins/object-sync-for-salesforce-226/classes/class-object-sync-sf-mapping.php on line 1132” while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: “GET / HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php8.0-fpm-pbpohio.sock:”, host: “”
If we disable the object sync for salesforce plugin (I’ve tried both versions 2.2.6 and 2.2.2), the website comes back up. The interesting thing, is that we have multiple version of the object sync for salesforce plugin (which is deactivated). If I enable version 1.9.3 the website will run. Ideas?
I have an active mapping for a fieldmap that syncs fields between woocommerce product and salesforce object (native like product title or custom thanks to the ACF plugin).
I noticed that the native woo Upsell field (_upsell_ids) was missing from my mapping. I was able to find it and map it a few days ago. Just like the woo Cross-Sell field which has not disappeared
When I search for it in the wordpress fields : I can’t find it at all.
How can I add it again? Why only him?
Thanks in advance for your help!
We appreciate if you can assist us. We encountered an issue that updating content from Salesforce, changes are not synced to the wordpress content. New records created in Salesforce are being synced though.
]]>I want to make sure that users of this forum know that my last day at MinnPost is 12/16. I’ve been the sole maintainer of this plugin for several years, and it’s not clear what its future will be. Certainly it is possible that support in this forum will not be happening in the same way that it has in the past.
]]>Hi, Thanks for the great plugin.
I have a question.
I am mapping salesforce leads to wordpress users.
If I set the “Email” of the Salesforce Field to prematch, the same email address exists in salesforce and when a user registers with that email address in wordpress, it syncs as expected.
However, if “Phone” is set to “prematch,” it will not sync, and furthermore, it will not push correctly, regardless of whether the phone number exists in Salesforce or not.
Salesforce Id is registered with an ID starting with tmp.
Are there any requirements for the items that can be set in “prematch”?
The error log is “Object: Lead Message: Provided external ID field does not exist or is not accessible: Phone”.
I checked the “Email” and “Phone” fields on the salesforce side, and the only difference I could find is whether the data type is email or phone number.
Best regards.
Our instance hasn’t had a successful pull from Salesforce since 6:44 am today. Pushes are happening successfully.
I checked scheduling in the plugin – all good (set to run every 3 minutes, no changes).
Nothing telling in the logs, including when debug is enabled.
Looking in Scheduled Actions, the last entry I see for object_sync_for_salesforce_pull_check_records is “failed” at 1:04 am:
2022-12-09 01:01:21 +0000
action created
2022-12-09 01:04:42 +0000
action started via Async Request
2022-12-09 01:10:14 +0000
action marked as failed after 300 seconds. Unknown error occurred. Check server, PHP and database error logs to diagnose cause.
Does this mean that’s the last time it ran at all, or just the last time it was recorded as “failed”? I see a couple of unrelated pending actions in there as well. I don’t see pull_check_records as pending though.
Cron Manager suggests cron is running correctly. Nothing appears stuck in the queue and it updates on refresh.
Is it telling that object_sync_for_salesforce_pull_check_records is not showing as pending in Scheduled Actions? I’m not sure how I would “get it back in there” – should I try disabling/re-enabling the plugin, or do you have other ideas for kick-starting things again?
Thank you always for your amazing work on this.
]]>I am testing this plugin and have it set up to sync on Salesforce Create/Update with the tribe_events WordPress object (Events Calendar).
I have my Org authorized and field map set up, but nothing happens when I create a record in Salesforce. There is also no Log generated, even with debug mode on.
Did I miss a step? Do I need to set up a trigger or anything in Salesforce?
Hoping you can point me in the right direction at least.
I have your plugin connected and authorised and I want to pull event information stored in Salesforce over to WordPress.
Is the Salesforce object for events a set name?
I use:
– Object sync for Salesforce : to bring down data on pages + Woocommerce products and categories product
– ACF plugin: to create custom fields on wordpress and backoffice of my woocommerce products
I managed to make a fieldmap that syncs between Woocommerce and Salesforce for woo PRODUCTS!
=> the data comes down from salesforce, is put in the acf fields created on the woocommer products then are called on my elementor templates via dynamic tags.
I would like to do the same thing for the object Product Categories woocommerce.
But when I do the fieldmaps on the wordpress object “category”, it comes to create me categories of posts… And I can’t find in the dropdown list any other wordpress object that could match!
Is it possible? Do you know how to add to the wordpress object list the woocommerce product categories to do my mapping?
Thank you very much for your feedback!
]]>One of our WordPress object types is a “credit”, which I believe is generated by WooCommerce.
Prior to July 20, 2022, “credit” records pushed successfully from WP to SF.
Then we had a big gap until September 7th, when a flurry of records attempted to push and failed with this message:
Error: HTTP Method 'PATCH' not allowed. Allowed are GET,HEAD,POST
Since then, all pushes of “credit” records are failing with this message.
I haven’t encountered “PATCH” as an http method before. Was there a change in the plugin that caused it to start using this method, or do we think something outside the plugin is causing this to attempt as PATCH vs. POST or another method?
Or does this suggest something changed at Salesforce to suddenly deny PATCH pushes?