Good morning. When installing and activating the plugin on the site, I noticed such a problem that after activation, any content ceases to be displayed. Just white pages with nothing. After deactivating the plugin, everything reverts back to normal display. If possible, please tell me what could be the reason?
]]>getting “No Access Token provided” on testing
]]>the site i am trying to link my wp site to uses custom scopes which use periods in the name, such as “”. i am unable to configure the plugin to access this site, because the plugin’s scope field will not accept a scope with . in the name.
I need to customize parameters when request goes like,
This is Authorize Endpoint, as you see there is no client_id type of parameters here so, how can I customize the parameters.
]]>Good afternoon. Downloaded the plugin and activated it. created a new app on the eve website, entered IDI and secret code. I click the test button, and I get an error. Go to the callback section. What can I do to make the app work?
]]>With GroupMe’s API
You can register an application, and when a user is sent to ID]
they are then sent to
where CALLBACK_URL is a url you specify with GroupMe and ACCESS_TOKEN is that users access token
You can get a JSON of the current users info from:
I can’t seem to figure out how to configure this for this plugin, if this is even possible.
]]>Hi there,
How do I edit the generic button font and colour? Right now the generic font is pink, and when you hover over it, it turns white. Any help is greatly appreciated!
]]>Is it possible to purchase the Premium License and upgrade to Enterprise by paying the difference or is it required to buy a new license?
]]>What is the difference between the 2 wordpress plugins offered by miniorange?
OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth client)
OAuth 2.0 client for SSO
It seems the website directs to OAuth Single Sign On – SSO (OAuth client)
There seems to be a conflict while oauth-client and the Patreon Connect plugin are enabled.
Login through Patreon does not work when oauth-client is enabled.
I would like to restrict specific pages & posts to patreons.
Is this possible with the Enterprise version of this plugin?
Suddenly after no changes made on the site the SSO login is returning Response : Invalid response received and not allowing people to log in.
Any clues?
]]>After updating this plugin to the current version we are receiving the following error after validating with the Authorizer.
{“error”:”invalid_scope”,”error_description”:”The requested scopes either don’t exist, or are not valid for this client”}
]]>Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/xyz/public_html/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-login-with-eve-online-google-facebook/class-mo-oauth-widget.php on line 612
]]>I’ve configured a new, custom OAuth app in v1.6.4 of this plugin.
After clicking on “Test Configuration” (“Check if does not require Authorization Header” is checked) and following through the OAuth flow, I get the following error message from your plugin:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array in /path-to-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/oauth-client/handler/oauth_handler.php:25 Stack trace: #0 /path-to-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/oauth-client/class-mo-oauth-widget.php(308): Mo_OAuth_Hanlder->getAccessToken('https://MYSITE111...', 'authorization_c...', 'SECRET...', 'SECRET...', 'SECRET...', 'https://MYSITE222...') #1 /path-to-wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): mo_oauth_login_validate('') #2 /path-to-wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /path-to-wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /path-to-wordpress/wp-settings.php(450): do_action('init') #5 /path-to-wordpress/wp-content/plugins/oauth-client/handler/oauth_handler.php on line 25
The test configuration works fine, and I get a good result back from Google+.
But when I try to log in with the widget, I get error message: “Email address not received. Check your Attribute Mapping configuration.”
While on this topic, the attribute mapping instructions are not 100% clear on the following two points:
*Email attribute: (I assume I should fill in the value next to emails.0.value from the test config page here, but it’s not 100% clear. The title should be changed from Email Attribute to Emails.0.value to make it more clear.)
*First Name Attribute: (same issue here. I assume I should fill in the result from the name.givenName on the test config page, but it is not 100% clear.)
]]>The link that is supposed to explain how to do a custom OAuth server is dead:
]]>The shortcode mentioned, [mo_oauth_login], when placed on a page, does nothing. It simple appears as text on that page.
]]>I am always getting an error
wp-content/plugins/oauth-client/style_login_widget.css?ver=4.9.5 404 (Not Found)
and the pages loads very slow.
Any ideas how to fix this error?