Rating: 5 stars
I like you comments widget. Here it is possible to display avatars.
But if I have a comment from Facebook the Facebook Avatars are not shown.
$output .= ‘<ul id=”ns”>’;
if ( $comments ) {
foreach ( (array) $comments as $comment) {
$output .= ‘<div class=”avat”>’;
$output .= get_avatar(get_comment_author_email($comment->comment_ID), $size) . ‘ ‘;
$output .= sprintf(__(‘%1$s on </div><li class=”ns-comment”> %2$s’, ‘widget-recent-comments’), get_comment_author(), ‘comment_ID) ) . ‘”>’ . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . ‘‘);
$output .= ‘<br style=”clear:both;height:0;margin:0;padding:0;” />’;
Is it possible to do that with an if else commando like this example?
if ($comment->user_id) {echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50);} else {echo get_avatar( $comment, 50 );}
So if an User is registered on the Site he has it′s avatar, and the Users from outside the Site have their avatar for Example Facebook shown?
Greets, Karl
]]>Rating: 5 stars
This plugin is pretty good! But I think it has a few problems – the text looks very awkward centered, the post title font looks too dark (on my theme) and the text is too big.
Fortunately, it’s easy to make the text align to the left. A few very simple modifications and the widget looks perfect! Nice and simple.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Thisi is clean and simple widgets and it works fine. I use it on my site and I am pleased with it. It could be more complex in the future, but basically this is good.