I like this addon. Unfortunately, it is not so easily usable in Europe because of the Google Fonts.
Since I upgraded to a more recent version of cornerstone and/or as well of Notes Widget Wrapper (I had a lot of plugin updates outstanding) I have to disable the Notes Widget Wrapper plugin so that I can use Cornerstone to edit my pages.
If Notes Widget Wrapper is activated and I want to edit a page with Cornerstone I get an empty page wit a button in the left upper corner saying “Add media”. I just need to disable Notes Widget Wrapper and I am able to edit the pages with Cornerstone. The situation is very unconfortable for me now, since I have to disable and enable Notes Widget Wrapper so that I can edit a pate with Cornerstone.
Please advise.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for a great plug-in – enjoyed watching the video too. I’m using the Notes Widget Wrapper for a latest news post on the front page. It’s all working well for me (eg. thumb tack colour, background colour, text colour and font size) except the font style. I just can’t seem to get the font style to change. I’m using it with Text Widget that comes with WordPress. I’ve tried it on Site Origin Editor too – just to see if that made a difference but I had the same problem. Using Vogue theme, version 10.4.5.
Can you please fix the applying style widget to all other widgets that that style wasn`t applied to.
I use latest Catalyst Theme with WordPress and when I activate Notes Widget Wrapper Plug in and not apply it in widgets the Wrapper is still forces its style to be applied even though I didn’t place a check mark to apply to that individual widget. For some reason it applies to ALL widgets which aren’t using it style.
If you please have a look into this that would really help.
Kind Regards