Does this work in Tablepress? The Tablepress coder said plugins should work the same in Tablepress, however I am using some photos in Tablepress and I can right click and copy the source URL etc. Any suggestions? My page is not live so I cannot give a link. Thank you!
]]>Hi Team
I did get an error (… nonce cannot be verified) after sending a comment on my website.
After disactivating your plugin, sending comments work without any problems. Please can you check your code.
Best Regards Michael
how can i allow logged-in users to rightclick? I have no options in the plugin.
I would like to add a feature: the possibility of uploading files to imgur and using them in the site library.. to add them to the article and add them to the favorite image of the article
In other words, I prefer to use imgur as a cloud host for photos
These are some of the old additions that used to do such work
Works on desktop with Chrome and Mozilla,
and on Chrome on Android,
But not work on Mozilla on Android,
not on Safari on IPad or Iphone.
Hi Keith,
Is there a way to prevent the plugin from working on a single page while still working on all the other pages? If yes, can you please share a method that I can use. I am using the latest version of the plugin. TIA
Best regards,
]]>Hi guys,
I really like your plugin, it works really well in both desktop and mobile. Not even on my iPhone can save images from my page directly.
I’ve got an image carousel from Elementor on my home page and I’m trying with another plugin to add url links on the images of that carousel, but your plugin does it’s job really well and when clicking on the images in blocks from going to the url.
Is there any way to solve this? If not there’s no problem, that’s just a special touch
Thank you once again for your plugin and for your help,
Hello Keith,
I have a question about the No Right Click Images plugin. We currently use that plugin on a website of my client and it works perfectly, except on the webshop page: Do you happen to have an idea why the plugin doesn’t work here and what we can do about it?
Thank you very much in advance.
]]>Dear Sir,
I hope you are fine and thank you by this plugin!
Please, plugin is working fine as always worked for all images, but today i have tested it in a post featured image (generated by gutenberg) and it didn′t work.
What could be?
The plugin “No Right Click Images Plugin” works fine in Chrome and in Edge, but the plugin doesn’t work in Firefox. I am not sure, but maybe this plugin has stopped working in Firefox after updating Firefox to a newer version (I at least think this plugin was working in Firefox for a few months ago)? I am using Firefox v.92.0 (64-bits).
This plugin doesn’t work in Android either. (I don’t know if this plugin works in Safari, because I don’t use Safari …).
I hope you can get this plugin to work again in Firefox. And if it is possibe to get this plugin to work even in Android (and maybe even in Safarai if the plugin doesn’t work in Safari) it would be great!! Because if it works in all browsers, it is a very good plugin!!!
Thank you very much in advance!!
]]>I have the plugin, and on a desktop it works perfectly to prevent right click saves. Is there a way to prevent someone from clicking on the image on a mobile and downloading the linked file? On an iPhone, that puts the image in the files app of the phone.
Also, is there a way to prevent someone from holding the image and dragging it into a browser bookmark/favorite list, which then allows someone to save the image once dragged to bookmarks? I can do that with Firefox.
]]>i Install no right click images plugin and i built gallery with elementor pro but plugin not working. Any Issue Any Mistake from my side
I found out it was All in One WP security that was causing the problem.
I disabled the plug-in and removed it but somehow there is a residue because right click is still not possible. Where can I find any left-over coding to properly remove everything?
I have used this plugin for a while and it was perfect!
Sadly it is no longer working. Is it abandoned now?
]]>Hello Keith,
I hope you are well. I’ve just installed your plugin and it seems to be working well on desktop Chrome, Opera and Edge, but for some reason the right-click context menu is still enabled in Firefox?
I am logged in to my WP dashboard in Firefox – does that have something to do with it? The setting for logged in users is unchecked so I guess it may not:
I have cleared the WP and broswer caches.
I also wanted to clarify this:
“If you have uploaded your images to WordPress so that the images from the gallery can be opened in their own window, then this plugin will not work on the clicked image.”
I see no options within the Media Library or Settings Media to have images open in a new window? Please can you tell me what I’m missing or misunderstanding?
Many thanks for your help.
When open in a new window the image could be saved and no disable right click available.
How to fix it?
When installing plugin, the following message pops up:
The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Any advice?
]]>Hi right click,
I was on Ver 2.5 and works great. But after I updated to the ver 3.5, it stopped working, I can right click on the image and able to drag the image as well?
Any solution, please help.
After I try some content protection plugins, I have found this plugin is the best one on this subject. It does not hurt my website as the others do occasionally. However, I have an opinion that if the plugin can be developed to prevent images from saving them via iPhone, the plugin will move to a higher level of protection. It is going to be the most popular and be the number one of content protection plugins.
]]>The plugin is not working on my website. I tried from different PC, Macbook, iPhones but you can always right click on image and save the images.
]]>Hi kpgraham,
thanks for you plugin.
is it possible to change the warning text “alert content is protected” or just not to show this warning?
Thank you for this plug in. I have found that using Divi and putting the image in as a background in the section or the row, I can still right click. Do you know if there is a solution to this? The same thing happens if I don’t use the plug in and use code in the header. When I have an image module, the right click is disabled. In reading through the forum, I am guessing this is a Divi issue?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
]]>Hello !
I want to translate the settings of your plugin in French. Is it possible to have the language file (.po) to do that ?
Thanks in advance.
This is a great plugin, but it doesn’t seem to work in the Chrome browser. I can still right click on images.
]]>If I keep the option Allow Right Click for Logged Users enabled, users registered through WooCommerce can right click on my images and I want to prevent that, but still being able to right click as an admin.
Is there a way to achieve this?
]]>After updating to the latest version I can no longer scroll through my galleries with images.
This used to happen to me when enabling “Disable Touch events”. I think the bug is caused by the new “Disable context menu on Apple devices” option. I tried disabling it but still I can’t scroll.
Hi Keith
Thank you for making this plugin. I had been using your old code, version 2.2 I think, when I realized you could still save with a long hold (mobile right click) in iOS.
I updated to your current code and it does have a couple of issues so I started digging in.
It seems the desktop code works for everything but iOS, so disabling the following with preventDefault works across desktops, Android and Windows mobile I think:
document.addEventListener(‘mousedown’, disableEvent);
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu’, disableEvent);
document.addEventListener(‘copy’, disableEvent);
document.addEventListener(‘cut’, disableEvent);
The problem starts with iOS in my experience, it does not support the above non touch screen defaults and instead everything is done through the touch event. As soon as we mess with the touch event it breaks clicking, scrolling etc.
I dug and dug and found this:
and have tried and tested code using it where I apply the following css to images:
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
it blocks the iOS context menu!
Currently I am testing code still, but I am combining javascript preventDefault on desktop events with the css code above and it seems to work. No glitches, and the same functionality, no right click and no drag across all browsers, desktop and mobile.
Hope this helps and am fascinated to chat it though with you. Let me know.
Just about everything has changed in the new version. I need to know if there are any issues. The plugin has always had problems with mobile devices and some browsers. I may have fixed some of these problems while creating new ones.
Please let me know if you find any errors and I will try to fix them in as short a time period as possible.
Plugin doesn’t work with https (assuming a security-conscious browser), as use of WP_PLUGIN_URL results in http reference for the JS file.
Please update plugin so it can be used with https, and follows best practice for setting plugin path, using plugins_url(), if not also enqueuing the JS, e.g.,
— wp-content/plugins/no-right-click-images-plugin/no-right-click-images-plugin.php
+++ wp-content/plugins/no-right-click-images-plugin/no-right-click-images-plugin.php
@@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ function kpg_no_rc_img_fixup() {
if ($cell!=’Y’) $cell=’N’;
// if the user is logged in and the option is set, let them copy images
if ($allowforlogged==’Y’ && is_user_logged_in() ) { return; }
– $dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__));
– $img = addslashes($dir.’not.gif’);
– $js = addslashes($dir.’no-right-click-images.js’);
+ $img = plugins_url( ‘not.gif’, __FILE__ );
+ $js = plugins_url( ‘no-right-click-images.js’, __FILE__ );
if (!empty($altimg)) $img=$altimg;
@@ -105,8 +104,7 @@ function kpg_no_rc_img_control() {
– $dir = WP_PLUGIN_URL.’/’.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),””,plugin_basename(__FILE__));
– $img = addslashes($dir.’not.gif’);
+ $img = plugins_url( ‘not.gif’, __FILE__ );
if (!empty($altimg)) $img=$altimg;
Hi guys, I have a little problem. The plugin works great on the PC, while there are problems when testing it on iPhone 8. Will it be fixed or not?