I have your plugin installed on quite a few sites. I noticed that the link from the WordPress plugin to your page for this plugin is no longer there. Are you still supporting this plugin?
I have your plugin installed on quite a few sites. I noticed that the link from the WordPress plugin to your page for this plugin is no longer there. Are you still supporting this plugin?
I’ve installed the “No Page Comments” plug-in after struggling with multiple websites telling me how to remove these comments. I un-ticked the checkboxes for comments for new posts as well as disabled comments for All Posts and Pages. But this pesky “Leave a reply” box is still at the bottom of my pages. Please help!
]]>Just downloaded the newest version of this because I wanted to enable comments on a certain page. I’ve followed all the directions and now have an “allow comments” box in my page editor. And even though I check it, there is nothing at the bottom of the page to indicate comments are allowed.
I have cleared my cache and purged all, but no effect. Any ideas for me? TIA
I have using this plugins on WordPress 3.4.2 version,but coming spam comment in my site.please suggest me regarding to why the coming spam comment?
]]>I am using a plugin that allows users to decide between text or video comments. I am trying to disable just the text comments and only allow video comments. Can your plugin help me achieve this?
]]>I want to temporarily stop commenting, will this plugin keep the old comments?
I’m using the plugin in a shared mu-plugins folder, so I changed line 78 of no-page-comment.php to $this->plugin_dir = plugins_url( '/', __FILE__ );
This will work regardless of the plugin’s location.
]]>I’ve installed No Page Comment and I’ve successfully been able to use the new “turn off comments for all pages” feature. But the original reason for the plugin, to disable comments on NEW pages, seems not to be working. I have both trackbacks and comments disabled for pages in the NPC settings, and yet newly created pages allow comments. I can subsequently turn the comments OFF on the page using the plugin… but I was hoping it would simply work as expected.
I have read the FAQ and I’m not duplicating pages, I’m creating them anew from the sidebar.
I’m on NPC version 1.0.4. Am I doing something wrong, or is the plugin incompatible with 3.9.1 somehow?
Is it possible to use this plugin to prevent new comment threads on an old post, but allow existing threads to be commented on.
I’m thinking that as a new post is created, new conversation should move to the new post. However, existing conversations can be carried on against the old posts – for a period of time anyway.
The new stylesheet included with 1.0.1 messes up the WordPress admin dashboard. (prevents Dashboard widgets showing the information properly)
CSS classes used are repeats of the admin core sylesheet classes .insider and .inner
Some changes to stylesheet and settings file fixes this issue
Changes made: Gave classes new unique names
Stylesheet file – (no-page-comment.css):
.inside changed to .npcinside
.inner changed to .npcinner
Settings file – (no-page-comment-settings.php)
class=”inside” changed to class=”npcinside”
class=”inner” changed to class=”npcinner”
It may also be a good idea to give the .buttons class a unique name as well.
Hope this info helps ??
I see I can disable comments on NextGEN galleries and images, which is great. However, I also sometimes get comments on image attachment pages, e.g. https://stlwildones.org/arbor-award-nominations-open/sycamore-tree/.
The only way I’ve found to disable that is to edit each image individually, which is tedious. Is there a way to do this with No Page Comments?
I’m looking into this plug-in, but I’m wondering, is this still being developed? It says it’s working in WP up to 3.3.2 – will it work on 3.4.2?
I have it installed but doesn’t work, Comments field is visible on every page and I wanted it to be turned Off.