Any chance there will be fix for this?
Warning: Use of undefined constant tagoveride – assumed ‘tagoveride’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
]]>For anyone who (after upgrading) receives the “Warning: Illegal string offset” message when displaying the quotes through the shortcode, this is the fix:
In the plugin editor, find in nice_quotes.php
the following lines
$tagoverride = trim($atts[tagoveride]);
$additionalclasses = trim($atts[additionalclasses]);
and change them to:
$tagoverride = trim($atts[tagoveride]);
$additionalclasses = trim($atts[additionalclasses]);
This validates the entries. Hope that helps someone!
thanks for the great plugin! I use nice-quote a lot on my site but I have problems using the shortcode. It will display the quote correctly but I get a xampp error (local apache server):
Warning: Il-le-gal string off-set ?tago-ve-r-ide? in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/nice_quotes.php on line 178
Warning: Il-le-gal string off-set ?ad-di-tio-nal-clas-ses? in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/nice_quotes.php on line 179
You have an idea what I can do about that?
Hi there,
Exactly what I was looking for !
Have this issue here – – sometimes no quotes are showing (I have around ten) is there anyway to set that always there will be a quote showing ? or do I have to have a certain number of quotes so the rotator shows always a quote ?
]]>It would be really useful to have the option to specify a person to attribute the quote to, which would be added after the quote. As an example:
The quick brown fox jumped over MY lazy dog!
Where the author name would be wrapped in an element so as to be styled (instead of a list like I used here)
]]>Sometimes it shows the quote in the sidebar…sometimes it doesn’t. My client is very displeased because they don’t understand why sometimes that area comes up blank, and then other times it shows the quote. This plugin failed for me. We’re going to try another one now, called “Flexi Quote Rotator” — hopefully that plugin will work since this one did not.
]]>I recently installed the latest WordPress and had need of a random quotes widget. After messing around with several others, I tried yours. It suggests it’ll do everything I need it do (mainly, install a widget for selecting random quotes). I ran into a few issues with it though, and thought I’d let you know.
– I realize that the description for this plugin indicates its compatible with WP up to 3.0.5 and I’m running a newer version. However, I can’t imagine that the changes between 3.0.5 and 3.1.3 would (should?) affect your plugin this way. By all means, correct me on this. ??
– I’m running this on a development WAMP server with all error checking and reporting enabled. It’s quite possible (with the exception of the second admin issue) that the issues I encountered have no actual effect on WP operation.
– Please ignore the matter-of-factness of the following. It’s mostly just notes I made while trying to get your plugin working. I hugely appreciate the effort writing such a plugin requires; thank you!
– In all my notes, {wppath} is the full file-based path to this site.
Activation and use issues:
1) A soon as I activate the nice-quotes-rotator, I get the following message at the top of every page (admin and public):
Notice: Undefined index: mc_find_plugins in {wppath}/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/nice_quotes.php on line 15
I fixed this by changing line 15 in nice_quotes.php from:
if(isset($_GET["mc_find_plugins"]) && trim($_GET["mc_find_plugins"])){
Nice Quote Options (admin):
1) When attempting to use admin page, I get:
Notice: Undefined variable: my_string in {wppath}/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/admin_page.php on line 229
in 3 places.
I fixed this by changing line 229 in admin_page.php from:
return $my_string;
return "";
(Likely, omitting the “” would also work.)
2) When using the admin page, the pulldown for:
“This option defines which HTML tag is used to wrap the quote; this is especially useful if the theme has styling set up for specific tags”
populates with a series of error messages. The SELECT (id=’nq_tag’) generates the following OPTION tags:
OPTION value=’span’
OPTION value=’blockquote’
OPTION value=’p’
OPTION value=’div’
OPTION value=’pre’
OPTION value=’tt’
OPTION value=’code’
There are two error messages for each OPTION:
Notice: Undefined variable: labelStart in {wppath}/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/admin_page.php on line 219
Notice: Undefined variable: labelEnd in {wppath}/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/admin_page.php on line 219
I did not attempt to sort this one out, but it looks like this option is useless in its current state.
Thank you for your contribution to WP; I’m looking forward to resolutions to the issues I’ve encountered with your otherwise excellent WP plugin!
]]>This is a great little plug-in and I’m very happy to have it on my site, but …
I ONLY want it to show custom quotes. I have loaded 5 custom quotes (with hyperlinks) and I’ve marked “No additional quotes” at “What should be displayed in addition to the quotes entered above?” BUT in addition to the quotes I’ve put in, Nice Quotes also rotates my site’s footer text(!) and (it looks like) a blank entry.
Anything I can do to stop this?
]]>This plugin is easy to use and almost works as I want it to. There was the issue yesterday and today I found some more that needs a fix:
My settings
What should be displayed in addition to the quotes entered above?
– A random post excerpt
A couple of rows below:
“Excerpts from the following link-category may be added to the list of quotes depending on the option above,”
Excerpts from link-categories? I do not want the plugin to publish excerpts from a link category, it should publish excerpts from posts in a given category. The dropdown on the right list all categories on my blog and the dropdown above list my link-categories.
]]>Warning: Missing argument 1 for return_nice_quotes(), called in /…/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/nice_quotes.php on line 211 and defined in /…/wp-content/plugins/nice-quotes-rotator/nice_quotes.php on line 135.
No tweaks, just using the options page to include one phrase and Hello Dolly as well as a random excerpt from a given category.
]]>After updating to v 0.3 it puts a text
< class=’niceQuote ‘>
in front of the displayed quote.
]]>On the plugin’s page you can read:
Just use [nicequote] as a shortcode and a randomly chosen quote will be displayed on the page. The quote is randomly chosen each time the post or page is loaded.
This is wrong.
The right shortcode must read