Shot in the dark as I am not sure if this plugin is even supported anymore. Getting an error when somebody requests: invalid data returned!
Request is still going through but getting error. Might be compatibility issue but have not found error as of yet.
]]>It’s been more than 2 years since anyone posted anything here. I’m hoping that by some random chance someone is reading this and can help me with a couple of things.
]]>My hosting company 1 and 1 will be updating their PHP to 7.0 only after the new year, and I was just wondering are you guys going to be updating this plug-in so it can be used on PHP seven? I have tested it recently on seven and it does not work at all.
Thank you for your time and like always thank you for all your efforts and hard work.
I had a friend who uses this plug-in successfully help me set everything up. Neither of us, however, can figure out why the song list isn’t displaying on the website. I’m not sure what information you need in order to assist, so here’s what I can provide.
I’ve unlocked 3306, 1221, 80, and 8000 on the machine that’s running SAM/MySQL. SAM is version 4.9.0; MySQL is whatever is current. My WordPress version is current; the NGS SAM plug in is current. Music is in the “Tracks” area (as per what my friend said he did with his music). Still no idea.
The website is I set the request page as the static home page (originally, it was a Welcome! page). I’m stumped!
]]>Is it possible to specify a maximum in the top request page?
Now all requested numbers are displayed and would like to restrict this to maxium like 100 numbers
First of all I would like to thank you for the amazing plug-in. I installed it and the main functions works fine, but I have some issues. the first important one is the text encoding of the songs title and artist names, some of the metadata are written in Arabic not English. The English is shown fine but the Arabic is show strange characters (like:05. ?íáTé 5 Y??é ????á ??? T??í ááí???).
Another issue is the translation of the front end pages (Requests and Top Requests) they only view English text. I tried to translate the plug in using Loco Translate but none of the frond end strings are available for translation.
Also the album art is not shown although I created a directory called sam and give it 777 permission.
my website is:
request page:
hello, when i try to instal the plugin at first it worked till i put a shortcode in my page, then wordpress and the website got stuck and did not work more until i deleted the plugin, how can i use this plugin without crashes and problems i really need this plugin for my site.
thanks for the help
currently i have iframe (music player) + [samplaylist] in the same page.
my problem is when someone does a search in [samplaylist] page reloads loosing the music stream and reloads.
How can i put [samplaylist] inside a iframe this way it won’t load the entire page?
thanks in advance.
]]>1st of all i love this plugin it does exactly what i needed.
the only problem I have is that my Hosting provider 1and1 only alouds me to upload a limit amount of Files.
I have over 26,000 pictures to upload so that won’t work on my hosting provider.
now my work around would be to do it on my home web server with is perfect but how can i tell NGS sam album art “Directory’ to point to my home webserver instead can this be done?
]]>Everything on my end is setup properly and working (album art, song title, artist, live requests, etc.).
The problems I have encountered are:
– Unable to resize tables to 60% of width (eg. upcoming songs)
– Unable to get a default album art image to show when one is not available for a song (instead I have disabled album art)
Q1. How do I resize the widget as a percentage of the page, with a minimum width/ height?
Q2. How do I get a default album art image to display when one associated with an MP3 is not found?
Thank you for your support.
]]>The shortcodes used for the first populated pages are no longer it seems a part of your code. So the search and request features are broken.
I’ve made my own custom integrations with sam but not through wordpress so I’d be glad to edit it to the point it works again. Since at the very least the widgets work I have an understanding of how your code works.
]]>Have you mad a now playing page as of it? And if so what is the shortcode?
Happy to see a SAM plugin.
In addition to the widgets, will it run the live stream too? I have the required sql set up and run SAM Pro. Just want to be sure it will actually run the stream on my site through a player of some kind.
Thank you,
]]>So I have a question that I have not seen posted yet.. it may have.. but i don’t see it.
You can only install a plugin once. But I have two stations. Is there anyway that the current plugin can be changed enough so WordPress will see it as something new? Any help would be awesome!
Currently for the album art of the ‘TOP REQUEST’ to show it must be stored in
but my ‘NOW PLAYING’ album art is stored in
Instead of loading another folder full of album art can we change to the location that works best for us? if so, Where is that command line?
Thanks for the help,
Due to a mistake on my part, some of you may have upgraded to version 1.3.4. If this is the case, it will break your wordpress blog.
I’ve resolved the issue, and we are now on version 1.3.6.
If you did upgrade to 1.3.4 or 1.3.5 and your wordpress is not functioning, follow these steps to fix the issue:
1) FTP or SSH into your server, and delete the ngs-sam-integrator folder from your wordpress plugins folder..
2) Download the latest stable version 1.3.6 from —> HERE <—
3) Upload the new version to your server, and refresh your wordpress page. If all went well, you’ll now be using version 1.3.6, and you’ll find some new settings in the admin section.
]]>OK Snakeice64, i’ve added the features you wanted, this is a continuation of the edits i suggested in this thread
!!!!! WARNING !!!!!
These edits will NOT work unless you have completed the edit in the above mentioned thread!!
These edits add album art to the widgets (queued, recent, requested etc)
——————–=[ THE EDITS ]=——————–
To get album art on the widgets, do these edits:
FILE: functions.php
FIND: function build_upcoming_tracks_query
THEN FIND: $sanitized_sam_query = $samdb->prepare( "SELECT songlist.ID AS songid
AFTER: songlist.duration,
ADD: songlist.picture,
RESULT: songlist.artist, songlist.duration,songlist.picture, queuelist.requestID AS requestID
FIND: function build_recently_played_query
THEN FIND: $sanitized_sam_query = $samdb->prepare( "SELECT songlist.ID AS songid
AFTER: songlist.duration,
ADD: songlist.picture,
RESULT: songlist.artist, songlist.duration, songlist.picture, historylist.requestID AS requestID,
FIND:function prepare_widget_song( $song ) {
EDIT: under $title = '';
$album = '';
$album = $song->picture;
if ( empty( $album ) ) {
$album = 'NA.gif';
//End Album Art!
FILE: widgets.php
REPLACE:$output = $output.'<td>'.$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'];
REPLACE WITH:$output = $output.'<td><img src="/sam/'.$song_info['album'].'" height="30" width="30">'.$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'];
REPLACE:$output = $output.'<td>'.$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'].'</td>';
REPLACE WITH:$output = $output.'<td><img src="/sam/'.$song_info['album'].'" height="30" width="30">'.$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'].'</td>';
REPLACE:$output = $output.'<td>'.( 0 == $row_number ? '<strong>' : '').$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'];
REPLACE WITH:$output = $output.'<td>'.( 0 == $row_number ? '<strong>' : '').'<img src="/sam/'.$song_info['album'].'" height="30" width="30">'.$song_info['artist'].'<br />'.$song_info['title'];
I hope these edits work the way you wanted. You can customize the size of the album art in the widgets by changing teh 30 x 30 in each line of the widgets.php edits
Enjoy ??
]]>Is it possible to refresh / purge & recreate this page?
I managed to get everything working as the page has populated with my tracks, the only problem is since I imported all the music into SAM and started streaming I have been removing duplicate files and fixing ID3 tags, and all of the tracks i’ve removed from the playlist in SAM are appearing on the requests page.
SAM is only showing 6170 tracks available to stream but the requests page on my website says there are 6909 available.
I can’t see anywhere in SAM to save the data (other than save configuration) so i’m wondering if maybe I need to delete a page and let the plugin recreate it or maybe empty a table in my wordpress database.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin but the requests page retains the tracks i’ve removed from the system.
]]>Hello Steve,
Love the plugin – works like a charm. I have a quick question though – which WordPress Theme did you use to generate the screenshots you have used on I think the widgets look pretty nice in these but can’t figure out which theme you used.
Kind Regards
]]>For whatever reason, settings aren’t being updated in the database. The can’t seem to track down the issue…
Steps to reproduce:
1) Install the plugin, and activate it.
1a) Notice the plugin automatically set the default options in database table wp_options
2) go to settings page for NGS Sam Integrator
3) Add all the information to the first tab (sam host, database info etc)
4) Click ” Update Settings “
5) Get complaint that connection was successful, but user [BLANK] doesn’t have access to database “SAMBC”
6) Check database, see that NO settings were updated..
I tried manually setting the connection info in the database, but as soon as you load the plugin settings page, it writes them back to default settings..
There is something seriously incorrect there..
Not listing anything on the widgets but you can see that the info is getting to the webserver because the samHTMLweb is working.
Only thing I can think of that is causing an issue is I am using an router so the IP is the routed IP and not the Internet IP.
No errors or anything, just nothing showing up.
]]>Can the only be used on this website? I have a website that uses cPanel and was wondering if it will allow me to install it there…Thanks
I’ve got a problem with the NGS SAM Integrator pages not fitting into my theme.
Here is a screenshot:
Any advise where or how to fix this
]]>Hi Steve – Are you planning on adding album art anytime in the future?
I would absolutely love to use this plugin but with the absence of the artwork I just bring myself to switch over.
I know we all have busy schedules and full time jobs to pay the bills, but I was just wondering if you had a few minutes to chime in here and let us know what the plans are for this great plugin and when we might see a new version with album artwork, if ever?
]]>I know MySQL is more common to some but, have you a set of instructions for getting this to work on MSSQL SAM installations?
I can’t seem to get this plugin to work.
I get the following error:
public_html/wp-content/plugins/ngs-sam-integrator/php/toprequests.php on line 73
Would be great if you can assist
]]>I have downloaded the plugin, but we are using firebird instead of MySQL. Is there anyway we can integrate the plugin without re-installing Sam broadcaster?
]]>Hi Steve!
Say for instance, you need to reboot your SAM server and it goes offline for the reboot. Instead of displaying nothing on the web page, could you write something that allows you to define an “Offline Reason” so that when visitors come to your site they are able to see why they can’t hear any songs or see any songs listed? You could have a separate tab for this on the configuration screen.
Just a thought.
]]>I’ve followed the instructions and set everything up I believe to the T.
However whenever I enter the details in my WP site and submit it succeeds, but nothing happens. It seems that the website isn’t connecting to my server.
It could be potentially that the ports are blocked, in which case I’m SOL because I’m on a universities Internet, and can’t unblock ports.
P.S. – Fairly new to website creation etc. so I may be missing something obvious.
]]>Hi Steve, I want to follow up on one of my previous posts where I was asking if it would be possible to create a Number of Current (or Concurrent) Listeners widget? SAM knows how many people are listening – is it possible to pass this information on to a widget so we can display the number of people listening?
This would be an awesome addition, in my opinion!
Thanks for your consideration!