I am using the basic NextGen gallery plugin and have created a gallery with thumbnails. I would like the thumbnails to appear without a description and the pop outs (the image that pop’s out when you click on the thumbnail) to have a description.
Can I do this with NextGen or do I have to link each thumbnail or group of thumbnails to a separate post or page? Or do something else?
I’m not sure how to do this, would be great if you could help
Thank you ??
]]>Plugin does nothing in WP 4.0.
]]>Hello! Tell me how to replace the ID of Albums and Galleries on their name?
For example, “Album 23” or “Gallery 35” или is replaced by “Family photo”.
Wow. Mind blown. This makes this plugin so much more useful. Is it possible to Query albums?
]]>NextGEN Query’s options are available to all users. Obviously, I don’t want my site editors to be able to change the options to de-register header styles and scripts, so the following needs to be amended in nextgen-query.php at line 30:
if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
add_submenu_page('nextgen-gallery','NextGEN Query', 'Query', 8, __FILE__, ngq_menu);
Other than that – thanks for adding much-needed functionality to NextGEN Gallery (almost makes it a good plugin!!)