Hi there,
I was wondering if you are going to be doing an updated plugin for NextGEN Gallery Search??
Recently we started experiencing security and vulnerability issues with V2.12…
Im miss a navigation on the album detail pages. To let users choose another album I want to provide them with a navigation consisting of the album previews with redirects. Im fine with using the same preview block to publish on the detail pages.
Is there a way to solve this?
I have followed instructions and all installed okay.
When I open search and type in gallery. It finds it. The nI click on gallery and it takes me to it.
How do I now add the search field/function to the page with the gallery at the front end?
]]>I am getting this error message.
Security Warning
The information you have entered on this page will be sent over an insecure connection and could be read by a third party.
Are you sure you want to send this information?
I have it on a preview page.
]]>Hoi Koen,
Maar even in het Nederlands ??
Ik heb een site, https://www.smeakerwijzer.nl, met daarop heel wat afbeeldingen.
Zou dus graag een zoekfunctie voor de bezoekers willen waarin ze kunnen zoeken op tags/description/titel en dan een overzicht krijgen a la een Nextgen thumbnail pagina.
Heb jij inmiddels iets hierop gemaakt en zo niet weet je toevallig een goede oplossing (heb onderhoudsarme zoekfunctie nodig met meerdere zoektermen).
Dank alvast voor de moeite,
]]>ello guys, we have bought Next ger gallery and i have NextGen Download plugin. but there is one problem,
when you search for images you get all of different ones. but there is no download function in result page. how I can make it? or you would like to make an update plugin whith this function.
Example with download: https://plastgal.cptest11.dk/kitchenn/bowls-2/mixing-bowls/
and example without download in search: https://plastgal.cptest11.dk/gen-gallery-search/?tag=889
Would it be possible to have the plugin go to the respective Manage Gallery screen if the search results in one row?
]]>Handy dandy this backside search! Thanks! I would like one to for user-side! PS what alternative is there to prevGEN? ??
]]>Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery-search/nextgen-gallery-search.php on line 87