I tried to override some styles of
But without any effect. Do someone know a way to override the styles for the film strip template?
Thank You!
]]>When I activate ColorBox and I click on a NextGen gallery image, I just get the image on a single page, as in “No lightbox” setting. It does not work.
]]>Hello, first of all thank you for the plugin. It’s easy to install and customize, and I find the plugin very useful.
I am trying to solve one issue. I have a page with an overview of galleries, basically a list of singlepics that each link to a different page. However, the link tries to open in colorbox and doesn’t work.
Is there a way to disable colorbox when the singlepic shortcode links to a page?
Thank you for any help.
]]>How can I hide phrases such as “image 1 of 20” on the large image popup?
I’ve tried the following but it’s being over-written by the in-line styling.
div#cboxCurrent { display:none !important; }
First, thanks for the awesome plugin.
However, I do have a question. When viewing a image, there is this text that says image X of Y. Is it possible to customize that message (translate it another language?)
]]>I have searched and searched hoping someone had asked this before… Maybe it’s not an issue for most people.
What I’m experiencing is this, I want the “caption” under the image to be three separate lines.
Title of Work
All on separate lines like that, centered in black text. But when I put
codes in my description, the lightbox doesn’t expand to accommodate those three lines. Instead it pushes the text up over the image and you can’t read it.
If anyone has a solution or any input or advice, that would be wonderful.
]]>Hi I would like to add a faceook like link under the image next to the arrow in Colorbox? Thanks for that nice plugin!
]]>My client is using this plugin and loves it. He would like to add an link the image to his shopping cart. I’ve scanned the code but an not seeing where I can insert this.
]]>Love the effects, etc. But for some reason this is not working on a post page. If you check out the site virginiaspeedracecars.com and click on gallery, you’ll see it works nicely. If you click on “projects” you’ll see it simply is linked to the image.
thanks for the help!
]]>Anytime I use the Collapse-O-Matic shortcode, your plugin dies.
]]>Is there a way that NextGEN Gallery ColorBoxer files could be customised without the customisations being affected by updates? i.e. NextGEN Gallery ColorBoxer child theme.
]]>Love the plug-in! Works fantastically and the support is great.
I would like to know if this is possible.
Currently, your plug-in adds a class and rel to keep the galleries separated from each other in the colorbox view.
class="mycolorbox" rel="set_1"
Could you incorporate, as part of the shortcode, a way to override the rel tag so that 2 galleries would be separated on the page, but are viewed as one within the colorbox?
[nggallery id=1 template=caption rel=set_1]
[nggallery id=2 template=caption rel=set_1]
]]>This is not working for me. When I choose Lightbox effect from the Options menu, I have none effect in my gallery. Image opens static in a new window…
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to have Lightbox installed? That also wasn’t working…
]]>I’m not having success getting my gallery to display using Colorbox. When I click an image on the gallery page, I see the enlarged image, with no border or next-previous buttons (even though there are multiple images in the gallery).
Here’s my setup. I’ve installed NextGen gallery version 1.9.7 and NextGen Gallery Colorboxer 1.0 version on WordPress version 3.4.2. I’m using my own custom theme, which is pretty bare-bones. I’ve created a NextGen album template and gallery template in order to customize their appearance. On the live site, the user accesses the galleries through the albums. (e.g. In the back end, there is an album page with the short code [album id=2 template=spanidev gallery=spanidev], instead of gallery pages with the shortcode [nggallery id=2])
In the NextGen -> Options -> Effects page, I see that Colorboxer has created the following settings for me:
JavaScript Thumbnail Effect: Custom
Link Code line: class=”mycolorbox” rel=”%GALLERY_NAME%”
(Note: If I configure NextGen to use the Thickbox effect, I DO get the border and next/previous links with the enlarged images.)
I also tried creating a test page where I used the gallery shortcode [nggallery id=2] and didn’t reference my NextGen templates and got the same results.
Can you offer some advice on how to get this working? Thanks!
]]>I have included a NextGen Gallery Widget in the side bar. The ColorBoxer behaves normally on the pages that also have a NextGen Gallery in the page content but on the pages that do not have a NextGen gallery in the content the ColorBoxer does not work and pictures just open as a link.
Check this page https://lewismilitaryinsignia.com/?page_id=16 that has the a gallery in the content of the page and has “Recent Additions” side bar gallery that has ColorBoxer working properly.
Now check the “Contact page (https://lewismilitaryinsignia.com/?page_id=4) that does not have a gallery in the page content. Note that if you click on the “Recent Additions” gallery on the side bar not the picture just open as a link and not as ColorBoxer funtion.
Any idea what could be causing this and how to fix it.
]]>Hi, I’m wondering if there’s a way to have the images resizing automatically in order to fit into the screen, so that I don’t have to scroll down the page if I want to close the picture using the ‘X’. Now I know there’s this nice feature that allows me to close the image simply by clicking outside of it, but I fear it’s not as intuitive for other users. I guess the obvious solution would be resizing the images manually but I will probably have issues with different screen resolutions. Also, I want to point out that if I activate fancybox with optimizer the resizing does indeed happen automatically: of course, this way I lose the really cool colorbox effect… ??
Any advice, please? Thanks!
]]>Thank you! I needed to display my enlarged images with better arrows and close indicators than the native Gallery indicators. I first tried Nextgen Gallery Optimizer, but it broke my album display. Installed your plugin and it works beautifully out of the box. Thank you so much!
]]>I found a big problem here. I need to show the original image names on the main image when it opens in CB so clients can tell me what image they want.
Is there anyway to do this? This is a show stopper for me.
]]>Really nice. I tried the shutter built in and it’s ok, but allows the browser to dynamically resize the image.
The Optimizer plugin FancyBox is very good too.
But the ColorBoxer effects are the best. Great job and thank you very much. Excellent.