And what is the most recent version?
It looks like the fork from @joraff is V 1.3, but then why isn’t it posted here, @dwc?
Hello @dwc,
Thank you for your Network Username Restrictions Override plugin for WordPress.
We are using it and found it very useful to use emails as username.
We ran into some bugs due to changes in both PHP7 and WordPress, like others here, see last topics on the forum.
Users @joraff and @shankie were added as committers by you, but its been 8 months now and still no updates.
Is there a chance we could have a reason, or a way to finish the work you both have started? We could also contribute with the French translation.
There is a small incompatibility with php 7.
FILE: /var/www/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php
WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
Methods that have the same name as the class they are defined in are deprecated
class NetworkUsernameRestrictionsOverridePlugin {
function NetworkUsernameRestrictionsOverridePlugin() {
]]>Looks like the plugin broke for everyone, not just me… There is and updated fork:
However, it was quicker in my case to simply fix the plugin:
To overrides errors, the plugin needs to match the error messages in the ‘wpmu_validate_user_signup’ function. Unfortunately, the messages have changed. On line 66, simply update the error message to: ‘Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.’
if ($message == __('Only lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers are allowed.')) {
if ($message == __('Usernames can only contain lowercase letters (a-z) and numbers.')) {
This plugin is starting to smell a bit stale (with it generating warnings in PHP7 and whatnot), so I’d like to propose that we move it to community-maintained. To do that though, we’ll need access to the SVN repo.
@joraff has kindly forked this and put it on GitHub here (and has sorted out the PHP7) issue.
Are you happy to add joraff and I as contributors to the SVN repo so that we can try to keep it up to date?
]]>Network Username Restrictions Override work with WP 4.4.2?
]]>unfortunately, the plugin is no longer working and there seams to be no alternative around.
]]>I have forked this plugin and fixed a few issues that I was experiencing. Note: this fork changes some of the default values.
I have also contacted about becoming a contributor for this plugin since the author does not appear to be reachable anymore.
]]>See this thread: Allow Uppercase Usernames in WP Network Thank you, Tanner Moushey!
]]>PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; NetworkUsernameRestrictionsOverridePlugin has a deprecated
constructor in /home/warmpress/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 11
Just gotta go with __construct() and it’s fixed.
]]>Hi there,
Just also wanted to confirm that the plugin is no longer working since the latest upgrade to 4.4 with Multisite. Hope this can be updated quickly!
]]>Looks like this plugin no longer works – is this thread even being viewed by the author?
]]>I installed this plugin via the plugin control panel for my instance of WordPress and I don’t see the settings screen that you show in your screenshots in order to allow for email addresses to have _ in the email address
The Plugin seems to stop “working”. We are running a Woocommerce Store in a Mutlisite Setup and a customer told us that he wasn’t able to sign up with Uppercases. I tried to do so aswell and got the same error.
I am not sure if it is due to the WordPress Update or to a conflict with another Plugin. Does anybody else have Problems or any Idea for a solution?
Thanks a lot! ??
]]>The same request as:
WP single allows spaces in usernames – can you add this functionality to the plugins list of features too?
I looked at the code and documentation for the plugin and it looks like this plugin is only active at registration? What if someone registers with an email address as their username and then their email address changes? Would this plugin deal with changing the email address as the username too?
]]>I have installed this plugin but still reject the user name with Capital Letter
]]>There is a bug at line 107 in network-username-override-restrictions.php that prevents the plugins from working on a Buddypress install : the username length test shall be made against the ‘Username must be at least 4 characters’ string rather than the ‘Username must be at least 4 characters.’ (difference = final dot)
Daniel, could you integrate the patch on your version of the plugin, please? Thanks very much!
]]>I followed the set up instructions.
I can add new users under the network admin dashboard, but I cannot add any users under the main site’s admin dashboard nor any subsite’s admin dashboard.
I need a way for users to be added by an admin who is not a super admin, and thus unable to get to the network admin dashboard.
Is anyone else seeing this?
]]>Whenever I try to register an all-numeric username in WP after installing and configuring the plugin, I keep receiving an error message saying: “That username is currently reserved but may be available in a couple of days.”
However, I’ve checked the database multiple times, and I can’t find any record of the username ever being used. It seems te restrict me from registering any type of all-numeric usernames, even though the box is ticked in the settings.
]]>How exactly would someone modify the .htaccess file to get this plugin to work? FAQ #2 says You’ll have to update the regular expressions in your .htaccess file if you use email addresses or periods in site URLs.
Can someone put the code here for the .htaccess file needed to allow email addresses and periods.
]]>Hi! Thanks for making this plugin, it is exactly what I was looking for; however, I can’t get it setup. I got it installed and network activated, but then when I click the options I want and hit save I get a white screen with the following errors:
Notice: Undefined index: allow_numeric in …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 230
Notice: Undefined index: allow_hyphens in …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 230
Notice: Undefined index: allow_underscores in …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 230
Notice: Undefined index: allow_periods in …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 230
Notice: Undefined index: allow_uppercase in …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php on line 230
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …/wp-content/plugins/network-username-restrictions-override/network-username-restrictions-override.php:230) in …/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881
]]>WordPress usernames typically allow up to 1 space between words, and trim() the outside. It seems that this plugin doesn’t allow spaces. Can you change that?
No matter what I give, I keep getting following message when I try to add a user in WP network.
“Username must be at least 4 characters”
I have to disable this plugin.
]]>I so wanted this plugin to work. Alas. It appears that with the latest update to WordPress 3.3.2, not only does this plugin fail to override the username restrictions, but all attempted new usernames are rejected with the error message, “Username must be at least 4 characters.” This occurs whether attempting to add a new user at the Network Admin view or at a specific site view. If the plugin is deleted, normal (restrictive) add new user behavior returns.
]]>I installed the plugin in multi site network, I changed the option characters minimum of 4 to 5 and did not work, he continued to demand at least four characters for a new user to register.
Any correction or another plugin that changes the minimum of 4 characters to register multi site (with BuddyPress)?
Thank you.
]]>We had similar code on many of our sites, and the issue we had that very often WP core code is changed, they change the captions, and you hook on them.
This actually kill the whole registrations and the plugin needs to be revised _before_ every major WP upgrade.
Keep this in mind in the future.
Hope this helps.
]]>how does your plugi ncompare to this one which has been around for a while: ?
I think you offer additionally the option to use email address as username, but isn’t the username=blogname or am I mistaken here?
]]>Does this work with buddypress as well ?