This plugin is no longer maintained or available for download, but I still think it’s a useful plugin and a fairly small one that did its job well until the WordPress theme customizer broke in 2015.
The plugin throws the following exception:
[28-Dec-2018 18:54:20 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Illegal widget setting ID: nav_menu_item[559-navception1] in ./wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php:171
Stack trace:
#0 ./wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php(692): WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting->__construct(Object(WP_Customize_Manager), ‘nav_menu_item[5…’, Array)
#1 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WP_Customize_Nav_Menus->customize_register(Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
#2 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#3 ./wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 ./wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php(926): do_action(‘customize_regis…’, Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
#5 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WP_Customize_Manager->wp_loaded(”)
#6 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook-> in ./wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php on line 171
After digging through the code a bit, here’s what I found:
On June 16, 2015, WordPress introduced regex checking of menu item IDs. The regex is looking for ‘/^nav_menu_item\[(?P<id>-?\d+)\]$/’ which breaks Navception because Navception adds a ‘-navception’ suffix to the menu item IDs. WP is looking for an id like “nav_menu_item[123]”, but Navception’s IDs look like “nav_menu_item[123-navception1]” This causes WordPress to throw the Illegal widget setting ID exception in class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php.
Removing the “-navception” suffix appears to fix the problem. Add this to Line 106:
$args['navception_suffix_prefix'] = "";
Non-Navception menu IDs: nav_menu_item[123]
Navception menu IDs: nav_menu_item[123-navception1]
Updated Navception menu IDs: nav_menu_item[1231]
Note the trailing 1. This number will increment for every Naception menu you include on your site.
DISCLAIMER: I have not tested this fix in every scenario and it might not work in your situation. I’m not responsible for whatever may happen. I recommend NOT using an unsupported and unmaintained WP plugin, especially a broken one, but if you absolutely must, you can try this fix at your own risk!
]]>Hi! I read some closed topics about the Customizer broken with Navception.
This solution worked for me:
On lines 144 and 145 from navception.php change
$navception_item->ID .= $navception_suffix;
$navception_item->db_id .= $navception_suffix;
This seems to be the same issue as which is closed and I cannot reply to that topic, however I’ve managed to grab the errors being reported in my php log in hopes that this might help get the issue resolved.
Restating the issue for this fresh topic, when using this plugin the cuztomizer will not display the site preview. The page appears blank, but in actuality the server is giving a 500 error and the following is places in the php error logs.
[28-Dec-2018 18:54:20 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Illegal widget setting ID: nav_menu_item[559-navception1] in ./wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php:171
Stack trace:
#0 ./wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php(692): WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting->__construct(Object(WP_Customize_Manager), ‘nav_menu_item[5…’, Array)
#1 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WP_Customize_Nav_Menus->customize_register(Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
#2 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#3 ./wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#4 ./wp-includes/class-wp-customize-manager.php(926): do_action(‘customize_regis…’, Object(WP_Customize_Manager))
#5 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WP_Customize_Manager->wp_loaded(”)
#6 ./wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook-> in ./wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php on line 171
Any chance we could get an update or version bump? The plug-in seems to work fine on 4.9.7 but I don’t know everything to look for, or if there’s newer ways of doing things in the code to make it better.
Anyway the plug-in page here complains that the plug-in is old and untested on my version of WordPress, an security plugins like wordfence warn that the plug-in hasn’t been updated constantly.
It would be very much appreciated if the author could have a look!
]]>Hi, just found about this plugin reading a post here on the WordPress ideas forum.
This seems to be one of those essential plugins for all projects with considerable dimension.
What is your chance to add support for GlotPress translation?
Thank you.
]]>The site content in the Customizer doesn’t show up with this plugin active. I can’t figure it out. I have 8 sites, I use this on 3-4 sites.
I have 2 MultiSites – on the top, main site in both installs, with this active the Customizer only shows the customization menus. No site content.
Is been an issue for months, I just figured out it was a plugin today.
]]>I depend on this plugin for 8 websites on 2 MultiSite installs.
I forgot the name to find the plugin – I searched for “menu” in the plugin directory and it didn’t come up in the first 5 pages. I gave up.
You should have many many more users! I don’t think people can find it.
Great plugin!
Thank you for this plugin!
I’m having the same problem as another post – my mega menu doesn’t show. I have chosen Multi-column submenu in both the main menu and within the menu editing area and it’s still not working.
My plugin: Mega Main Menu :
My website:
I am using the ‘menu_class’ and ‘walker’ parameters on my wp_nav_menu and using your plugin to put a sub-menu inside my menu, but I need a different ‘menu_class’ to wrap around my sub-menu, I also need to use the ‘link_before’ parameter, how is this possible please?
]]>I have a main menu, I add other menus into that menu using your plugin. The menus that I add in have classes assigned to them in the WordPress admin section, however the classes do not display on the front end. Is there a fix for this?
I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but we have noticed a pretty big bug. We have a series of menus set up and our main menu has some of these embedded into the structure. However, since the new upgrade, the entire menu has gone to pot. When we add one of the menus into the structure, there are a number of links that disappear – all of the top items that have a navigation menu attached to it. When I remove the sub-menu, the problem goes away. All I can see this being is this plugin, as I have disabled all of the possible suspects and only see the issue with this. Have you got any tips on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi, this is a great plugin, works well with regular wordpress nav menu. However I installed this onto my Mega Menu and it does not dispplay correctly. Instead of the horizontal menu I get the regular dropdowns. Is there any solution to this? Let me know, and thanks for the plugin!
]]>I was trying to use this plugin, but also need to use custom nav walkers. When navception is installed, custom nav walkers do not get triggered.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin and added a few submenus to my main menu, but they only show up as single items, not as submenus. When I click on any of the items, it goes to a URL: https://www.[mysite].com/?taxonomy=nav_menu&term=%5Bname of menu I’m trying to embed].
Any idea why it may not be working?