Problem with Mypuzzle-jigsaw or mypuzzle-sliding. My Link above is a temp site so please go to the puzzles page. I deleted jigsaw now and only show mypuzzle-sliding.
I have cleared the cache every 30 minutes now, deleted both the jigsaw and slider at least 3 times, and after restarting, it is not pointing to a gallery at all. I am not even specifically pointing to an image at this time and going with a random image now. Still no gallery. Originally, I pointed to my own file path but since you were directing us to wp-content folder I have now changed to that and it is still not showing a gallery. Gallery button does not do anything.
Strangely, after deleting all paths from settings and just back to simple [sliding-mp] on the module it points to your sample images but still no gallery button working.
This is where I am pointing the slider to now; wp-content/plugins/mypuzzle-sliding/gallery. The setting on the module that contains the code is just stating a simple [sliding-mp]. I tried both adding the gallery on the module and without but it did nothing so back to simple.
Your sample pictures were put in a separate folder called ‘Sample’ but again, strangely, the puzzle is pulling up your images instead of what is in the folder! And I did clear the cache!
I suspect that it might be something aggravatingly simple, but I have been redoing this so many times now, I am at a loss as to what to try.
I hope it is still an open forum and that you still check it. I noticed that last entry was 3-5 years ago. Please help!
]]>I have a problem…when you click on the image gallery to choose another image…you can’t see the gallery as it is behind the puzzle can I fix this? and how can I access the images that come with this plugin?
]]>i am trying to have different pages with different puzzles with different images.
it seems like i can only put one url into the settings.
how might i go about accomplishing my goal?
]]>Dear Sirs,
Beautiful plugin!! when are you going to do the update to wordpress 3.6?
]]>I am new at all this and I am having difficulty using the myjigsaw puzzle, and the sliding puzzle on my ASUS android tablet. No image comes up. I have refreshed the page and it still doesn’t work. Is there something I am doing wrong?
]]>This version of the plugin broke another plugin functionality on my website.
Where do I get the previous version (1.2.1) from please
I love this plugin and don’t want to lose it.
]]>Great plugin so many thanks but a couple of points.
1) Is there any way to diable or hide the gallery and restart buttons.
2) And related to above – the buttons are in the jigsaw area. Is it possible {if they not hidden] to have them outside of the play area.
3) How can set it so the play area is bigger than the jigsaw picture size so as to give room to move pieces around.
]]>I’m seeing a turquoise blank canvas when the puzzle is first shown. If I browse the Gallery and pick an image, then it works.
I’m also seeing 404 errors in my log for attempts to access the names of the images in the wrong directory. The files are trying to be read from the current upload directory (which contains the current month and year), but they actually are in a gallery directory.
That image is actually in the directory
Maybe that is an attempt to read a cached image, but there are dozens of failures so caching (if any) is not working. I see no error messages being given in the puzzle area.
I’m also seeing many attempts to access the default images, probably due to the other failure.
More oddly, a URL without the double-slash after http, and looking in my local puzzle gallery for a default image instead of the images which actually are in that directory:
(actual URL edited to
The Gallery shows a subdirectory, but clicking on the subdirectory shows an empty puzzle. Thus, subdirectories are not supported, so they should not be shown.
Not showing a subdirectory would work fine for NEXTGEN Gallery, because it creates a directory called “thumbs” for the thumbnails. Hiding the subdirectories is helpful in this case.
If browsing directories is supported, an option to disable that should be added. Notice that would have security problems, as you’ll have to ensure that people can’t wander into unwanted directories.
]]>The options screen does not seem to work properly. Most obviously, the Preview option is not always stored. Not sure if Directory was stored, nor whether it requires or removes a trailing slash.
When I gave all the options, it works. (resize is not documented)
[jigsaw-mp gallery=’/wp-content/gallery/local-puzzles’ size=460 pieces=4 rotation=0 preview=1 bgcolor=’#ffffff’ resize=1]
(The path is because I’m using a NEXTGEN Gallery to store the images)
However, it starts with a turquoise background and no puzzle. You have to view the gallery and choose an image before the puzzle is visible. This behavior is not mentioned in the documentation, so don’t know if that is the expected behavior.
The canvas is the specified size, but the image was resized to be smaller. Documentation does not say what size the images should be if the resize option is not configured.
Also, I don’t remember the description mentioning that the puzzle uses Flash technology.
]]> green, I am not understanding how to get image into the puzzle…