MyMail – 2.0.31
WP 4.4
MyMail reCaptcha 0.6
Locale: ru_RU
When trying to submit subscription form, with succeful reCaptha, i have error message. Deactivating reCaptcha plugin solves problem.
Resetting ALL settings to default and re-creating all forms solves problem.
!!! Why old forums not working after adding plugin reCaptcha? Thanks God, I have only few forms…
Would you be able to make a plugin like this which enables myMail to take advantage of Wangguard.
There is a seperate plugin for Wangguard that allows Mailpeot to work with it and it does a brilliant job. It would be great if the same was true for myMail as Wangguard is great for stopping spam signups.
Thank you.