Hi, I’ve installed the My Post Order and have created a list. But now how i it being displayed on my homepage i ?
Also, can i create multiple blog pages ? each with its own list ?
Pls help.
what does query_posts(‘section_name=xxx’) return if the section xxx doesn’t exists. I ha ve trouble with it
]]>Hello, didn’t see a topic on this so here it goes.
I’ve installed the plug in and it appears to be functioning properly, great plug in btw.
All I’m trying to do is sort a category in ascending date order. It appears the only option is to manually drag the posts in the order I want. Is there a simple function that will just reverse the original order? Since the default category order is most recent post first, I would like to reverse this order so the reader can start at the beginning.
This seems like a basic function so I apologize if I’m not seeing it.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for the plugin. It works great.
My problem is that I have set up this website for my daughter and she thinks the blogroll on the right looks clumsy and “bloggish”. (It’s in Hebrew but you can get the idea).
Is there a way of making the post titles closer together and the font smaller?
Thank you.
Thanks for your incredible plugin.
I’m using this plugin for a music-chart within 30 posts.
How can I output the numberical order of posts (in array of section) on my theme like song ranking.
Please help me ??
]]>My client’s site uses HostGator, and it returns ‘Restricted Access’ when MPO is active.
Hostgator blocks any access to files with the name ‘defines.php’, so I have to rename it to ‘includes/my-defines.php’ and modify its declaration in my-posts-order.php
Hope this will help.
]]>How to order programmed posts?
]]>I can’t get the plugin to return only “section content” i’ve selected. I’ve tried wp_query, query_posts, get_posts and everything always returns the most recent posts. Any ideas why it returns new posts instead of section specific content?
]]>Can the RSS feed from our WP posts be in the same order of the the re-order in a RSS-to-email campaign in Campaign Monitor? Currently the posts are reverting back to their normal date order when being fed as RSS.
first of all, great Plugin, Must-Have from my opinion (Using twenty-Eleven Theme)
But now I don’t know where to put the widget to make my posts visible? I was thinking general sidebar but it didn’t show up. Then I put it in the footer and that worked.
Can anyone help?
Regards from Germany
First the plugin is just what we need for our new website as other plugins don’t quite work.
How would I get the odering to happen where do I need to add the section name parameters bit?
This is my code
$the_query = get_posts( array(‘category’ => 2006 , ‘numberposts’ => 10 ));
foreach( $the_query as $post ) : setup_postdata($post);
$link = ‘%s‘;
<div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” class=”milhouse_single_col”>
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
<h1><?php printf($link,get_the_title()); ?></h1>
<p><?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages( array( ‘before’ => ‘<div class=”page-link”>’ . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘twentyten’ ), ‘after’ => ‘</div>’ ) ); ?>
if ($classPosition==”right”) echo “</div>”;
if ($classPosition==”left”) echo “</div>”;
Any help much appreciated THanks
I’m using Weaver ll theme – free version and cannot get this to work.
In the My Post Order plugin Options section, I have added posts down below and dragged and dropped in the order I want and then Updated. It appeared successful. I just started this site and only have 8 posts – One of which is “sticky”.
What else do I need to do?
]]>I can not get this to work with the headway theme. Can I get some paid support?
]]>Hello, Kapil!
Great plug-in; but, why do you limit the number of visible rows to 5? What if you have a hundred (in this case restaurant) menu items that you want to sort? It would be so much more convenient to be able to see most–if not all–of the rows without having to scroll up and down; it is almost impossible to do this when one has 50 or more entries.
Please advise and thank you!
Doug Arnold
Doesn’t seem to reorder ‘Events’ on homepage.
Maybe I have given the wrong ‘Section Name’ – How do I know what the sectionname should be? I am trying to apply it to some post known as Events. They are not standard blog posts.
I have a Page with several posts on it that I want to order.
This is the start of the loop.
<?php while(have_posts()) : the_post();
$myposts = get_posts('category_name="produk" &order=ASC');
foreach($myposts as $post) :
I’ve tried with the query_posts(‘section_name=productsorder’) at the top, but I couldn’t get it to work
]]>So, i’m using the theme Magnificat (i can provide you with the files if so you desire), and i’m not sure on how to display the ordered posts by the blog page (without using widgets), which file does the query_post is called?
I use the plugin in my wordpress but not in a widget.
I’ve created a section “nosservices” wich contains all posts of the category “Nos services” (identity : nosservices).
The widget works but not my code :
<?php $recent = new WP_Query('section_name=nosservices'); while($recent->have_posts()) : $recent->the_post();?>
<a href="javascript:;">
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Can I have some help please?
Thanks by advance
need to reorder posts and used this plugin but it did not work.
The code of the file I’m working on is the following:
This file is a module that is rendered in the loop of the homepage.
does anyone know how the public section reordered to display the posts?
For some reason I can not get this to work on my site. Here’s my code below, can someone tell me if I’m doing something incorrectly? I don’t have any other post/page ordering plugins installed.
Thanks in Advance!
$wpquery = new WP_Query( array(
'section_name' => 'staff_reorder',
'category_name' => 'staff'
<?php if ($wpquery->have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while ($wpquery->have_posts()) : $wpquery->the_post(); ?>
<div class="staff-member">
<div class="staff-photo">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img src="<?php echo get_field('staff_portrait'); ?>" /></a>
<div class="staff-name"><?php echo get_field('staff_name'); ?></div>
<div class="staff-title"><?php echo get_field('staff_title'); ?></div>
</div> <!-- close staff member -->
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Hi again !
I found a bug that when you switch between post type (articles, pages…), your selected posts are not shown anymore. Here is a quick fix :
All changes are done in static/js/my_posts_order.js
After line 105, add this :
var post_ids = jQuery("input[name=post_ids]").val();
Change line 109 to this :
type: "post",url:"admin-ajax.php", data: { action: 'drag_drop_criteria', post_type: post_type, post_ids: post_ids },
It adds the ids of your selected posts to the query which handle the switch between post type, so it will show your actual selected posts instead of “No selections made”.
I would be glad to help you to update this plugin if you want to !
This is the website I’m working on:
I need the posts to be in a certain order on the display tiles on the right side. So I used the My Post Order plugin and it seemingly changed the order on the Recent Posts on the sidebar but it didn’t change the order on the tiles.
Any ideas?
]]>Hello !
There is an issue when trying to use get_posts, it retrieves the last post instead of the specified section, query_posts works well with the same parameters, didn’t try the wp_query.
This is the code i am using (i just swap get_posts with query_posts and it works fine):
<?php $args = array('section_name' => 'home');
$query = get_posts($args);
var_dump($query); ?>
I will try to dig a bit further in the plugin code to find out why this is not working.
]]>Any chance to interact with other plugins? Such as for example, lets say you want to display the first 5 post based on date it was published, the next 5 you select based on popularity (number of hits in a given time period) and then you perhaps want to show the next 5 posts based on another criteria – facebook likes, no of comments etc.
Can this be done?? ??
When i’m viewing a single post the previous_post_link(‘%link’); and next.. goes the original order not the order of the sections i’ve created.
I know that this is the way things work.. but is there a solution for this that the prev and next links show the order that i created whith your plugin?
]]>Why can’t i display 15 post instead of 10 which is set from wordpress admin.
There is a page where i want to display 15 posts and posts_per_page is not working with your plugin.
<?php query_posts(“§ion_name=ebookstore&paged=$paged&posts_per_page=15”); ?>
]]>Hello, firstly thanks for the awesome plugin, makes it way easier to sort post.
I have no specific issues with the plugin, just a suggestion about it : I am working on a wordpress with more than 30k posts and it’s sometimes hard to find the right post when using the search.
I tweaked the plugin to do that and just added ‘nopaging’=> true (l.57 in functions.php). So when it does the search query, it will return the whole results, not only the 10 first, it’s heavier but at least you will find your wanted post. Maybe an option like a radio button to switch between no paging and 10 first results might be a wise choice or maybe create a define to change the limit of the result count.
Thanks !
I have a question: is it possible to have a sorted list on a page?
What I mean: I have a webpage, where I want to evaluate let’s say movies. I will give each of them different rating (1 post = 1 movie). What I want to do is to create a page called e.g. TOP5, where links to the top five posts will be displayed. And I want to automatize that the best I can.
I can sort the top five manually using the plugin, but then the list only appears on the sidebar, when I turn the widget on. Basically I need to move that list to a page – is that possible?
Greetings, I am having troubles getting posts to sort using the WP_Query object. It works fine using query_posts(‘section_name=campaigns’);.
I have tried:
$post_query = new WP_Query('section_name=test');
$post_query = new WP_Query(array('section_name'=>'test');
The site is not open to the web so I can’t link for you. Thanks for your help and your work.
]]>For some reason the plugin does not affect the reordering on the homepage.
I made 2 sections to test and used the names before the loop in the query_posts function but nothing happens.
if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
Is there a way I can test why it isn’t working?
Thanks in advance!