I have just activated MWuse. The files have loaded in the MWuse interface, and can be opened in ‘All Pages’. However, the pages are blank when loaded in a browser. In code/text view in WP they are also completely empty. I am baffled as to where the content has gone. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I uploaded my .zip file in the plugin of my wordpress′s account. But then, I couldn′t enter to the Dashboard.The dashboard is bloqued. Its ok if I erase all the plugin.
My dashboard page only shows the name of my file and a possible mistake of mine:
It shows: vas/cómputo.html
My .zip file was called “vas.zip”
Maybe the accent did the mistake, and I have more accents in the files inside that .zip.
P L E A S E – H E L P – M E
BECAUSE I have to work in this page more time. =)
T H A N K S !