When activates buddyboss platform with buddyboss theme messaging stops working. It’s a shame, this is a great plugin
Please can you add support for the buddypress follow plugin, i.e mutual follows
]]>Hello, the plugin properly shows the # of mutual friends of a user but when clicking on the link, the popup says that no mutual friends where found. Can you help me out with that?
]]>Hi! ??
First of all thanks for this neat plugin! ??
Any plans to update it to current WP version so it is 100 compatible with WordPress etc.?
The software is getting pretty old now as it was last updated over 4 months ago…
Thank you!
]]>Can you hide “Mutual Friends” tab for logged-out users from user profile?
]]>Why i can’t reorder of “Mutual Buddies” tab with using “BuddyPress Reorder Tabs” plugin?
Can you integrate with that plugin?
]]>Well pretty much as the topic says, and is there a update planned for this plugin?
it seems like a very nice plugin!
]]>Thanks for good plugin, but mutual friends dialog window look a little ugly:
https://yadi.sk/i/aHXLQuy-tZYuh (screenshot)
Can you update design of that window and give more space for content?
That is schreenshot of members list: https://yadi.sk/i/-qsobZsDtZZEy
WordPress 4.5.3
BuddyPress Follow 1.2.2
Boss Theme 2.2.1
Here is russian translations for this plugin (*.po and *.mo files in zip-archive):
Can you integrate them by default?
this plugin was working well when I tested it some months ago, but now it doesn’t work well with my installation. It shows the number of mutual friends but cannot retrieve their names.
WP 4.5
BP 2.5.2
Tested with the themes Firmasite, Make, Evolve, Cbow, Social Magazine, Custom Community.
Here is a screenshot of a profile page
What could it be in your opinion?
Not sure if anyone else is having this problem but when I click on Mutual Friend The pop-up is completely white after it loads.
Using Theme KLEO
I have installed and activated your plugin into the my site.
But I get below error on my error log on each and every page visit on front end as well as the Back end site.
PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for bmf_total_mutual_friend_count() in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/mutual-buddies/includes/bp-mutual-friends-functions.php on line 105
Can you please look into this ASAP?
Thanks in advance.
When clicking the Mutual Friends link on the Members page, The popup is displayed using the members-loop.php. However I have things that show using bp_directory_members_actions that I don’t want to show on the popup.
I duplicated the members-loop.php file and commented out the actions I don’t want to show in the popup. I named it mutual-loop.php and placed it in the buddypress/members directory. In the plugin folder I changed mutual-friends-loop.php to reflect the members/mutual-loop
It doesn’t work. Even when I delete the mutual-friennds-loop.php the popup still calls the members-loop.php.
I am using a child theme with a buddypress folder to handle edits. Can you please guide me in having the popup not display these action items?
Thank you.
I’ve just created a language-File for German de_DE. How do I hav to name it and where to put it?
Thx – great work!!!
Thank you for the very nice looking plugin! I know that it is new so you haven’t had a chance to work out all of the bugs, but upon setting it up there are a few things I need assistance with.
First is that I need to move the “# Mutual Friends” link in the members loop from under the latest activity to under some custom profile data I am displaying per member. It appears that you have tied the mutual friends link to the latest activity link so I’m not sure I can easily re-position it.
If the mutual friends link cannot be easily moved then is there a function or shortcode which will output the link so I can hide the first appearance (under activity) and echo the link in a later spot? Echoing “bp_mutual_friend_total_count” doesn’t appear to work.
Secondly I think having the option to include the Mutual Friends Tab as a child tab underneath the “Friends” Tab in the user profile page would be very helpful. This way Mutual Friends doesn’t take up menu space with its own tab. If this cannot be easily accomplished then perhaps the ability to move and position the tab where it makes since? Currently it is 2 tabs away from my the main “Friends” Tab on my site.