Really great plugin, and the only problem is that it will cause 502 errors and invalid user ID if the role asssigned to user does not exist in other blog. but it seems support the role of wordpress original roles, like subscriber,contributor editor…
1# if the role was customed in a blog site which does not exist in other sub sites, 502 errors and invalid user iD will occur, right?
IF yes, It would be much great if it support auto Sync Roles across multisites if a specific custom role does not exist in a sub site. is it possible?
2# I actually use the plugin of Multisite User Management, so that I can limit no role on some subsite for security reason and keep minimum user database on that subsite, but this plugin will still auto sync the user account with “UPDATE ROLE” on all of sub site, that mean it will override the limit of Multisite User Management, it would be great if it match “Multisite User Management” setting and does not override that limit.
Any comment would be great thanks!
]]>Any chance this plugin could be syncing profile images??
I’m noticing it’s leaving them behind.
I installed the plugin into my multisite configuration and set it up at Network’s level Settings > Multisite User Role Sync
1) Could someone explain me what is the difference between “Sync Role” and “Default Role”?
2) How-to launch the synchronisation? Indeed I set it up at Network’s level Settings > Multisite User Role Sync but when going to my sub site, nothing changed.